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harmony in Shakespeare
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2018年 第2期8卷 190-199页
作者:LUO Chun-xiaSouthwest University Chongqing Changsha University of Science and Technology Changsha China 
Shakespeare is always new with the era. harmony is the classical core of humanism in *** is the traditional authoritative philosophy in the West before 17th century, and is also well expressed in Shakespeare This pape...
An East-West Encounter in Underground Man: harmony in Gabriel Tarde and in Chinese Philosophy
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2015年 第5期5卷 368-384页
作者:Gürhan KlrilenAnkara University Ankara Turkey 
French philosopher Gabriel Tarde is known as a philosopher who describes sociology ontologically with an integrated approach and mostly by means of metaphysical interpretations. Opposing his coeval Durkheim's “socia...
Research on the harmony between Route Design of and Landscapes along Highway
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2010年 第11期2卷 15-19,23页
作者:汤振兴 朱晓娟郑州航空工业管理学院河南郑州450015 
Through analyzing landscape environment which is the principal factor to be considered in the route design of highway,principles to be followed by the highway route design are proposed,and approaches of maintaining th...
Design of Sharp 2D Multiplier-Less Circularly Symmetric FIR Filter Using harmony Search Algorithm and Frequency Transformation
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《Journal of Signal and Information Processing》2012年 第3期3卷 344-351页
作者:Manju Manuel Elizabeth EliasNational Institute of Technology 
In this paper, we present a novel and efficient method for the design of a sharp, two dimensional (2D) wideband, circularly symmetric, FIR filter. First of all, a sharp one dimensional (1D) infinite precision FIR filt...
基于harmony SE的装甲车辆信息系统分层模型设计方法
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《制造业自动化》2018年 第1期40卷 130-135页
作者:李璞 李春明 范知友 李硕 张金洋中国北方车辆研究所北京100072 北京航空航天大学可靠性与系统工程学院北京100191 
新一代装甲车辆信息系统复杂导致设计难度提升,运用harmony SE系统工程方法可有效指导设计。结合装甲车辆信息系统特性,对harmony SE系统工程方法论进行适应性修改,提出了基于harmony SE的装甲车辆信息系统分层模型设计方法。该种方法...
基于harmony SE方法的嵌入式软件设计综合过程研究
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《信息通信》2019年 第4期32卷 93-94页
作者:谭琪璘 王旭昊中国航空工业集团公司西安航空计算技术研究所陕西西安710065 
文章运用harmony SE方法,面向嵌入式软件结构领域特点,分析并研究了嵌入式软件架构分析与设计方法。重点介绍了系统关键功能定义与架构加权评价活动的架构分析应用,及领域驱动的"业务相关"与"业务无关"型软件的设...
Pre-Qin Rhetoric and Its“Chinese”Characteristics
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2018年 第12期8卷 1753-1761页
作者:WEI Yong-KangUniversity of Texas(RGV)BrownsvilleTexasUSA 
The article explores some of the important features of pre-Qin Chinese rhetoric and challenges it poses to traditional Western rhetoric,with the former being seen as harmonic or self-effacing for its purpose and parad...
Comparative Study on Differences of America-China Eco-Literature Viewpoints From the Perspective of Academic Compatibility
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2012年 第8期2卷 769-778页
作者:WANG Xiao-lingAnhui University Anhui China 
Facing the broad "eco-literature" subjects, this paper, first of all, taking eco-literature viewpoint and the theoretical connotation of eco-criticism viewpoint itself as the starting point, conducts a contrast stud...
Analysis on the Characteristics of Singing Liao Songs with Male Voice in Pingguo of Guangxi
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《International Journal of Technology Management》2013年 第5期 32-34页
作者:Yu'na DANGConservatory of Music Guangxi Normal University Guilin Guangxi 541004 China 
Liao songs are the cultural and artistic products brewed by the people of Zhuang ethnic minority for thousand years. In this paper, the style and characteristics of singing Zhuang ethnic minority's Liao songs with m...
Research on Aesthetic Implication of Seaweed Residence in Jiaodong
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2010年 第11期2卷 77-79页
Starting from the analysis on aesthetic implication of seaweed residence in Jiaodong,field study was *** existing residence as the case study,the pervasive and simple ecological value,practical significance and sustai...
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