
9 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Study and design of RF coupler for Chinese ADS HWR superconducting cavity
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《Chinese Physics C》2014年 第11期38卷 65-67页
作者:萌繁博 陈旭 潘卫民 黄彤明 马强 林海英 彭晓华Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 
An RF power coupler is a key component of the superconducting accelerating system in Chinese ADS proton linac injector I, which is used to transmit 15 kW RF power from the power source to the superconducting HWR cavit...
Design and commissioning of Brav measurement system for SC200 superconducting cyclotron
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《Nuclear Science and Techniques》2019年 第6期30卷 57-62页
作者:Man-Man Xu Yun-Tao Song Gen Chen Yong-Hua Chen Kai-Zhong Ding Heng-Bo Li Jun Wang Jian ZhouSchool of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Anhui Polytechnic University Wuhu 241000 China Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei 230026 China Hefei CAS Ion Medical and Technical Devices Co. Ltd Hefei 230088 China 
The SC200 proton therapy superconducting cyclotron was developed by ASIPP (Hefei, China) and JINR (Dubna, Russia). A measurement system was designed to assess the average radial component of the magnetic field (Brav) ...
Electromagnetic design and beam dynamics simulation of a new superconducting accelerating structure for extremely low β protons
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《Chinese Physics C》2015年 第10期39卷 110-114页
作者:杨自钦 鲁向阳 赵继飞 全胜文 罗星 周奎 杨德宇State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology Peking University 
For the application of high intensity continuous wave (CW) proton beam acceleration, a new superconducting accelerating structure for extremely low β protons working in TE210 mode has been proposed at Peking Univer...
Design of Magnet System for RIKEN superconducting ECR Ion Source
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《Chinese Physics C》2007年 第S1期31卷 37-40页
作者:J.Ohnishi T.Nakagawa Y.Higurashi M.Kidera H.Saito A.GotoNishina Cnter for Accelerator-based ScienceRIKENHirosawa 2-1WakoSaitarna351-0198Japan 
superconducting magnet system for a 28GHz ECR ion source has been *** maximum axial magnetic fields are 4T at the rf injection side and 2T at the beam extraction side,*** hexapole magnetic field is about 2T on the inn...
First superconducting RF System Commissioning for BEPCⅡ in China
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《Chinese Physics C》2008年 第z1期32卷 191-193页
作者:孙毅 王光伟 潘卫民 李中泉 黄泓 马强 林海英 徐波 王群要 李少鹏 何昆 刘亚萍中国科学院高能物理研究所北京100049 
The BEPC RF system has been changed to superconducting cavities during the last four *** the Summer of 2006,the high power test had been successfully *** November,the East RF was put into commis- *** SRF system above ...
Multipacting analysis for half wave resonators in the China ADS
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《Chinese Physics C》2015年 第11期39卷 91-96页
作者:张聪 张生虎 何源 岳伟明 常玮Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences 
In the China ADS(CIADS) proton accelerator, multipacting is an issue of concern for the superconducting cavities. The parallel codes Omega3 P and Track3 P, developed at SLAC under the support of the DOE Sci DAC prog...
Design of a 325 MHz SC Spoke040 cavity at IHEP
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《Chinese Physics C》2014年 第11期38卷 76-81页
作者:彭应华 张新颖 李菡 沙鹏 李中泉 潘卫民University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences 
A spoke cavity is a TEM-class superconducting resonator with particular advantages: compact structure and high shunt impedance. The 325 MHz β=0.40 (β=v/c, v is the velocity of particle and c is the velocity of li...
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《核技术》2008年 第4期31卷 293-297页
作者:孙晓阳 罗家融 季振山 吴一纯中国科学院等离子体物理研究所合肥230031 
全超导托卡马克系统不同于常规托卡马克系统,有独特的运行特性和更高的运行风险。安全巡检与联锁保护系统是托卡马克系统中必不可少的一个重要组成部分。EAST(Experimental Advanced superconducting Tokamak)是我国自主研发的世界上第...
The Initial Parameters Design of the Voltage Source Converter Fed SMES
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《Smart Grid and Renewable Energy》2010年 第2期1卷 81-87页
作者:Xudong Song Zhi Xu Tieyuan XiangSchool of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Jiangsu Huai"an Power Supply Company 
The initial parameters of the superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) fed by a voltage source converter (VSMES) are studied and the setting rules are designed in this paper. A time-domain simulation model is es...
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