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UC berkeley的化工过程设计课程介绍
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《化工高等教育》2001年 第4期18卷 91-94页
作者:余立新 Fred Vorhis清华大学化工系 UC Berkeley 
清华大学化学工程系正在进行课程体系调整,将化工设备设计和工艺设计两门课调整为一门课,由笔者讲授.本系教授刘铮博士1999年底在美国访问期间结识了UC berkeley化工系的教师Fred Vorhis,对其开设的化工过程设计课程很感兴趣,并介绍给笔...
ADC evaluation boards design and test framework for LCLS-Ⅱ precision receiver
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《Nuclear Science and Techniques》2016年 第5期27卷 200-207页
作者:Jin Yang Gang Huang Qiang Du Lawrence Doolittle John ByrdLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory BerkeleyCA 94720 USA Department of Engineering Physics Tsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084 China 
In the low-level RF control field,ADC acquisition accuracy and noise set the boundary of our control ability,making it important to develop low-noise acquisition *** the design to test stage,all the noise terms should...
Design and dynamic analysis of single-axis integrated inertia measurement device
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《仪器仪表学报》2007年 第9期28卷 1558-1563页
作者:Ma Zongmin Shi Yunbo Meng Meiyu Liu JunNational Key Lab for Electronic Measurement and Technology North University of China Taiyuan 030051 China Key Lab of lnstrumentation science & Dynamic Measurement(North University of China)Ministry of EducationTaiyuan 030051 China Department of Mechanical Engineering University of California Berkeley Berkeley CA 94720 USA 
The structure and measurement theory of a single-axis integrated inertia measurement device are discussed in this *** acceleration and angle velocity can be detected by the proposed sensor at the same *** ki- netic mo...
Comparison of two projection methods for modeling incompressible flows in MPM
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《Journal of Hydrodynamics》2017年 第3期29卷 405-412页
作者:Shyamini Kularathna Kenichi SogaDepartment of EngineeringGeotechnical and Environmental Research GroupUniversity of Cambridge Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of California Berkeley 
Material point method(MPM)was originally introduced for large deformation problems in solid mechanics ***,it has been successfully applied to solve a wide range of material ***,previous research has indicated that M...
Agrobacterium tumefaciens: A Bacterium Primed for Synthetic Biology
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《BioDesign Research》2020年 第1期2020卷 91-106页
作者:Mitchell G.Thompson William M.Moore Niklas F.C.Hummel Allison N.Pearson Collin R.Barnum Henrik V.Scheller Patrick M.ShihJoint BioEnergy InstituteEmeryvilleCAUSA Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology DivisionLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBerkeleyCAUSA Department of Plant BiologyUniversity of California-DavisDavisCAUSA Department of Plant and Microbial BiologyUniversity of California-BerkeleyBerkeleyCAUSA Genome CenterUniversity of California-DavisDavisCAUSA 
Agrobacterium tumefaciens is an important tool in plant biotechnology due to its natural ability to transfer DNA into the genomes of host *** manipulations of *** have yielded considerable advances in increasing trans...
A new method to estimate wave height of specified return period
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《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》2017年 第5期35卷 1002-1009页
作者:王莉萍 许新 刘桂林 陈柏宇 陈正寿College of Mathematical Sciences Ocean University of China Qingdao 266100 China College of Engineering Ocean University of China Qingdao 266100 China Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California Berkeley Berkeley CA 94720 USA Department of Naval Architecture and Civil Engineering Zhejiang Ocean University Zhoushan 316000 China 
In this paper, we propose a new method to estimate the wave height of a specifi c return period based on the Hurst rule and a self-affi ne fractal formula. A detailed description of our proposed model is presented in ...
The Use and Reuse of Julius Caesar's Religious Résumé on Imperatorial Coinage
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2014年 第1期4卷 62-74页
作者:Gaius SternUniversity of California Berkeley USA 
Soon after Roman mint masters began issuing the silver denarius (traditional date 187 B.C.), they discovered that they could employ coinage as newspapers and PR by individualizing the imagery on each side of the coi...
Determination of water level design for an estuarine city
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《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》2019年 第4期37卷 1186-1196页
作者:CHEN Baiyu LIU Guilin WANG Liping ZHANG Kuangyuan ZHANG ShuaifangCollege of Engineering University of California Berkeley Berkeley 94720 USA College of Engineering Ocean University of China Qingdao 266000 China College of Mathematical Science Ocean University of China Qingdao 266000 China Department of Economics Penn State University State College 16801 USA Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Florida Gainesville 32611 USA 
Based on the extreme value theory, self-affinity, and scale invariance, we studied the temporal and spatial relationship and the variation of water level and established a model of Gumbel-Pareto distribution for desig...
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《高能物理与核物理》2005年 第11期29卷 1091-1094页
作者:边晓浩 陈怀璧 郑曙昕 Derun Li清华大学工程物理系 LBNL One Cyclotron Road Berkeley CA 94720 USA 
在热阴极微波电子枪的研制中,为设计微波腔链与波导的耦合孔,应用Derun Li等提出的“能量方法”进行模拟计算。使用MAFIA计算微波电子枪第3腔与外回路馈电波导之间的耦合度,从而设计连接波导与腔链的耦合孔,使两者之间的耦合度满足需要...
Design of a multi-channel spin polarimeter
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《Chinese Physics C》2015年 第3期39卷 113-116页
作者:石潭 季福昊 叶茂 万唯实 乔山Physics Department Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Surface Physics Laboratory Fudan University State key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information TechnologyChinese Academy of Sciences Advanced Light Source Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory School of Physical Science and TechnologyShanghai Tech University 
All commercial electron spin polarimeters work in single channel mode, which is the bottleneck of researches by spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. By adopting the time inversion antisymmetry of the magnetic fie...
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