
32 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Chemical pattern recognition applied to materials optimal design and industry optimization
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《Chinese Science Bulletin》1997年 第10期42卷 793-799页
作者:Chen, NY Li, CH Qin, PShanghai Institute of Metallurgy Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai China 
The multi-dimensional spaces, spanned by the dimensionless numbers describing the equilibrium states or the macroscopic chemical kinetics of complicated chemical reaction systems, have been used for the data processin...
Metabonomic phenotype and identification of “heart blood stasis obstruction pattern” and “qi and yin deficiency pattern” of myocardial ischemia rat models
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《Science China(Life Sciences)》2009年 第11期52卷 1081-1090页
作者:YAN Bei1, A JiYe1, HAO HaiPing1, WANG GuangJi1, ZHU XuanXuan2, 3, ZHA WeiBin1, LIU LinSheng1, GUAN EnZe3, ZHANG Ying1, GU ShengHua1, HUANG Qing1 & ZHENG YuanTing1 1Key Laboratory of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009, China 2Pharmacological Laboratory of Clinical Research Institute, Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210029, China 3College of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210029, ChinaKey Laboratory of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics China Pharmaceutical University Nanjing China Pharmacological Laboratory of Clinical Research Institute Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nanjing China College of Pharmacy Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nanjing China 
The traditional Chinese medicine concepts of "Xinxueyuzuzheng (heart blood stasis obstruction pattern)" and "Qiyinliangxuzheng (qi and yin deficiency pattern)" for myocardial ischemia rat models we...
Winding pattern Design and Simulation of S-elbow
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《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》2010年 第5期23卷 573-577页
作者:王显峰 肖军 文立伟南京航空航天大学材料科学与技术学院 
Aimed at the S-elbow composed of two elbows with different radii, this article proposes a winding pattern design method combined with patch winding method and traditional winding method. It proposes an optimal combina...
Design pattern Representation for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems
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《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》2009年 第1期2卷 1-12页
作者:Ashraf Armoush Falk Salewski Stefan KowalewskiRWTH Aachen University Aachen Germany 
Design patterns, which give abstract solutions to commonly recurring design problems, have been widely used in the software and hardware domain. As non-functional requirements are an important aspect in the design of ...
State of the Art for String Analysis and pattern Search Using CPU and GPU Based Programming
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《Journal of Information Security》2012年 第4期3卷 314-318页
作者:Mario Góngora-Blandón Miguel Vargas-LombardoCentro de Investigación Desarrollo e Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (CIDITIC) Grupo de Investigación en Salud Electrónica y Supercomputación (GISES) Technological University of Panama Panama City Panama 
String matching algorithms are an important piece in the network intrusion detection systems. In these systems, the chain coincidence algorithms occupy more than half the CPU process time. The GPU technology has showe...
Design of Printed Dipole Array for Omnidirectional Radiation pattern
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《Wireless Engineering and Technology》2019年 第2期10卷 19-33页
作者:Jean-Marie Floc’hIETR INSA Rennes Rennes France 
In this paper, we describe 2 kinds of printed dipole arrays and compare the performances of these arrays in term of reflexion coefficient, radiation pattern and dimensions. It is interesting to design array in order t...
On the Design pattern for Improving Urban Living Environment with Regional Natural Resources—By Studying Cases of British Architect Richard Rogers
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2012年 第1期4卷 30-31,34页
Through discussing effective utilization of regional natural resources under the background of globalization,combining with Richard Rogers' typical architectural and urban design works,this study analyzes his desi...
纳景之屋 越南pattern住宅
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《室内设计与装修》2019年 第9期 98-103页
作者: 悠悠茶(编译)(越南)MM++architects/MIMYA.co 不详 
该项目位于越南胡志明市,占地5 m x 15 m,是典型的东南亚标准住宅类型,被称为'店屋'或'管屋'。通常,这种类型的建筑缺乏自然通风和阳光,空间也不够宽敞,居住其中会有被限制的感觉。受越南现代主义的启发,设计师尝试用...
基于C# Singleton pattern的图书借阅管理系统设计与实现
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《科技信息》2009年 第16期 201-202页
本系统主要针对中小型图书馆逐步普及的趋势,实现了图书借阅、图书管理等主要管理业务,在系统设计中采用了Singleton pattern设计模式,实现了借书车模型,能够方便的实现图书借阅管理工作。系统在功能、经济型、易用性等方面能很好的满...
Peak displacement patterns for the performance-based seismic design of steel eccentrically braced frames
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《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》2019年 第2期18卷 379-393页
作者:Ali Fakhraddini Hamed Saffari Mohammad Javad FadaeeDepartment of Civil Engineering Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman 
Performance-based seismic design(PBSD) aims to assess structures at different damage states. Since damage can be directly associated to displacements, seismic design with consideration of displacement seems to be logi...
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