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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》2017年 第2期18卷 124-137页
作者:Long YAn Qing-xiang MEnG Wei-ya XU Huan-ling WAnG Qiang ZHAnG Jiu-chang ZHAnG Ru-bin WAnGKey Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering Hohai University Nanjing 210098 China Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Waterloo Waterloo N2L 3G1 Canada Key Laboratory of Coastal Disaster and Defense of Ministry of Education Hohai University Nanjing 210098 China Department of Civil Engineering University of Toronto Toronto M5S 1A4 Canada 
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《无线互联科技》2024年 第23期21卷 99-103页
作者:杨鸥羿渥太华大学安大略渥太华K1N 6N5 
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《微波学报》2009年 第1期25卷 55-59页
作者:叶焱 刘太君 Jeome Sirois Fadhel M. Ghannouchi宁波大学通信技术研究所宁波315211 飞思卡尔半导体公司美国85284 卡尔加里大学电气与计算机工程系加拿大T2N 1N4 
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《机械工程学报》2021年 第6期57卷 142-155页
作者:梁艺潇 李以农 KHAJEPOUR Amir 郑玲重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室重庆400044 重庆大学机械与运载工程学院重庆400044 滑铁卢大学机械与机电工程学院加拿大滑铁卢N2L 3G1 
为提高智能汽车的路径跟踪能力,并保证其在极限工况下的动力学稳定性,以四轮驱动智能电动汽车为研究对象,根据转向和主动横摆力矩(Direct yaw moment,DYC)系统的特点分别设计控制律进行协调控制。首先,针对汽车在转向过程中轮胎侧偏刚...
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《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》2007年 第11期35卷 84-89页
作者:樊明涛 毕静莹 刘邻渭 Mansel W Graffith Haifeng Wang西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程学院陕西杨凌712100 Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety and Food Science Department Universlty of Guelph Guelph Ontario N 1G 2 W 1 Canada 
Development of digital organ-on-a-chip to assess hepatotoxicity and extracellular vesicle-based anti-liver cancer immunotherapy
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2022年 第3期5卷 437-450页
作者:Guohua Wu Jianguo Wu Zihan Li Shengyu Shi Di Wu Xuanbo Wang Han Xu Hui Liu Yixiao Huang Rending Wang Jia Shen Zhihong Dong Shuqi WangThe First Affiliated HospitalSchool of MedicineZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310029China Institute for Translational MedicineZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310029China Department of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of Waterloo200 University Avenue WestWaterlooON N2L 3G1Canada Department of Building Environment and Energy EngineeringXi’an Jiaotong UniversityXi’an 710049China National Engineering Research Center for BiomaterialsSichuan UniversityChengdu 610065China Clinical Research Center for Respiratory DiseaseWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610065China Kidney Disease CenterThe First Affiliated HospitalSchool of MedicineZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310029China School of Mechanical EngineeringChengdu UniversityChengdu 610106China Institute for Advanced StudyChengdu UniversityChengdu 610106China 
Organ-on-a-chip systems have been increasingly recognized as attractive platforms to assess toxicity and to develop new therapeutic ***,current organ-on-a-chip platforms are limited by a“single pot”design,which inev...
Application of antigenic biomarkers for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》2020年 第11期21卷 856-870页
作者:Elba RODRIGUEZ-HERnAnDEZ Laura Itzel QUInTAS-GRAnADOS Susana FLORES-VILLALVA Jorge Germinal CAnTO-ALARCOn Feliciano MILIAn-SUAZOInstituto Nacional de Investigaciones ForestalesAgricolas y Pecuarias(INIFAP)Centro Nacional de Investigacion Disciplinaria en Fisiologia y Mejoramiento AnimalKm.1 Carretera a ColonAjuchitlan Colon76280ColonQueretaroMexico Universidad Mexiquense del BicentenarioUnidad de Estudios Superiores de TultitlanAvenida Ex-Hacienda de Portales s/nVilla EsmeraldaTultitlan Estado de Mexico54910TultitlanMexico Universidad Autonoma de QueretaroFacultadde Ciencias NaturalesAvenida de las Ciencias s/nJuriquillaDelegacion Santa Rosa Jauregui76230QueretaroMexico 
The study and characterization of biomolecules involved in the interaction between mycobacteria and their hosts are crucial to determine their roles in the invasion process and provide basic knowledge about the biolog...
Active temperature compensation design of sensor with fiber gratings
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《Chinese Optics Letters》2004年 第10期2卷 562-564页
作者:董兴法 黄勇林 姜莉 开桂云 董孝义Institue of Modern Optics Nankai University Tianjin 300071 University of Science and Technology of Suzhou Suzhou 215011 University of Science and Technology of Suzhou Suzhou 215011 Institue of Modern Optics Nankai University Tianjin 300071 Institue of Modern Optics Nankai University Tianjin 300071 technique for compensation of temperature effects in fiber grating sensors is reported. For strain sensors and other sensors related to strain such as electromagnetic sensors a novel structure is designed which uses two fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) as strain differential sensor and has temperature effects cancelled. Using this technique the stress sensitivity has been amplified and gets up to 0.226 nm/N the total variation in wavelength difference within the range of 3-45 °C is 0.03 nm 1/14 of the uncompensated FBG. The structure can be used in the temperature-insensitive static strain measurement and minor-vibration measurement. 
A technique for compensation of temperature effects in fiber grating sensors is reported. For strain sensors and other sensors related to strain such as electromagnetic sensors, a novel structure is designed, which us...
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《中国科学(A辑)》2005年 第11期35卷 1219-1235页
作者:范红兵 刘桂真 刘季平Department of Physics and Computer ScienceWilfrid Laurier UniversityWaterlooN2L 3C5Canada 山东大学数学与系统科学学院济南250100 Department of Mathematics and Computer ScienceUniversity of LethbridgeLethbridgeT1K 3M4Canada 
2-图是边的尺寸至多为2的超图,极小正则2-图是不含有真正则因子 的正则2-图.设.f2(n)为所有n个顶点的极小正则2-图的最大度数.给出了极 小正则2-图的一个结构性质,并由此证得f2(n)=(n+3-i)/3,其中1≤i≤6, n≥7,i≡n(mod 6),从而解...
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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》2017年 第12期18卷 984-990页
作者:Cheng-ming YE Peng CUI Saied PIRASTEH Jonathan LI Yao LIKey Laboratory of Earth Exploration and Information Technology of Ministry of EducationChengdu University of TechnologyChengdu 610059China Institute of Mountain Hazards and EnvironmentChinese Academy of SciencesChengdu 610041China Department of Geography and Environmental ManagementFaculty of EnvironmentUniversity of WaterlooWaterloo N2L 3G1Canada 
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