
检索条件"机构=CS Department"
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A Matrix-Based Approach for Sustainability in Product Design
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《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》2012年 第2期2卷 102-109页
作者:Claudio Rocco Sergio Rizzuti Luigi De NapoliDepartment of Mechanical Engineering University of Calabria Rende (CS) 87036 Italy 
The paper proposes a matrix-based approach that a designer can use to evaluate the sustainability of one or more design solutions in the conceptual phase of a product development process. The methodology is structured...
Proposal for a cross layer scheme for real-time wireless video
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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》2006年 第10期7卷 1690-1694页
作者:JEYARAJ Arulsaravana CHENG Liang EL ZARKI MagdaEECS Department the Henry Samueli School of Engineering University of California Irvine CA-92697 USA NVIDIA Corporation Santa Clara California CA-95050 USA CS Department DonaM Bren School of lnformation & Computer Sciences University of California Irvine CA-92697 USA 
This paper focuses on the design of the cross layer between the video application layer and the MIMO physical layer. MIMO physical layer research has promised an enormous increase in the capacity of wireless communica...
Optimization for performance-based design under seismic demands, including social costs
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《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》2015年 第2期14卷 315-328页
作者:Oscar Moller Ricardo O.Foschi Juan P.Ascheri Marcelo Rubinstein Sergio GrossmanInstituto de Mecanica Aplicada y Estructuras (IMAE) Facultad Cs.Ex. Ingenieríay Agrimensura Universidad Nacional de Rosario Riobambay Berutti 2000 Rosario Argentina Civil Engineering Department University of British Columbia 6250 Applied Sciences Lane Vancouver B.C. Canada V6T1Z4 
Performance-based design in earthquake engineering is a structural optimization problem that has, as the objective, the determination of design parameters for the minimization of total costs, while at the same time sa...
Observer design for induction motor: an approach based on the mean value theorem
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《Frontiers in Energy》2014年 第4期8卷 426-433页
作者:Mohamed Yacine HAMMOUDI Abdelkarim ALLAG Mohamed BECHERIF Mohamed BENBOUZID Hamza ALLOUIMSE Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering University ofBiskra BP 145 Biskra 07000 Algeria FCLab University of Technology of Belfort-Montbdliard CNRS 3539 Femto-ST UMR 6174 Belfort 90010 France LBMS University of Brest Kergoat street CS 93837 29238 BrestCedex 3 France Ecole militaire polytechnique UER ELT Algiers 1611 Algeria 
In this paper, observer design for an induction motor has been investigated. The peculiarity of this paper is the synthesis of a mono-Luenberger observer for highly coupled system. To transform the nonlinear error dyn...
Biotinylated polyurethane-urea nanoparticles for targeted theranostics in human hepatocellular carcinoma
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《Nano Research》2015年 第5期8卷 1729-1745页
作者:Genoveva MorraI-Ruiz Pedro Melgar-Lesmes Andrea Lopez-Vicente Conxita Solans Maria Jose Garcia-CelmaDepartment of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology Faculty of Pharmacy University of Barcelona Av Joan XXIII s/n 08028 Barcelona Spain Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC) CS/C Jordi Girona 18-26 08034 Barcelona Spain Networking Research Center on Bioengineering Biomaterials and Nanomedicine CIBER-BBN Spain 
Over the past years, significant efforts have been devoted to explore novel drug delivery and detection strategies for simultaneous therapy and diagnostics. The development of biotinylated polyurethane-urea nanopartic...
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《国际脑血管病杂志》2019年 第2期27卷 84-97页
作者:Mauro Oddo Daniele Poole Raimund Helbok Geert Meyfroidt Nino Stocchetti Pierre Bouzat Maurizio Cecconi Thomas Geeraerts Ignacio-Martin Loeches Herve Quintard Fabio Silvio Taccone Romergryko G. Geocadin Claude Hemphill Carole Ichai David Menon Jean-Francois Payen Anders Perner Martin Smith Jose Suarez Walter Videtta Elisa R. Zanier Giuseppe Citerio 何毅华(译) 常远(译) 王晓蔷(译) 潘速跃(译)Department of Medic al-Surgical Intensive Care Medicine Faculty of Biology and Medicine Centre Hospitalier Universitaire VauDOIs (CHUV) Lhiversity of Lausanne Rue du Bugnon 46 B4 08.623 1011 Lausanne Switzerland Department of Intensive Care Medicine St James's Lhiversity Hospital James's St Ushers P.O. Box 580 Dublin & Ireland Service de Reanimation Medic o-chirurgic ale Hopital Pasteur 2 UniversiteCote d'Azur CHU de Nice 06000 Nice France Unite CNRS 7275 Sophia-Antipolis France Department of Intensive Care Erasme Hospital University Libre de Bruxelles Brussels Belgium Neurosciences Critical Care Departments of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Neurology and Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins Lhiversity Baltimore MD USA Department of Neurology University of California San Francisco San Francisco CA LKA Service de Reanimation Polyvalente Hopital Pasteur 2 CHU de Nice 30 Voie Romaine CS 51069 06001 Nice Cedex 1 France Division of Anaesthesia University of Cambridge Addenbrooke's Ffospital Box 93 Hfills Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 2QQ UK Department of Intensive Care 4131 Copenhagen University Hospital- Rigshospitalet Copenhagen Denmark Department of Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritic al Care The National Ffospital for Neurosurgery and Neurology Lhiversity College London Hospitals London UK Anesthesia and Intensive Care Operative th it S. Martino Hospital Belluno Italy Hospital Nacional Professor Alejandro Posadas Buenos Aires Argentina Department of Neurosciences IRCCS-Istituto di Ricerche Farmacotogiche Mario Negri Milan Italy School of Medicine and Surgery University of Milan-Bicocca Milan Italy Neurointensive Care San Gerardo Hospital ASST-Monza 20900 Monza Italy 南方医科大学南方医院神经内科广州510515 Neurological Intensive Care Lhit Department of Neurology Medical University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria Department of Intensive Care Medicine University Hospitals Leuven Louvain Belgium Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit Department of Anesthesia and C 
目的发布欧洲重症医学学会(European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, ESICM)关于神经重症监护患者液体治疗的专家共识和临床实践推荐意见。设计在2016年10月召开的ESICM LIVE 2016会议上召集了一个由22名国际专家组成的共识委员会...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2014年 第3期17卷 149-149页
作者:Thomas Burgoine Simon J Griffin Pablo Monsivais 周平UKCRC Centre for Diet and Activity Research Medical Research Council ( MRC ) Epidemiology Unit University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine Box 285 Institute of Metabolic Science Cambridge Biomedical Campus Cambridge CS20QQ UK Department of Public Health and Primary Care Institute of Public Health University of Cambridge Cambridge UK 中国医学科学院医学信息研究所 
目的 调查家庭、工作和交通路线环境中的外卖食品店暴露、外卖食品消费与体重的相关性。设计 横断面人群研究,使用每个研究对象的饮食和体重数据,以及食品环境暴露的客观指标。
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