
11 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Control Planning and Design of Yuntaishan scenic Area in Dingnan County of Jiangxi Province
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2009年 第8期1卷 9-13,68页
Through planning and designing Yuntaishan scenic Area in Dingnan County of Jiangxi Province,this study aims to devote efforts into enhancing the urban tourism competiveness of Dingnan County,promoting the construction...
Eco-sensitivity Analysis Methods in the Planning of Qinglong Mountain scenic Area
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2010年 第10期2卷 1-4,9页
作者:李抒音 姚崇怀 刘英郑州航空工业管理学院艺术设计系河南郑州450015 华中农业大学园林学院湖北武汉430070 广西师范大学美术学院广西桂林541001 
By studying the Qinglong Mountain in southeastern suburb of Wuhan City, relevant information are obtained by applying GIS, weight of each index is acquired via Delphi method and AHP, then an evalution model is establi...
Research on Landscape Construction of the Tropical Rainforest scenic Area ——A Case Study of Yanuoda Rainforest scenic Area in Sanya City, Hainan Province
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2009年 第6期1卷 12-17,27页
作者:刘益曦 许先升 刘培蕾温州科技职业学院园林系浙江温州325006 海南大学园艺园林学院海南儋州571737 浙江省温州市城市规划设计研究院浙江温州325027 
With its unique attractiveness, abundant natural and tourism resources, tropical rainforest plays a significant role in improving global climatic conditions and protecting the diversity of species, thus how to protect...
Study on Road Landscape Design in scenic Areas
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2009年 第2期1卷 11-14页
作者:于秀霞 王立君河北农业大学园林与旅游学院河北保定071000 
Based on surveys of road landscape in scenic areas of China,the present situation was analyzed and the basic principles for road landscape design in scenic areas were put forward.
Analysis of Meteorological Scenery in the West Lake scenic Area
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2009年 第12期1卷 82-86,98页
作者:刘华彬 徐建三浙江临安浙江林学院园林设计院浙江临安311300 
West Lake in Hangzhou City is famous for its top ten sceneries, whose landscape and culture is a demonstration of the Chinese traditional philosophy 'Doctrine of the Mean' in culture and landscape esthetics, m...
Improvement Design of Waterfront Landscape—With the Yellow River scenic Area in Zhengzhou City as a Study Case
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2010年 第10期2卷 72-75页
From the perspective of "human", this study focuses on the feeling of people in a certain region about the waterfront environment, by combining with theories in landscape architecture, environmental psycholo...
Discussion on Theme-based Design of Road Landscape in scenic Area——A Case Study of Five Dragon Temple Cultural Park in Yingcheng City
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2011年 第2期3卷 22-24页
作者:李忠博 李江风中国地质大学资源学院湖北武汉430074 
The combination of ornamental function and recreational function should be taken into account in road landscape design of scenic *** theme characteristic should be highlighted by designing *** in scenic area should be...
站在桥上看风景——雷诺风景Ⅱ智能多功能单厢车Grand scenic
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《车世界》2006年 第9期 68-71页
雷诺公司于2005年1月底向中国市场推出了5座风景Ⅱ,并于同年9月引进了加长23厘米的7座大风景。进入中国市场的风景Ⅱ配备了136马力2.0 16V型发动机,使用手自一体变速器。风景Ⅱ结合了多功能性和空间宽敞两大优势,紧凑和动感的设计赋予...
丰渚再添杨柳色 平湖风送藕花香 惠州西湖“丰渚园”历史文化生态景区规划建设
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《风景园林》2010年 第6期17卷 99-106页
作者:Huizhou Housing and Urban-Rural Planning and Development Bureau Shenzhen BLY Landscape & Architecture Planning & Design Institute惠州市住房和城乡规划建设局 深圳市北林苑景观及建筑规划设计院 
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《测绘与空间地理信息》2010年 第6期33卷 190-192,196页
作者:李占荣 曲雪光黑龙江省测绘科学研究所黑龙江哈尔滨150086 
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