范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:A capacity building program on drip irrigation (TNDRIP) was undertaken in certain regions of the Indian State of Tamil Nadu during 2009-2010. An assessment of the impact of the program in terms of effective use of drip irrigation and increased crop yields was made in 2011 by applying double difference method (a combination of both with and without and before and after approaches). The results had indicated that the drip capacity building program resulted in a yield increase of 2.5 t/ha for Banana 1, 1.9 t/ha for Banana 2, 3.3 t/ha for sugarcane and 0.3 t/ha for turmeric. The conventional method using the before and after situations had shown a yield increase of 4.3 t/ha for Banana 1, 12.1 t/ha for Banana 2, 40.6 t/ha for sugarcane and 2.6 t/ha for turmeric. The conventional approach is highly upward biased in estimating the impact of the drip capacity building program and thus the double difference method will be an appropriate method to evaluate the impact of the programs that involve both with and without as well as before and after situations.
摘要:By defining the concept of vernacular cultures,3 basic elements of vernacular cultures were refined according to different demonstration forms,specifically,vernacular materials and things,vernacular cultural context and vernacular *** Normal University,Wuhan University and Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts were taken respectively as landscape design representatives of campus in east,central and west China to elaborate application of vernacular cultures in campus landscape ***,development trend of education role of campus landscapes was discussed from the perspectives of"modeling after the nature,building according to users'needs","seeking differences on the basis of maintaining similarities,recording the history and prospecting the future","green and low-carbon,dynamic and sustainable",so as to ensure campus landscapes to develop their educational effects subtly.
摘要:为研究冬季降雪对海绵城市LID(low impact development)设施的影响,以乌鲁木齐市某城市主干道为例,借助SWMM模拟软件建立海绵化改造模型,讨论模型各重要参数的取值方式,进行降雪及融雪模拟,分析降雪在不同模拟环境下对道路海绵化改造的影响。结果显示:在冬季降雪期,蒸发速率对模型的影响较大,在没有当地准确的蒸发速率资料时,推荐使用基于Hargreaves方程的公式法进行模拟分析。利用SWMM模拟冬季融雪期径流过程,各汇水区域的积雪处理方式对模拟结果影响很大,应合理分析并结合当地实际情况进行设定。模拟结果表明:若乌鲁木齐市冬季降雪全部堆积在道路两旁生物滞留设施上,可利用融雪量达10.6万m 3,能够减轻乌市的水资源压力。研究成果对积雪量较大而水资源短缺地区海绵城市的建设具有工程上的参考价值。
摘要:市场环境 在汽车营销渠道已经由传统延伸到互联网等多个层面之后,2010年北京车展,新浪又新增了微博等工具,借助impact营销理念的指导,在精准圈定目标受众的同时,增强了广告主与消费者之间的互动营销体验。
摘要:诺丁汉大学《impact》私校生一统职场据英国教育慈善机构萨顿信托基金会(Sutton Trust)研究,私立中学学生人数只占英国中学生总数的7%,但是他们上了大学毕业后却统领着英国的好职业,包括政治、医疗和影视娱乐。英国现任内阁成员中,半数以上有私立学校背景,如毕业于伊顿公学的英国首相戴维?卡梅伦;在医学界,61%的高职位人士有如此背景;在英国电影和电视艺术学院奖获奖演员中,这一比例是41%。
摘要:不同版本的教材,在其栏目设计类型上各有特色.但力求创新和设计更为合理的栏目类型,增添富含数学特色的栏目,是有助于数学教学的[1].我国现行的初中数学教材中,人教版中设置的栏目有“思考”“探究”“练习”等多种类型,北师大版中设置的栏目有“想一想”“议一议”“随堂练习”等,在栏目类型上丰富多样.国外数学教材也不例外,不同版本中都有富含特色的栏目,如美国的impact Mathematics教材中,设有“思考与讨论”“发展与理解”“分享与总结”等特色栏目咱[2].不管是国内还是国外,数学教材栏目的多样化设计,在教学中一般都承载着不同的设计意图和功能.为此,对不同国家数学教材的栏目进行比较研究,明晰其栏目类型的独特作用,从而提高和优化我国数学教材中栏目设计的类型,是一项有意义的工作.
摘要:在建筑方面。设计师创造了一个让每个人都印象深刻的精美作品;与此同时,他们也实现了一个真正实用、有效、方便旅客流线组织的机场。In architectural terms they designed a wonderful building that makes an impact on everybody and created a truly functional and efficient airport that facilitates the flow of passengers through the building.概述SUMMARY巴拉哈斯机场是事务所迄今为止做过的最大的项目——总面积超过100万平方米,,预算大约10亿欧元。
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