范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:A "file-to-factory" process of computer technology is a way to both maximise efficiency throughout the building process, in crease a buildi ng's performance, and be able to add interesting architectural possibilities throughout the design phase. The authors investigate a novel approach that produces a set of building trajectories rather than a set of buildings, yet yields a series of build-able examples of those trajectories. This paper evaluates how this series of stacked multi-storey timber buildings can be both incorporated within a file-to-factory process, and give rise to creating new innovative solutions throughout the entire design and manufacturing process. This process is applied to a real Swedish project called Zembla. It redefines the notion of sprawl, turning it into a progressive tactics for linking the dty fabric to rural areas. It is a postsustainable file-to-factory-produced timber ground-scraper;soaring above ground and water, suggesting a new way of making city-sized buildings for the future. A plug-in grid-shell structure is designed to contain a minimal amount of timber elements, beams make up the lattice, cross-laminated panels add structural support, surfaces come together to form the living capsules. Having the structure undulate across the topography and touching the ground in as few places as possible uses the dichotomy between landscape and urbanism, bringing the city to the people living in less densified areas. Each living unit is customised to its topological conditions within the grid.
摘要:位置:中国青岛业主:方兴地产(中国)有限公司服务范围:设计及项目建筑师竣工年份:2015年建筑面积:5 000平方米青岛中欧国际城展览中心的玻璃幕墙外罩长条波浪结构。这座建筑以条状、如海藻般的海浪造型,代替传统沉闷的幕墙外观,成为该区一道独特的风景线。展览中心的各个入口处皆设置在"海浪俯冲"的位置,结构升起并突出形成车辆通道门廊。海浪造型设计与青岛这座港口城市交相呼应,设计中的垂直条纹则参考了当地贝壳上的纹路。
招生:0574-88222065 88222066