
234 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
landscape Architecture and Sculpture Made A New Structure of A New Era
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《Journal of landscape Research》2009年 第6期1卷 72-76页
作者:唐艳 王健庭四川美术学院重庆400053 中国农业大学艺术景观研究室北京100094 
landscape design and sculpture art have gradually integrated into each other, as sculptures are no longer limited in art galleries but adapted to various environments, and gardens are trying to make earth into a great...
Research on the Mosaic Art of Plants in landscape Design
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《Journal of landscape Research》2009年 第10期1卷 9-12,22页
作者:黄瑶 张思武汉生物工程学院园林系湖北武汉430415 
In this research,the concept of mosaic is brought into the elements of landscape design,and the concept of landscape mosaic is ***,the artistic function,the artistic expression and the landscaping aesthetic principles...
landscape Design and Application of Plants in Modern Residential Area
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《Journal of landscape Research》2009年 第2期1卷 1-5页
作者:魏绪英 项忠平 蔡军火 刘纯青江西财经大学资源与环境管理学院江西南昌330032 九江学院江西九江332005 江西农业大学园林与艺术学院江西南昌330045 
Based on the present situation of plant landscape in residential areas, this study aimed to analyze the development trend, deficiencies in constructing landscape environment and the basic designing principles, and put...
Traditional Chinese Aesthetics and Urban landscape Design
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《Journal of landscape Research》2010年 第3期2卷 49-51页
作者:魏晶晶 王琳合肥工业大学建筑与艺术学院安徽合肥230009 
landscape designs for modern urban open spaces are studied on the basis of traditional aesthetics, while aesthetic basis and development orientation can be provided for such designs through studies on traditional aest...
Study on Low-carbon landscape Design of Residential Areas
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《Journal of landscape Research》2010年 第8期2卷 32-34,40页
作者:张成 曹加杰南京林业大学艺术设计学院江苏南京210037 
With landscape design of residential areas as the study object, by combining with the "low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission" principle of low-carbon economy, this paper tries to analyze the...
landscape and Urban Planning 20年来的论文看国际景观规划研究动态
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《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》2008年 第4期44卷 651-660页
作者:奚雪松 俞孔坚 胡佳文 宋云北京大学景观设计学研究院北京100871 
以刊载景观规划研究论文的重要期刊landscape and Urban Planning为研究对象,从论文来源地、撰稿人所属单位、文章属性、研究内容与研究对象等几个方面对该期刊刊载的1604篇文章进行分析,揭示出国际景观规划研究20年来的规律、特征、重...
Art Language of Urban Ecological landscape
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《Journal of landscape Research》2011年 第12期3卷 43-45页
Under the background that urban ecological landscape as an important component of urban ecological construction has received social attention,ecological landscape should be introduced into the city naturally,so that p...
The Inspiration of Chinese-Western Garden Architecture Environment for Indoor landscape Design
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《Journal of landscape Research》2011年 第11期3卷 1-3页
作者:钟华 刘加奇南京林业大学艺术设计学院江苏南京210037 
By comparatively analyzing the difference of Chinese-Western culture,the paper discussed different garden building concepts of China and western countries,and also pointed out the difference of morphological features,...
Interpretation of Campus landscape
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《Journal of landscape Research》2010年 第10期2卷 76-79页
From the perspective of modern landscape planning and design, the connotations of campus landscape are elaborated in this study, including its visual aesthetics, the habitat of university teachers and students, an urb...
Study on Characteristic and Design of landscape Art
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《Journal of landscape Research》2011年 第6期3卷 94-97页
The paper had discussed connotation of landscape art,analyzed its study direction and content,and pointed out that landscape art should be involved in landscape *** of landscape design manifested in three aspects:perf...
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