范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:In modem packaging design, color, as an element of the intense visual impact, plays a very important role, and also can effectively enhance the effect of commercial packaging. However, uniqueness is necessarily available in the design of packaging according to the increase of consumer demand and the increasingly fierce market competition, while one of the effective ways to improve the effect of packaging design is to make full use of nationalities decorative colors. In this paper, the use of nationalities decorative colors in the modem packaging design is studied.
摘要:教学设计学段:高一年级主题语境:人与自然—环境保护—人与环境、人与动植物语篇类型:辩论性对话音频材料课时:60 min.教学内容分析:What本课听力材料的主题属于'人与自然'主题语境下的环境保护主题群。主要内容为两位学生在政府颁布了最新环保计划后就塑料包装的问题展开的争论。
摘要:作品名称:餐饮业饮料大包装及无菌阀报送单位:上海粟源实业有限公司作者:李昕设计阐述:该饮料功能性保鲜包装的独创性在于:在无需冷藏的状态下,The Answer?无菌阀门保证即饮、饮料在连续几个星期使用的状态下安全饮用,为餐饮行业提供了使用的方便性,同时大大延长了饮料的保质期。环保和可持续发展优势:1)IDC无菌阀门大大降低了果汁产品变质损耗及种植水果和加工果汁的相关水电及环境资源;2)包装减量化:一个10升袋加阀所用的包装材料远低于10个一升的PET塑料瓶或纸盒包,起到以最少量包装品达到最大保护效果的目的;3)包装品重量和体积的降低也降低了总碳排放量。
摘要:A design for an IO block array in a tile-based FPGA is presented. Corresponding with the characteristics of the FPGA, each IO cell is composed of a signal path, local routing pool and configurable input/output buffers. Shared programmable registers in the signal path can be configured for the function of JTAG, without specific boundary scan registers/latches, saving layout area. The local routing pool increases the flexibility of routing and the routability of the whole FPGA. An auxiliary power supply is adopted to increase the performance of the IO buffers at different configured IO standards. The organization of the IO block array is described in an architecture description file, from which the array layout can be accomplished through use of an automated layout assembly tool. This design strategy facilitates the design of FPGAs with different capacities or architectures in an FPGA family series. The bond-out schemes of the same FPGA chip in different packages are also considered. The layout is based on SMIC 0.13 μm logic 1P8M salicide 1.2/2.5 V CMOS technology. Our performance is comparable with commercial SRAM-based FPGAs which use a similar process.
摘要:An ultra-thin multi-LED package is designed, manufactured and its thermal performance is character- ized. The objective of this study is to develop an efficient thermal modelling approach for this system which can be used for optimization of the thermal-performance of future ultra-thin designs. A high-resolution thermal imaging camera and thermocouples were used to measure the temperature distribution of the multi-LED package and the LED-die temperature for different operating powers. Finally, we compare the thermal measurements with the finite element simulation results. It is concluded that the modelling approach can assist in the thermal optimization of future multi-LED package designs.
摘要:Disposable blood collection needles become severely intertwined and hooked during stacking, and thus individually feeding disposable blood collection needles during mechanical packaging is di cult. Based on the physical characteristics of the blood collection needles during the stacking state, this study designed an automatic tidying and sorting mechanism by combining compound vibration, sorting, and conveying. During the feeding process, the compound vibration-type material-tidying mechanism tidies 20-30 blood collection needles first;then, the material sorting and conveying mechanism transports the tidied blood collection needles individually. The orthogonal testing of the automatic material tidying process shows that various experimental factors are ranked by the significance level of the e ect on the tidying process and the significance ranking is as follows: vertical vibration frequency > horizontal amplitude > vertical amplitude > horizontal vibration frequency. Experiments were performed after analyzing the optimal combination. The results demonstrate that when the horizontal vibration frequency is 1.7 Hz, the horizontal amplitude is 150 mm, vertical vibration frequency is 1.3 Hz, vertical amplitude is 30 mm, and material length after tidying is 265 mm. The automatic sorting and conveying experiment shows the e ect of various experimental factors on the feed rate of the material, where the significance level of the e ect is ranked as follows: vibration frequency > material quantity > channel dip angle. The experimental results show that when the number of materials is 25, the channel dip angle is 12°, and vibration frequency is 52.5 Hz. The material delivery e ciency reaches 0.51 s/root, meeting the requirement of five channels for 80000 root/day feeding e ciency. The study can provide reference for the realization of automatic feeding of large aspect ratio flexible materials in similar stacking state.
摘要:好的包装能让人心旷神怡之余购买欲望大増。在设计一个产品包装时.设计师需要根据产品特征来提炼设计元素,将创意元素融入到包装设计中,抽象的图形搭配充满活力的色彩才能使这些产品包装吸引消费者的眼球,激发消费者的购买欲望。下面就让我们欣赏一组启发灵感的创意元素:创意包装设计。美国Trident口香糖包装设计Trident Gum Creative packaging Design
摘要:SPIE-Vol.4019 0217346SPIE 会议录,卷4019:微机电系统/微光学机电系统的设计、测试、集成与封装=Proceedings of SPIE,Vol.4019:Design,test integration and packaging of MEMS/MOEMS[会,英]/SPIE-The International Society forOptical Engineering.—596P.(E)本会议录收集了在法国 Paris 召开的微机电系统/微光学机电系统的设计、测试与封装会议上发表的69篇论文,内容涉及微机电系统的计算机辅助设计,MEMS 惯性传感器的行为模拟,微光学系统的设计优化,CMOS 压控振荡器设计,表面微加工 MEMS 中高级故障模拟,CMOS 磁场传感器,硅光集成电路。
摘要:Y2002-63392-29 0316930毫米波封装设计:模拟与测量结果=Millimeter wavepackage design: A comparison of simulation and measurementresults〔会,英〕/Shah, L. & Meghelli, M.//2001IEEE 10th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance ofElectronic packaging. -29~32(E)Y2002-63392-93 0316931全有机封装系统工艺中的集成射频功能结构=IntegratedRF function architectures in fully-organic SOPtechnology〔会,英〕/Davis, M. F. & Sutono, A. //2001 IEEE 10th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performanceof Electronic packaging. -93~96(E)
招生:0574-88222065 88222066