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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2006年 第1期25卷 3-10页
作者:Terje R.Pedersen Ole Faergeman John J. P. Kastelein Anders G.Olsson Matti J. Tikkanen Ingar Holme Mogens Lytken Larsen Fridrik S. Bendiksen Christina Lindahl Michael Szarek John Tsai 王淑敏(译) 仝其广(译) 胡大一(校)Centre for Preventive Medicine Ulleval University Hospital Oslo Norway Department of MedicineCardiology A Arhus University Hospital Arhus Denmark Academic Hospital Amsterdam Amsterdam the Netherlands Department of Internal Medicine University Hospital Linkoping Sweden Department of Medicine Helsinki University Central Hospital Helsinki Finland Pfizer Sweden Taby Sweden Pfizer Inc New York NY Dr Bendiksen is in private practice in Hamar Norway. 不详 
背景:证据显示,与临床常规降脂比较,对稳定性冠状动脉疾病患者施行强化降脂降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(low—density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDL—C)可进一步获益。目的:比较2种降脂治疗策略对既往有心肌梗死(MyocardialInfarct...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2008年 第3期27卷 137-147页
作者:Maud M. Geenen, MD Mathilde C. Cardous-Ubbink, MSc Leontien C. M. Kremer, MD, PhD Cor van den Bos, MD, PhD Helena J. H. van der Pal, MD Richard C. Heinen, MSc Monique. M. Jaspers, PhD, MSc Caro C. E. Koning, MD, PhD Foppe Oldenburger, MD Nelia E. Langeveld, PhD, RN Augustinus A. M. Hart, MSc Piet J. M. Bakker, MD, PhD Huib N. Caron, MD, PhD Flora E. van Leeuwen, PhD, MSc 张成海(译) 武爱文(译) 徐光炜(校)Late Effects Study Group and Outpatient Clinic/Polikliniek Late Effecten Kindertumoren(PLEK) Emma Children's Hospital/Academic Medical Center: Departments of Medical Oneology Department of Pediatric Oncology Academic Medical Center:and Departments of Radiotherapy Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdamthe Netherlands Late Effects Study Group and Outpatient Clinic/Polikliniek Late Effecten Kindertumoren(PLEK) Department of Pediatric Oncology Epidemiology Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdamthe Netherlands Late Effects Study Group and Outpatient Clinic/Polikliniek Late Effecten Kindertumoren(PLEK) Medical Informatics Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdamthe Netherlands Late Effects Study Group and Outpatient Clinic/Polikliniek Late Effecten Kindertumoren(PLEK) Radiotherapy Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdamthe Netherlands Radiotherapy Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdamthe Netherlands 
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《感染.炎症.修复》2019年 第3期20卷 158-177页
作者:Sicco A.Bus David G.Armstrong Catherine Gooday Gustav Jarl Carlo F.Caravaggi Vijay Viswanathan Peter A.Lazzarini 姜晓燕 向柯旭 徐俊 邓武权(译) 许樟荣(审校)Department of Rehabilitation MedicineAcademic Medical CenterUniversity of AmsterdamAmsterdamThe Netherlands Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance(SALSA)Department of SurgeryKeck School of Medicine of University of Southern California(USC)Los AngelesCaliforniaUSA Norfolk and Norwich University HospitalsUK Orebro UniversitySweden Diabetic Foot ClinicIstituto Clinico CittàStudiMilanItaly Vita-Salute San Raffaele UniversityMilanItaly MV Hospital for Diabetes ChennaiIndia School of Public Health and Social WorkQueensland University of TechnologyBrisbaneAustralia Allied Health Research CollaborativeThe Prince Charles HospitalBrisbaneAustralia International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot(IWGDF) 重庆大学附属中心医院重庆400014 天津医科大学朱宪彝纪念医院天津300134 战略支援部队特色医学中心北京100101 
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《感染、炎症、修复》2024年 第1期25卷 1-22页
作者:Sicco A.Bus David G.Armstrong Ryan T.Crews Catherine Gooday Gustav Jarl Klaus Kirketerp-Moller Vijay Viswanathan Peter A.Lazzarini on behalf of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot 陈燕 刘斌 张晓诗 邓武权(译) 王爱萍 许樟荣(审校)Amsterdam UMCUniversity of AmsterdamDepartment of Rehabilitation MedicineAmsterdamthe Netherlands Amsterdam Movement Sciencesprogram Rehabilitation&DevelopmentAmsterdamthe Netherlands Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance(SALSA)Department of SurgeryKeck School of Medicine of University of Southern California(USC)Los AngelesCaliforniaUSA Dr.William M.Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine's Center for Lower Extremity Ambulatory Research(CLEAR)at Rosalind Franklin UniversityNorth ChicagoIllinoisUSA Elsie Bertram Diabetes CentreNorfolk and Norwich University HospitalsNorwichUK Department of Prosthetics and OrthoticsFaculty of Medicine and HealthÖrebro UniversityÖrebroSweden University Health Care Research CenterFaculty of Medicine and HealthÖrebro UniversityÖrebroSweden Copenhagen Wound Healing CenterBispebjerg University HospitalCopenhagenDenmark Steno Diabetes CenterCopenhagenDenmark MV Hospital for DiabetesChennaiIndia School of Public Health and Social WorkQueensland University of TechnologyBrisbaneAustralia Allied Health Research CollaborativeThe Prince Charles HospitalBrisbaneAustralia 不详 重庆大学附属中心医院重庆400014 东部战区空军医院糖尿病足中心江苏南京210002 战略支援部队特色医学中心北京100101 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2007年 第2期10卷 78-81页
作者:Jan Jelrik Oosterheert Marc J M Bonten Margriet M E Schneider Erik Buskens Jan-Willem J Lammers Willem M N Hustinx Mark H H Kramer Jan M Prins Peter H Th J Slee Karin Kaasjager Andy I M Hoepelman 王伟巍(译) 童朝辉(校)Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases University Medical CentrePO Box 855003508 GA UtrechtNetherlands Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary CareUniversity Medical Centre Department of PulmonologyUniversity Medical Centre Department of Internal Medicine Diakonessenhuis Utrecht Department of Internal Medicine Meander Medical Centre Amersfoort Netherlands Department of Internal Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Tropical Medicine and Aids Academic Medical CentreAmsterdamNetherlands Department of Internal Medicine St Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein Netherlands Department of Internal Medicine Rijintate Hospital Amhem Netherlands 不详 
目的比较早期由静脉转换成口服抗生素与常规静脉使用7天抗生素治疗严重社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的疗效。设计多中心随机对照试验。地点荷兰5家教学医院和2所大学的医学中心。参加者非 ICU 住院的严重 CAP 患者302例,其中265例满足研究要求...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2006年 第5期9卷 282-285页
作者:Alexander T Cohen Bruce L Davidson Alexander S Gallus Michael R Lassen Martin H Prins Witold Tomkowski Alexander G G Turpie Jan F M Egberts Anthonie W A Lensing 石汉平(译) 王深明(校)Department of Surety Guy's King's and St Thomas's School of Medicine London SE5 9PJ Pulmonary and Critical Care University of Washington School of Medicine and Swedish Medical Center Seattle WA USA Department of Haematology Flinders Medical Centre Adelaide SA Australia Spine Clinic Department of Clinical Research Horsholm Denmark Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Technology Assessment Academic Hospital Maastricht Netherlands Intensive Care National TB and Lung Diseases Research Institute Warsaw Poland Department of Medicine Hamilton Health Sciences Hamilton ONCanada Clinical Development NV Organon Oss Netherlands Center for Vascular Medicine Academic Medical Center Amsterdam Netherlands 不详 
目的:观察 Fondaparinux 对具有中高度静脉血栓发生危险的老年急性内科住院患者的抗凝效果与安全性。设计:双盲随机安慰剂对照研究。背景:8个国家的35个中心。参与者:849例≥60岁内科患者,住院原因分别为充血性心力衰竭、慢性肺病合并...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》1998年 第1期1卷 17-21页
作者:Alberto Cogo Anthonie W A Lensing Maria M W Koopman Franco Piovella Sergio Siragusa Philip S Wells Sabina Villalta Harry R Bller Alexander G G Turpie Paolo Prandoni 冷希圣lstituto di Semeiotica MedicaUniversity of Padua35128 PaduaItaly research fellow Centre for Vascular Medicine Academic Medical CentreH-2 1105 AZ AmsterdamNetherlands Senior researcher Pohclinico San Matteo Clinica Medica Seconda27100 Pavia Italy Senior researcher Pohclinico San Matteo Clinica Medica Seconda27100 Pavia Italy research fellow HGH McMaster Clinic Hamilton General Hospital Hamilton Ontario L8L 2X2 Canada HGH McMaster Clinic Hamilton General HospitalHamilton Ontario L8L 2X2 Canada Senior researcher lstituto di Semeiotica MedicaUniversity of Padua35128 PaduaItaly Senior researcher 
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