范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:radar cross section(RCS) is the measurement of the reflective strength of a *** the RCS of a naval ship enables its late detection,which is useful for capitalizing on elements of surprise and ***,the RCS of a naval ship has become a very important design factor for achieving surprise,initiative,and ***,accurate RCS determination and RCS reduction are of extreme importance for a naval *** purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the theoretical background and engineering approach to deal with RCS prediction and reduction for naval *** importance of RCS,radar fundamentals,RCS basics,RCS prediction methods,and RCS reduction methods for naval ships is also discussed.
摘要:An optimization strategy is proposed to deal with the aerodynamic/stealthy/structural multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) issue of unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV). In applying the strategy, the MDO process is divided into two levels, i.e. system level optimization and subsystem level optimization. The system level optimization is to achieve optimized system objective (or multi-objective) through the adjustment of global external configuration design variables. The subsystem level optimization consists of the aerodynamic/stealthy integrated design and the structural optimization. The aerodynamic/stealthy integrated design aims at achieving the minimum aerodynamic drag coefficient under the constraint of stealthy requirement through the adjustment of local external configuration design variables. The structural optimization is to minimize the structural weight by adjusting the dimefisions of structural components. A flowchart to implement this strategy is presented. The MDO for a flying-wing configuration of UCAV is employed to illustrate the detailed process of the optimization. The results indicate that the overall process of the surrogate-based two-level optimization strategy can be implemented automatically, and quite reasonable results are obtained.
摘要:This article seeks to outline an integrated and practical geometric optimization design system (GODS) incorporating hybrid graphical electromagnetic computing-wedge modeling (GRECO-WM) scheme and the genetic algorithm (GA) for calculating the radar cross section (RCS) and optimizing the geometric parameters of a large and complex target respectively. A new wedge modeling (WM) scheme is presented for calculating the high-frequency RCS of wedge with only one visible facet based on the method of equivalent currents (MEC). The applications of GODS to 2D cross-section and 3D surface are respectively implemented by choosing an average of monostatic RCS values corresponding to a series of incident angles over a frequency band as the optimum objective function. And the results demonstrate that the RCS can be effectively and conveniently reduced by the GODS presented in this article.
摘要:Three new control factors are presented for calculating the multipole mode number (MMN) efficiently and precisely. The effects of these control factors on the number of integral samples and the precision of multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) are investigated. A new approach based on control factors which is proven to be able to improve the computational efficiency and reduce the needed memory significantly as well as ensuring the proper precision. For three aircraft models,the improved MLFMA is employed to analyze their multi-frequency scattering characteristics. It is found that aircraft shape can influence radar cross section (RCS) in different frequency zones. Both the multi-frequency RCS reduction characteristics of shape stealth aircraft and the conventional aircraft with stealth design taken into account are investigated,and the results show that shape stealth exhibits significant RCS reduction in the resonance and high-frequency zones,and with a weaker influence in the Rayleigh zone. Compared with radar absorbing material (RAM),shape stealth yields a wider multi-frequency RCS reduction. The above-mentioned results can be applied to stealth design for multiple frequencies or even for all frequencies.
摘要:An algorithm of trimmed surface triangulation is put forward by using the isoparametric curves of aircraft surfaces to evenly allocate the mesh nodes. Further refinements are made to deal with the trimming loops and ensure the mesh consistency.
摘要:The aerodynamic design of a strategic weapon is of interest, especially when the radar signatures are included in the conceptual design phase. The basics of stealth configurations and stealth mechanisms for missiles are reviewed. The radar cross sections (RCS) of some generic missiles are predicted and compared to analyze the trade-offs involved between low RCS and aerodynamic performance. The consideration of RCS prediction in the conceptual design phase gives a quick insight into the stealth performance prior to detailed design.
摘要:The combat survivability is an essential factor to be considered in the development of recent military aircraft. radar stealth and onboard electronic attack are two major techniques for the reduction of aircraft susceptibility. A tactical scenario for a strike mission is presented. The effect of aircraft radar cross section on the detection probability of a threat radar, as well as that of onboard jammer, are investigated. The guidance errors of radar guided surface to air missile and anti aircraft artillery, which are disturbed by radar cross section reduction or jammer radiated power and both of them are determined. The probability of aircraft kill given a single shot is calculated and finally the sortie survivability of an attack aircraft in a supposed hostile thread environment worked out. It is demonstrated that the survivability of a combat aircraft will be greatly enhanced by the combined radar stealth and onboard electronic attack, and the evaluation metho dology is effective and applicable.
招生:0574-88222065 88222066