
74 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Narrative warm/cold variations in continental western Europe, AD 708-1426
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《Science China Earth Sciences》1997年 第5期40卷 509-517页
作者:严中伟 Pierre Alexandre Gaston DemareeLASG Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100029 China Royal Observatory of Belgium 1180 Brussels Belgium Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium 1180 Brussels Belgium 
An extended narrative dataset of the Medieval time AD 708-1426 in continental western Europe was set up. Some 30-year-moving mean seasonal temperature deviation series were reconstructed. A warming trend occurred arou...
Male factor infertility and ART
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《Asian Journal of Andrology》2012年 第1期14卷 103-108,178页
作者:Herman TournayeCentre for Reproductive Medicine University Hospital of the Dutch-speaking Brussels Free University Brussels B-1090 Belgium 
For years, the management and treatment of male factor infertility has been ‘experience' and not ‘evidence' based. Although not evidence-based, current clinical practice involves extensive use of assisted reproduc...
Computer-aided designing and manufacturing of advanced steels
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《Rare Metals》2006年 第5期25卷 407-411页
作者:LI Lin HE Yanlin B.C. De Cooman P. Wollants S. G. Huang J. VleugelsDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering Shanghai University Shanghai 200072 China Laboratory for Iron and Steelmaking Universiteit Gent Zwijnaarde B-9052 Belgium Dept. MTM Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Leuven B-3001 Belgium 
Suitable optimization and simulation were performed using a powerful software package with a mature database as well as modem measurement facilities, which led to the successful designing and manufacturing of advanced...
Computer-Aided Design of Some Advanced Steels and Cemented Carbides
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《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》2005年 第6期12卷 42-48页
作者:LI Lin ZHANG Mei HE Yan-lin De Cooman Bruno Wollants PatrickShanghai University Shanghai 200072 China Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenLeuven 13-3001 Belgium Universiteit Gent Zwijnaarde 13-9052 Belgium 
Thermodynamic and kinetic study on TRIP (transformation induced plasticity) steels, cemented carbides and mold steel for plastics were carried out in order to design modern advanced materials. With the sublattice mo...
Structural optimization of patient-specific temporomandibular joint replacement implants for additive manufacturing:novel metrics for safety evaluation and biomechanical performance
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2022年 第2期5卷 333-347页
作者:Manuel Pinheiro Anouar Krairi Robin Willaert Maria C.Costa Wim Van PaepegemMechanics of Materials and Structures(MMS)Ghent UniversityGhentBelgium Materials Innovation Institute(M2i)DelftThe Netherlands Department of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryUniversity Hospitals LeuvenLeuvenBelgium 4 Department of Head and Neck SurgeryGhent University HospitalGhentBelgium 
Total temporomandibular joint(TMJ)replacement is recommended only when there is irreversible damage to the joint and no conservative treatment can provide functional *** stock and custom-made TMJ implants have been ma...
Computer Aided Composition Design of Prehardened-Mould Steel for Plastic
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《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》2004年 第1期20卷 71-74页
作者:YanlinHE LinLI XiaochunWU PatrickWOLLANTSSchoolofMaterialSci.&Eng.ShanghaiUniversityShanghai200072China Dept.MTMKatholiekeUniversiteitLeuvenB-3001HeverleeBelgium 
The improvement of machining behavior of prehardened-mould steel for plastic is realized by using computer-aided composition design in this work. The results showed that the matrix composition of large sectional preha...
Design of Flexible and Self-Standing Electrodes for Li-lon Batteries
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《Chinese Journal of Chemistry》2017年 第1期35卷 41-47页
作者:Jean-Pierre Bourgeois Alexandru Vlad Sorin Melinte Jean-Frangois GohyInstitute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences Universite catholique de Louvain Place Louis Pasteur 1 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium Electrical Engineering/ICTEAM Universite catholique de Louvain Place du Levant 3 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium 
Flexible portable electronic devices have attracted increasing attention during the last decade. Energy consumption of such devices is ever increasing and performing power sources, that are moreover flexible, need to ...
A Similitude Method and the Corresponding Blade Design of a Low-Speed Large-Scale Axial Compressor Rotor
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《Journal of Thermal Science》2014年 第2期23卷 145-152页
作者:YU Chenghai MA Ning WANG Kai DU Juan Van den Braembussche R.A. LIN FengKey Laboratory of Advanced Energy and PowerInstitute of Engineering ThermophysicsChinese Academy of Sciences Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences von Karman Institute for Fluid DynamicsTurbomachinery and Propulsion DepartmentWaterloose steenweg721640 Sint-Genesius-RodeBelgium 
A similitude method to model the tip clearance flow in a high-speed compressor with a low-speed model is presented in this *** first step of this method is the derivation of similarity criteria for tip clearance flow,...
New generation of breast cancer clinical trials implementing molecular profiling
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《Cancer Biology & Medicine》2016年 第2期13卷 226-235页
作者:Dimitrios Zardavas Martine Piccart-GebhartBreast International Group(BIG)Brussels 100Belgium Medicine DepartmentInstitue Jules BordetUniversite Libre de BruxellesBrussels 100Belgium 
The implementation of molecular profiling technologies in oncology deepens our knowledge for the molecular landscapes of cancer diagnoses, identifying aberrations that could be linked with specific therapeutic vulnera...
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《Analysis in Theory and Applications》1997年 第4期13卷 75-87页
作者:G. CrombezUniversity of Ghent Belgium 
We present a parallel iterative algorithm to find the shortest distance projection of a given point onto the intersection of a finite number of closed convex sets in a real Hilbert space ; the number of sets used at e...
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