范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:In their article "love Is As Ethical love Does", CHEN Xi and SH1 Xuan discuss Toni Morrison's love and assert that this novel is essentially an ethical tragedy of black women. From the perspective of ethical literary criticism, they analyze the dislocated ethical identity of the two main heroines and alignment of their ethical choices to illustrate that other than race and gender, Heed's and Christine's tragedies originate from their uncontrollable irrational willJ Moreover, this novel lays stress on love regarded from an ethical perspective, illuminating "we choose to love", that is, to love while bearing in mind the importance of ethical order and moral norms. Thus, this novel offers moral enlightenment for black women in the process of pursuing love, equality and of reconstructing their ethical identity.
摘要:David Herbert Lawrence is one of the greatest English novelists of the 20th century. He is not only a turn-of-the-century social reformer, but also an artist deeply concerned with human relationships. His famouse work--Sons and lovers (1994), describes the process of young Paul's growth with young Lawrence's personal life as the model. The present paper, first of all, gives a brief introduction of the novel. Then the three forms of unreal love in the story are what the present paper mainly explored. Firstly, the love between Paul and his mother is a distorted love between a mother and a son. Secondly, the love between Paul and Miriam is an immature love of young people. Thirdly, the love between Paul and Clara is physical and short-lived. The three forms of love are unreal and doomed to be fruitless
摘要:In this paper, I read several literary texts, in order to demonstrate the relation between the viewing subject and the gazed object, in terms of love, illusion, and and aesthetic ecstasy. Walter Benjamin's untitled poem illuminates love and blessing through artistic images, as in Giorgio de Chirico's painting, The Song of love (1914). love in London is somehow a dream-like image--a surreal illusion of love, which stays in the viewer's mind as a poem of colours, representing etemity. Virginia Woolf's Night andDay says it better, when Mary walks into the British Museum and gazes at the Elgin Marbles, thinking how much she is in love with Ralph. John Keats' "On Seeing the Elgin Marbles" also depicts the way in which a gaze of love could be an eternal moment of aesthetic ecstasy .
摘要:Alice Munro,a famous Canadian Canadian short-story *** gained the Nobel Prize for Literature in ***’s works focus on women and *** also writes about the illness and love of the elderly.“The Bear Came over the Mountain”is one of *** this story,Munro adopts unreliable narration to depict love between Grant and *** paper aims to study the love writing and its unreliable narration in this *** on the text of love writing,this paper analyzes the specific strategies of unreliable *** author believes that the unreliable narration of the love text in the story can be divided into the unreliable narration of character type and information *** analysis of these two types of narration in the story,special meaning of unreliable narration to describe love can be ***,Munro’s description also contains her own insight of love:the course of true love does not always run smooth.
摘要:In The Metaphysics of love, Schopenhauer argues that love is a literary invention. For the philosopher, this feeling was a creation of men to mask the real desire. On the other hand, Nicolas Grimaldi, while analysing Marcel Proust's work, enumerates a series of issues that strengthen Schopenhauer's arguments. For Grimaldi, the writer explains the literary character of love in its work. Through the analysis of four films, from different cinematography, this work intends to explore the issue of the representation of love in the art of film. In an attempt to understand how film uses its formal and discursive resources to present or represent this feeling, this paper analyses films chosen on the basis of how they tell their love stories. Beginning with Gertrud whose motto, Omnia love says it all. In The Woman Next Door, Truffaut reveals the paradox of love and pain. Wings of Desire speaks of love and redemption. More recently, Kiarostami offered his Certified Copy, a film that asks whether a copy can produce in us the same thrill of an original. If love is an invention of literature, this paper seeks to understand how such an invention is born, and what it consists in modern and contemporary cinema.
摘要:Toni Morrison's fiction may arguably be characterized as postmodern discourse on memory, history and culture. In her novels, the Nobel laureate frequently returns to the past to search for answers to the questions she poses about African American realities in the contemporary United States. In doing so, Morrison often creates alternative histories or, more specifically, a usable past----one that allows her to engage in a literary (re-)construction of the Black historical and cultural material which traditional histories have chosen to ignore or disremember. Therefore, as a present-day writer of African American descent, Morrison attempts to reassemble all the fragmentary historical and cultural accounts available to her as a novelist and narrate them in the form of a convincing story. With regard to the above considerations, this article seeks to discuss some of the mechanisms employed by Morrison for weaving her postmodern, memory-filled narrative on the example of her eighth novel, love (2003). In particular, the analysis focuses on the book's central figure, Bill Cosey, and his Southern ocean-side resort--both seen against the backdrop of the pre- and post-World War II racist America, followed by the 1960s decade of the Civil Rights Movement. Finally, it is also demonstrated how the author's use of split narrative as well as the "I" narrator-cum-character technique contribute to recounting in retrospect love's main, historicized story---one viewed and judged from a present-time perspective.
摘要:本文以传播广泛、影响深远的I love NY标志为研究对象,梳理其产生的背景和设计、传播、变化过程,分析其设计特征和成功之处,剖析其应用过程中的方法理念,探讨城市视觉形象中的标志设计与应用问题,以期对中国城市形象设计形成有价值的意见参考。
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