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《Science China Materials》2024年 第5期67卷 1631-1645页
作者:宋春雨 关雪 谢昌明 姜珊 洪智文 吴琼 曲国蕃 马腾闯 崔亚利Department of OrthopedicsHarbin Medical University Cancer HospitalHarbin150081China Animal Laboratory CenterThe Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical UniversityHarbin150081China Department of Thyroid SurgeryKey Laboratory of Hepatosplenic SurgeryMinistry of EducationThe First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical UniversityHarbin150007China Department of Nuclear MedicineHarbin Medical University Cancer HospitalHarbin150081China Laboratory of Controllable Preparation and Application of NanomaterialsKey Laboratory of CryogenicsTechnical Institute of Physics and ChemistryChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing100190China 
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《中国医学科学院学报》2004年 第3期26卷 289-293页
作者:王孟昭 蔡柏蔷 李龙芸 林江涛 苏楠 俞红霞 高和 赵建忠 刘丽中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学北京协和医院呼吸科北京100730 Department of Respiratory DiseaseChinese-Japanese Friendship HospitalBeijing Department of Respiratory DiseaseGeneral Hospital of the Air Force of the Chinese PLABeijing 
Chinese cohort study of chronic kidney disease: design and methods
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《Chinese Medical Journal》2014年 第11期127卷 2180-2185页
作者:Gao Bixia Zhang Luxia Wang Haiyan Zhao Minghui On behalf of the Chinese Cohort Study of Chronic KidneyDisease (C-STRIDE)Renal Division Department of Medicine Peking University First Hospital Peking University Institute of Nephrology Key Laboratory of Renal Disease Ministry of Health of China Key Laboratory of Chronic Kidney Disease Prevention and Treatment(Peking University) Ministry of Education Beijing 100034 China 
Background Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common disorder associated with multiple adverse clinical consequences,especially cardiovascular risk and end-stage renal disease.A recent national survey demonstrated th...
Genetically-engineered“all-in-one”vaccine platform for cancer immunotherapy
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《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》2021年 第11期11卷 3622-3635页
作者:Aihua Wu Yingzhi Chen Hairui Wang Ya Chang Meng Zhang Pengfei Zhao Yisi Tang Qin Xu Zhuangzhi Zhu Yang Cao Yongzhuo HuangState Key Laboratory of Drug ResearchShanghai Institute of Materia MedicaChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 201203China Artemisinin Research Centerthe First Affiliated HospitalGuangzhou University of Chinese MedicineGuangzhou 510450China National Pharmaceutical Engineering Research CenterChina State Institute of Pharmaceutical IndustryShanghai 201203China Zhongshan Institute for Drug DiscoveryInstitutes of Drug Discovery and DevelopmentChinese Academy of SciencesZhongshan 528437China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China NMPA Key Laboratory for Quality Research and Evaluation of Pharmaceutical ExcipientsShanghai 201203China 
An essential step for cancer vaccination is to break the immunosuppression and elicit a tumor-specific immunity.A major hurdle against cancer therapeutic vaccination is the insufficient immune stimulation of the cance...
Substitution for In Vitro and In Vivo Tests:Computational Models from Cell Attachment to Tissue Regeneration
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《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》2021年 第4期36卷 323-332页
作者:Hao Huang Chaozong Liu Teng Yi Maryam Tamaddon Shanshan Yuan Zhenyun Shi Ziyu LiuSchool of Engineering MedicineUniversity College LondonRoyal National Orthopaedic HospitalStanmore HA74LPLondonUK Division of Surgery&Interventional ScienceUniversity College LondonRoyal National Orthopaedic HospitalStanmore HA74LPLondonUK National Institude of Defense Science and TechnologyBeijing 100071China School of Mechanical Engineering and AutomationBeihang University100191 BeijingChina Department of CardiologyQingdao Municipal HospitalQingdaoShandong 266071China 
To get an optimal product of orthopaedic implant or regenerative medicine needs to follow trialand-error analyses to investigate suitable product’s material,structure,mechanical properites *** whole process from in v...
Repair of the radial defect of rabbit with polyester/tricalcium phosphate scaffolds prepared by rapid prototyping technology
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《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》2006年 第5期9卷 298-302页
作者:孙梁 胡蕴玉 熊卓 王万明 潘屿Department of OrthopeadicsFuzhou General HospitalFuzhou 350025China Orthopedics Institute of PLAXijing HospitalFourth Military Medical UniversityXi'an 710032 China Department of Mechanical EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing 10084 China 
Objective: To evaluate the effects of repairing rabbit radial defects with polyester/tricalcium phosphate scaffolds prepared by rapid prototyping technology loaded with bovine bone morphogenetic protein ( bBMP), an...
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《中国医学科学院学报》2002年 第6期24卷 588-591页
作者:姚旭东 马腾骧 吴志宏 李胜芝 李志欣 王广有Department of Urologythe affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical Collegehuhhot010050 天津医科大学天津市泌尿外科研究所天津300211 Department of OrthopedicsPUMC HospitalCAMS and PUMCbeijing100730 
A novel strategy for engineering vascularized grafts in vitro
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《World Journal of Stem Cells》2010年 第4期2卷 93-96页
作者:Jin-Chun Liu, Department of Research Center, Plastic Surgery hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, No.33 BaDaChu Roud, ShiJingShan District, beijing 100144, ChinaJin-Chun Liu Department of Research Center Plastic Surgery Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College No.33 BaDaChu Roud ShiJingShan District Beijing 100144 China. 
Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary field promising new therapeutic means for replacing lost or severely damaged tissues or organs. However, the fabrication of complex engineered tissues has been hampered due t...
Design,synthesis,and biological evaluation of multiple targeting antimalarials
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《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》2021年 第9期11卷 2900-2913页
作者:Yiqing Yang Tongke Tang Xiaolu Li Thomas Michel Liqin Ling Zhenghui Huang Maruthi Mulaka Yue Wu Hongying Gao Liguo Wang Jing Zhou Brigitte Meunier Hangjun Ke Lubin Jiang Yu RaoMOE Key Laboratory of Protein SciencesSchool of Pharmaceutical SciencesMOE Key Laboratory of Bioorganic Phosphorus Chemistry&Chemical BiologyTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China Unit of Human Parasite Molecular and Cell BiologyKey Laboratory of Molecular Virology and ImmunologyInstitut Pasteur of ShanghaiUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 200031China School of Life Science and TechnologyShanghaiTech UniversityShanghai 201210China Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyState Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular BiologyInstitute of Basic Medical SciencesChinese Academy of Medical SciencesPeking Union Medical CollegeBeijing 100005China Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell(I2BC)CEACNRSUniversite´Paris-SaclayGif-sur-Yvette 91198France Center for Molecular ParasitologyDepartment of Microbiology and ImmunologyDrexel University College of MedicinePhiladelphiaPA 19129USA Department of Laboratory MedicineWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China The Nanjing Unicorn Academy of InnovationInstitut Pasteur of ShanghaiChinese Academy of SciencesNanjing 211135China 
Malaria still threatens global health seriously *** the current discoveries of antimalarials are almost totally focused on single mode-of-action inhibitors,multi-targeting inhibitors are highly desired to overcome the...
In vivo evaluation of additively manufacturedmulti-layered scaffold for the repair of large osteochondral defects
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2022年 第3期5卷 481-496页
作者:Maryam Tamaddon Gordon Blunn Rongwei Tan Pan Yang Xiaodan Sun Shen-Mao Chen Jiajun Luo Ziyu Liu Ling Wang Dichen Li Ricardo Donate Mario Monzón Chaozong LiuInstitute of Orthopaedic and Musculoskeletal ScienceRoyal National Orthopaedic HospitalUniversity College LondonStanmore HA74LPUK School of Pharmacy and Biomedical SciencesUniversity of PortsmouthPortsmouth PO12DTUK Guangdong Engineering Research Center of Implantable Medical PolymerShenzhen Lando Biomaterials Co.Ltd.Shenzhen 518107China School of Materials Science and EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing System EngineeringSchool of Mechanical EngineeringXi’an Jiaotong UniversityXi’an 710054China Departamento de Ingeniería MecánicaGrupo de Investigación en Fabricación Integrada y AvanzadaUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran CanariaCampus Universitario de Tafira s/n35017 Las PalmasSpain 
The repair of osteochondral defects is one of the major clinical challenges in ***-established osteochondral tissue engineering methods have shown promising results for the early treatment of small ***,less success ha...
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