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《世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册)》2006年 第2期2卷 45-45页
作者:Hookey L.C. Le Moine O. Deviere J. 陈瑜Department of Gastroenterology Universite Libre de Bruxelles Hopital Erasme Route de Lennik 808 1070 Brussels Belgium Dr. 
Background: Although endoscopic palliation of malignant biliary hilar obstruction is preferable to surgery or percutaneous drainage, it remains technically challenging. This is especially true when multiple self-expan...
The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection(GRAND):Science and design
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《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》2020年 第1期63卷 1-43页
作者:Jaime Alvarez-Muniz Rafael Alves Batista Aswathi Balagopal V. Julien Bolmont Mauricio Bustamante Washington Carvalho Jr. Didier Charrier Ismael Cognard Valentin Decoene Peter B.Denton Sijbrand De Jong Krijn D.De Vries Ralph Engel Ke Fang Chad Finley Stefano Gabici Quan Bu Gou Jun Hua Gu Claire Guépin Hong Bo Hu Yan Huang Kumiko Kotera Sandra Le Coz Jean-Philippe Lenain Guo Liang Léü Olivier Martineau-Huynh Miguel Mostafá Fabrice Mottez Kohta Murase Valentin Niess Foteini Oikonomou Tanguy Pierog Xiang Li Qian Bo Qin Duan Ran Nicolas Renault-Tinacci Markus Roth Frank G.Schroder Fabian Schüssler Cyril Tasse Charles Timmerman Matías Tueros Xiang Ping Wu Philippe Zarka Andreas Zech B.Theodore Zhang Jian Li Zhang Yi Zhang Qian Zheng Anne ZillesDepartamento de Fisica de Particulas&lnstituto Galego de Fisica de Altas EnerxiasUniversidad de Santiago de CompostelaSantiago de Compostela 15782Spain Instituto de AstronomiaGeofisica e Ciencias AtmosfericasUniversidade de Sao PauloSao Paulo-SP 05508-090Brazil Department of Physics-AstrophysicsUniversity of OxfordDWBOxford 0X13RHUK Institute of Experimental Particle Physics(ETP)Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT)Karlsru he D-76021Germany Laboratoire de Physique Nucleeaire et de Hautes Energies(LPNHE)Sorbonne UniversiteUniversite Paris DiderotSorbonne Paris CiteCNRS place JussieuF-75252Paris Cedex 5France Niels Bohr International Academy and DARKNiels Bohr InstituteCopenhagen 2100Denmark Discovery CenterNiels Bohr InstituteCopenhagen 2100Denmark Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics(CCA.PP)&Department of PhysicsOhio State UniversityColumbus OH 43210USA Universidade de Santiago de CompostelaSantiago de Compostela 15782Spain 0SUBATECHInstitut Mines-Telecom Atlantique-CNRS/IN2P3-Universite de NantesNantes 44300France Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de KEnvironnement et de VEspace LPC2E CNRS-Universite d'OrleansOrleans F-45071France Station de Radioastronomie de NancayObservatoire de ParisCNRS/INSU F-18330 NangayFrance Sorbonne UniversiteUMR 7095Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris98 bis bd AragoParis 75014France Institute for MathematicsAstrophysics and Particle Physics(IMAPP)Radboud UniversiteitNijmegen 6500Netherlands Nationaal Instituut voor Kemfysica en Hoge Energie Fysica(NIKHEF)Amsterdam NL-1009Netherlands IIHE/ELEMVrije Universiteit BrusselPleinlaan 2Brussels 1050Belgium Institute for Nuclear Physics(IKP)Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT)Karlsruhe D-76021Germany Einstein FellowStanford UniversityStanford CA 94305USA Department of AstronomyUniversity of MarylandCollege Park MD 20742-2421USA Joint Space-Science InstituteCollege Park MD 20742-2421USA Oskar Klein CentreStockholm UniversityStockholm SE-10691Sweden Department of Phy 
The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection(GRAND)is a planned large-scale observatory of ultra-high-energy(UHE)cosmic particles,with energies exceeding 10~8 Ge *** goal is to solve the long-standing mystery of the o...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2006年 第3期1卷 101-106页
作者:J.A.Robledo G.I.Mejía N.Morcillo L.Chacón M.Camacho J.Luna J.Zurita A.Bodon M.Velasco J.C.Palomino A.Martin F. Portaels 张宗德Unidad de Bacteriología y MicobacteriasCorporación para investigaciones Biológicas-CIBMedellínAntioquiaDepartamento de MedicinaUniversidad Pontificia BolivarianaMedellínAntioquiaColombia Laboratorio Regional de Referencia de MicobacteriasHospital CetrángoloBuenos AiresBuenos AiresArgentina Departamento de MicobacteriasCentra Nacional de Diagnóstico y ReferenciaMinisterio de SaludManaguaNicaragua Institute Nacional de Laboratories de Salud (INLASA)La PazBolivia Escuela Nacional de Ciencias BiológicasInstituto Politecnico NacionalMexicoDFMexico Laboratorio de Microbiología y TuberculosisHospital VozandesQuitoEcuador Sección de MicobacteriasInstituto de Salud Pública de ChileSantiago de ChileChile Institute of Tropical MedicineAntwerpBelgium 
地点:拉丁美洲的结核病(TB)诊断实验室。目的:薄层琼脂(thin-layer agar,TLA)和罗氏培养(Lowenstein-Jensen,LJ)对结核病诊断的对比评价。设计:6个实验室Ⅱ期前瞻性研究。临床诊断的TB病人样本包括痰标本和肺外结核的标本。呼吸道标本用...
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《国际脑血管病杂志》2019年 第2期27卷 84-97页
作者:Mauro Oddo Daniele Poole Raimund Helbok Geert Meyfroidt Nino Stocchetti Pierre Bouzat Maurizio Cecconi Thomas Geeraerts Ignacio-Martin Loeches Herve Quintard Fabio Silvio Taccone Romergryko G. Geocadin Claude Hemphill Carole Ichai David Menon Jean-Francois Payen Anders Perner Martin Smith Jose Suarez Walter Videtta Elisa R. Zanier Giuseppe Citerio 何毅华(译) 常远(译) 王晓蔷(译) 潘速跃(译)Department of Medic al-Surgical Intensive Care Medicine Faculty of Biology and Medicine Centre Hospitalier Universitaire VauDOIs (CHUV) Lhiversity of Lausanne Rue du Bugnon 46 B4 08.623 1011 Lausanne Switzerland Department of Intensive Care Medicine St James's Lhiversity Hospital James's St Ushers P.O. Box 580 Dublin & Ireland Service de Reanimation Medic o-chirurgic ale Hopital Pasteur 2 UniversiteCote d'Azur CHU de Nice 06000 Nice France Unite CNRS 7275 Sophia-Antipolis France Department of Intensive Care Erasme Hospital University Libre de Bruxelles Brussels Belgium Neurosciences Critical Care Departments of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Neurology and Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins Lhiversity Baltimore MD USA Department of Neurology University of California San Francisco San Francisco CA LKA Service de Reanimation Polyvalente Hopital Pasteur 2 CHU de Nice 30 Voie Romaine CS 51069 06001 Nice Cedex 1 France Division of Anaesthesia University of Cambridge Addenbrooke's Ffospital Box 93 Hfills Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 2QQ UK Department of Intensive Care 4131 Copenhagen University Hospital- Rigshospitalet Copenhagen Denmark Department of Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritic al Care The National Ffospital for Neurosurgery and Neurology Lhiversity College London Hospitals London UK Anesthesia and Intensive Care Operative th it S. Martino Hospital Belluno Italy Hospital Nacional Professor Alejandro Posadas Buenos Aires Argentina Department of Neurosciences IRCCS-Istituto di Ricerche Farmacotogiche Mario Negri Milan Italy School of Medicine and Surgery University of Milan-Bicocca Milan Italy Neurointensive Care San Gerardo Hospital ASST-Monza 20900 Monza Italy 南方医科大学南方医院神经内科广州510515 Neurological Intensive Care Lhit Department of Neurology Medical University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria Department of Intensive Care Medicine University Hospitals Leuven Louvain Belgium Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit Department of Anesthesia and C 
目的发布欧洲重症医学学会(European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, ESICM)关于神经重症监护患者液体治疗的专家共识和临床实践推荐意见。设计在2016年10月召开的ESICM LIVE 2016会议上召集了一个由22名国际专家组成的共识委员会...
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