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Reconstructing Qatari heritage: Simulacra and Simulation
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2017年 第6期7卷 679-693页
作者:Mariam Ibrahim Al-mullaQatar University Doha Qatar 
Qatar today focuses so much on reconstructing its cultural heritage. It is clear that the reconstruction of Qatariheritage has stemmed from a nostalgic mood. Thus, the government subsumed that heritage into certainint...
Music heritage of Uzbekistan: Preservation of the National Traditions and Their Development
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2018年 第1期8卷 50-52页
作者:Saibjon BegmatovState Conservatory of Uzbekistan Tashkent Uzbekistan 
The article touches on Uzbekistan musical heritage, its rich traditions and ancient history. Archeological excavations, written sources, musical instruments and oral traditions are reflected in musical samples passed ...
Visual Communication Design of Intangible Cultural heritage Based on Internet+
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2019年 第5期9卷 532-536页
作者:HUANG Wei-bo ZENG Rou-mei XIANG Han-dun LI Xiao-dan LIANG Wen-xin LAI Ge-lingGuangdong University of Foreign StudiesGuangzhouChina 
Wuchuan Piaose Art is a traditional folk cultural activity of the Han nationality in Wuchuan City,Guangdong *** is a comprehensive plastic art integrating drama,music,art,magic,acrobatics,and *** and recording the int...
A Theoretical Model of Cultural heritage Tourism from the Perspective of Community Participation
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2012年 第3期4卷 62-65,68页
作者:邢慧斌 王蕾 Azizan Marzuki河北大学管理学院河北保定071002 马来西亚理科大学房屋建筑与规划学院马来西亚槟城11800 河北大学艺术学院河北保定071002 
Concept of community participation was introduced,and Penang taken for example to study the community participation in cultural heritage *** the basis of the literature review and the statistic data,a theoretical comm...
Protecting cultural heritage as an ambassador for peace
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《长江文化论丛》2017年 第1期 22-22,4页
作者:彼得·斯通联合国教科文组织文化遗产保护及和平委员会 英国纽卡斯尔大学文化艺术学院 
In the 21st Century heritage frequently appears to be regarded by governments primarily as a means of economic regeneration and as a mainstay of the national tourism industry. Its broader values and potential uses are...
Cultural Regeneration of Post-industrial Negative heritage in Urban Design in China
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2012年 第4期4卷 19-21页
作者:廖莹 沈一四川大学建筑与环境学院四川成都610065 
Under the background that urban development has been renovated constantly, the paper has analyzed cultural circulation system and recycling effect in urban renovation, and emphasized that traditional culture should be...
Protection of Historic and Cultural heritage in the Urban Renewal of Xi'an City,China
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2011年 第11期3卷 7-10页
作者:张楠 张红娟西安理工大学土木建筑工程学院陕西西安710048 河北省城乡规划设计研究院河北石家庄050021 
Concept of urban renewal was elaborated,which for the protection of historic and cultural heritage not only provides a favorable opportunity of integrating neighboring environment and improving protection conditions,b...
Planning and Countermeasures for the Safeguarding of World heritage in Mount Longhu,Jiangxi Province of China
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2012年 第1期4卷 61-63,66页
作者:陈宇 严力蛟 蒋海燕 吴霜浙江大学农业与生物技术学院浙江杭州310029 江西农业大学农学院江西南昌330045 南昌市园林规划设计研究院江西南昌330046 
Aesthetic value,scientific research value and ecological protection value of world heritage in Mount Longhu,Jiangxi Province was *** the urgency of protecting Danxia landform was clarified from the perspective of infl...
文化遗产元数据标准MIDAS heritage及其对我国非遗元数据建设的启示
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《图书馆论坛》2018年 第12期38卷 23-29页
作者:肖鹏 傅钰 苏日娜中山大学资讯管理学院 中山大学国家文化遗产与文化发展研究院 广州文化遗产与文化发展研究基地 
MIDAS heritage是来自英国文化遗产领域的元数据标准,主要用于物质文化遗产领域。它最早诞生于英格兰历史文化遗迹的保护实践之中,与英国政府的保护体制变革密切结合,对于身处"后申遗"时代转型之中的中国非遗元数据建设工作...
1881 heritage:香港近代史的活化石
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《走向世界》2016年 第30期 94-97页
从香港天星码头往东走约5分钟的路程,在广东道与梳士巴利道交界口的东北角,茂盛树荫下掩映着一个别致的建筑群:1881 heritage。而她以前叫水警总部。这是一组结合了维多利亚殖民地式设计与新古典主义的建筑群,包含了五个部分的建筑物...
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