
27 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Influences of local factors on permafrost occurrence and their implications for Qinghai-Xizang Railway design
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《Science China Earth Sciences》2004年 第8期47卷 704-709页
作者:CHENG GuodongState Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil EngineeringCold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research InstituteChinese Academy of SciencesLanzhou 730000China 
The construction of the Qinghai-Xizang Railway is facing some challenges posed by the presence of warm and ice-rich permafrost and predicted climate warming. To resolve these issues and ensure the railway a success, a...
Combination of local Culture and Landscape in Urban Plaza Design——A Case Study of Yingmeng Plaza Design in Zitong County, Mianyang City of China
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2012年 第4期4卷 15-18页
作者:叶顶英 杨雨帆四川农业大学风景园林学院四川成都611130 
Taking the design of Yingmeng Plaza in Zitong County, Mianyang City for example, location feature and overall design objective were analyzed on the basis of design background. By analyzing the theme of Yingmeng Plaza,...
Experimental Study on Improved Engineered Cementitious Composite Using local Material
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《Materials Sciences and Applications》2018年 第3期9卷 315-329页
作者:Fariborz Nateghi-A Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi Ayoub DehghaniInternational Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology Tehran Iran Persian Gulf University Boushehr Iran 
Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC) is a cement based material with ultra-high ductility and strength in tension. This material is a kind of highperformance fiber-reinforced cementitious composite materials (HPFRC...
local Storage存储机制性能的研究与改进
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《信息技术》2018年 第9期42卷 96-100,105页
作者:刘从军 楚嘉琦江苏科技大学计算机学院江苏镇江212003 江苏科大汇峰科技有限公司江苏镇江212003 
随着互联网产业和技术的不断发展,各型各色的基于互联网页面的Web应用也成为人们获取信息、娱乐、服务等的重要途径之一。这就对各个Web应用系统的性能提出了高要求。文中对Web性能优化技术中的local Storage的存储性能进行了研究与分...
基于网络磁盘结构的local Migration Manager设计
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《计算机技术与发展》2011年 第1期21卷 169-173,177页
作者:赵延红 掛下哲郎西安交通大学陕西西安710061 佐贺大学理工学部智能情报系统学科 
PowerPC8640处理器local Bus锁存时机浅析
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《信息通信》2019年 第11期32卷 95-96页
作者:强凯 周晓光 雷偲凡中国航空工业集团公司西安航空计算技术研究所 陆军装备部航空军代局驻西安地区航空军代室陕西西安710065 
随着嵌入式系统技术迅速发展,PowerPC处理器以其实时性好、运算能力强和接口丰富等特点被广泛应用于嵌入式设计中。PowerPC+FPGA架构为PowerPC嵌入式系统最常用架构,两者之间通过local Bus总线相连,实现对外功能扩展。local Bus为并行...
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《科技进步与对策》2018年 第18期35卷 42-47页
作者:王磊 马龙江 彭巍 郑庆 郭伟天津大学装备设计与制造技术天津市重点实验室 天津大学机械工程学院天津300350 
群智创新社区是信息化条件下一种新的创新载体和媒介,可以为企业开展产品研发活动提供大量创新创意。为了更好地管理群智创新社区和用户,选取local Motors社区作为研究对象,通过对不同用户行为进行数据采集与分析,运用聚类分析,从用户...
Characteristic Development Road for the New Countryside Construction ——With Laoshan District, Qingdao City as a Study Case
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2010年 第8期2卷 72-75页
作者:郎小霞 张斌 郎海波青岛理工大学艺术学院山东青岛266033 青岛市建筑设计研究院股份有限公司山东青岛266033 莱州市建设局村镇建设办公室山东莱州261400 
This study points out existing problems in the present planning for the new countryside construction of Laoshan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province. First, local features and industrial structures are ecological...
Discussion of Design Concepts of the Peach Blossom Lake Waterfront Park on the Chan River of Xi'an City
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2010年 第7期2卷 43-46页
作者:龙婷 董芦笛西安建筑科技大学艺术学院陕西西安710055 西安建筑科技大学建筑学院陕西西安710055 
The construction of Peach Blossom Lake Waterfront Park on the Chan River in Xi'an City gives tourists and Xi'an citizens a waterfront *** participating the field investigation,feasibility study,demonstration o...
Steel Design by Advanced Analysis: Material Modeling and Strain Limits
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《Engineering》2019年 第2期5卷 243-249页
作者:Leroy Gardner Xiang Yun Andreas Fieber Lorenzo MacoriniDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering Imperial College London London SW7 2AZ UK 
Structural analysis of steel frames is typically performed using beam elements. Since these elements are unable to explicitly capture the local buckling behavior of steel cross-sections, traditional steel design speci...
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