
139 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
line Friends看动漫形象整合营销
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《中外玩具制造》2017年 第1期 51-52页
想必大家在生活中早已经看到过许许多多的动漫形象,或是使用动漫形象作为标识的品牌和产品,比如国产的喜羊羊、熊出没,日本的哆啦A梦,韩国的line Friends等等。"动漫"和"品牌传播"已成为我国当前大力发展的文化创意产业的热点问题...
Designing Thought,Technical line and Some Theoretical Issues on Geospatial Digital Framework of China
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《Geo-Spatial Information Science》2002年 第3期5卷 33-40页
作者:HU Peng HU Yuju YANG Chuanyong WU Yanlan HU Haiprofessor,School of Resource and Environment Science,Wuhan University,129 Luoyu Road,Wuhan 430079,China.School of Resource and Environment Science Wuhan University Wuhan China 
Based on the developing tendency of present China’s basic GIS,this paper discusses the designing idea for scales of 1∶10 000,1∶50 000, 1∶250 000 and 1∶1 000 000 pyramid_like multi_layer and multi_resolution of th...
Instantaneous Point, line, and Plane Motions Using a Clifford Algebra
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《机械设计与研究》2004年 第Z1期20卷 107-110页
作者:Kwun-Lon Ting Yi ZhangCenter for Manufacturing Research Tennessee Technological University Cookeville TN 38501 USA Center for Manufacturing Research Tennessee Technological University Cookeville TN 38501 USA 
The motions of points, lines, and planes, embedded in a rigid body are expressed in a unified algebraic framework using a Clifford algebra. A Clifford algebra based displacement operator is addressed and its higher de...
Advertising The Punch-line
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《Beijing Review》2016年 第21期59卷 32-33页
作者:Yuan Yuan 
AChinese singer who struggled to gain popularity for years has finally made it--as a joke writer, or duanzi shou in Chinese, on social networks. By creating short and funny pieces on Weibo,
重新定义家居生活 line PARK线形公园
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《室内设计与装修》2018年 第4期 20-21页
作者:杨钧 吴志华 
line PARK线形公园是集家居生活和艺术时尚为一体的综合性平台。欧洲顶级设计师的经典家具和先锋的艺术作品汇聚于此。家具饰品不只为使用和装饰而存在,我们崇尚的是从物质拥有到精神富有的转变,并试图在建筑、空间、家具、艺术和人...
Design of Bidirectional Coupling Circuit for Broadband Power-line Communications
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《Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications》2012年 第4期4卷 162-166页
作者:Syed Samser Ali Amitabha Bhattacharya Dipak Ranjan PoddarDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology & Management Durgapur India 
This paper deals with the design of bidirectional coupler for broadband power line communication and the impedance matching technique with the power line. This coupler can be used for both transmitting and receiving t...
Quality-Oriented Software Product line Architecture Design
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《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》2012年 第7期5卷 472-476页
作者:Lei Tan Yuqing Lin Huilin YeSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Newcastle Callaghan Australia 
Software architecture design is a critical step of software development. Currently, there are various design methods available and each is focusing on certain perspective of architecture design. Especially, quality-ba...
Multidirectional 3D printed functionally graded modular joint actuated by TCPFL muscles for soft robots
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2019年 第4期2卷 256-268页
作者:Armita Hamidi Yara Almubarak Yonas TadesseHumanoidBio-robotics and Smart Systems(HBS)LaboratoryMechanical Engineering DepartmentThe University of Texas at DallasRichardsonTX 75080USA 
Highly deformable bodies are essential for numerous types of applications in all sorts of environments. Joint-like structures comprising a ball and socket joint have many degrees of freedom that allow mobility of many...
Algorithm Study and Software Design of District Grid On-line Risk Assessment Based on Fuzzy Theory
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《Energy and Power Engineering》2013年 第4期5卷 722-727页
作者:Jing Li Yadi Luo Lijie Chen Donghong ZhaoChina Electric Power Research Institute Beijing China China Wuzhou Engineering Group Co. Ltd. Beijing China 
In the background of the design and construction of Smart Grid Operation Supporting System for District Power Networks, this paper established the weighted fault probability model of the overhead line which is based o...
Link Budget Design for RF line-of-Sight via Theoretical Propagation Prediction
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《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》2019年 第1期12卷 11-17页
作者:Anwar H. Ibrahim Mohammed F. Alsharekh Mohammed S. Almanee Abdulrahman S. Al-Turki Muhammed IslamElectrical Engineering Department College of Engineering Qassim University Buraydah Saudi Arabia Electrical Engineering Department Unaizah College of Engineering Qassim University Buraydah Saudi Arabia Electrical Engineering Department Unaizah College of Engineering Unayzah Saudi Arabia 
line-of-sight (LOS) link planning condition has been observed to have effects on the atmospheric factor which cause crucial signal loss. The main objective of the planning was to improve a set of a link using point to...
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