
检索条件"机构=Center for Advanced Science and Innovation"
106 条 记 录,以下是71-80 订阅
Two-dimensional zero thermal expansion in low-cost Mn_(x)Fe_(5−x)Si_(3) alloys via integrating crystallographic texture and magneto-volume effect
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science China Materials》2022年 第7期65卷 1912-1919页
作者:Chengyi Yu Kun Lin Yili Cao Wenjie Li Yan Chen Ke An Chin-Wei Wang Kenichi Kato Qiang Li Jinxia Deng Xianran XingBeijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome EngineeringInstitute of Solid State ChemistryDepartment of Physical ChemistryUniversity of Science and Technology BeijingBeijing 100083 Neutron Scattering DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831 Neutron GroupNational Synchrotron Radiation Research CenterHsinchu 30076 RIKEN SPring-8 CenterHyogo 679-5148 
Zero thermal expansion(ZTE)alloys have unique aspects in the application of the engineering of precise dimensional ***,the harsh conditions to realize ZTE,i.e.,appropriate coupling among spin,lattice,and charge upon h...
Widely tunable optical properties via oxygen manipulation in an amorphous alloy
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science China Materials》2021年 第9期64卷 2305-2312页
作者:Ying-qi Zhang Li-ying Zhou Sheng-ye Tao Yu-zhang Jiao Jin-feng Li Kai-ming Zheng Yuan-chao Hu Kai-xuan Fang Cheng Song Xiao-yan Zhong Limei Xu Ke-Fu Yao Zheng-jun Zhang Na ChenKey Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology(MOE)The State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine ProcessingSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China International Center for Quantum MaterialsPeking UniversityBeijing 100084China Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum MatterBeijing 100871China Institute of MaterialsChina Academy of Engineering PhysicsMianyang 621907China Institute of Industrial ScienceUniversity of Tokyo4-6-1 KomabaMeguro-kuTokyo 1538505Japan Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials(MOE)School of Materials Science and EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China National Center for Electron Microscopy in BeijingKey Laboratory of Advanced Materials(MOE)The State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine ProcessingSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China Department of Materials Science and EngineeringCity University of Hong KongTat Chee AvenueKowloonHong KongChina 
The ability to widely tune the optical properties of amorphous alloys is highly desirable especially for their potential applications in optoelectronic *** this work,we demonstrate that introducing oxygen into an amor...
Structure design enables stable anionic and cationic redox chemistry in a T2-type Li-excess layered oxide cathode
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science Bulletin》2022年 第4期67卷 381-388,M0004页
作者:Xin Cao Haifeng Li Yu Qiao Min Jia Hirokazu Kitaura Jianan Zhang Ping He Jordi Cabana Haoshen ZhouEnergy Technology Research InstituteNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)Tsukuba 305-8568Japan Department of ChemistryUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoChicagoIL 60607USA Center of Energy Storage Materials&TechnologyCollege of Engineering and Applied SciencesJiangsu Key Laboratory of Artificial Functional MaterialsNational Laboratory of Solid State Microstructuresand Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced MicrostructuresNanjing UniversityNanjing 210093China Graduate School of System and Information EngineeringUniversity of TsukubaTsukuba 305-8573Japan College of Materials Science and EngineeringZhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450001China 
Coupled with anionic and cationic redox chemistry,Li-rich/excess cathode materials are prospective high-energy-density candidates for the next-generation Li-ion ***,irreversible lattice oxygen loss would exacerbate ir...
Unveiling multi-element synergy in polymetallic oxides for efficient nitrate reduction to ammonia
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science China Materials》2024年 第9期67卷 2941-2948页
作者:Yaning Qie Jiachen Gao Siqi Li Mingjin Cui Xuejiao Mao Xinyu Wang Bo Zhang Sijia Chi Yiran Jia Quan-Hong Yang Chunpeng Yang Zhe WengNanoyang GroupTianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Carbon and Electrochemical Energy StorageSchool of Chemical Engineering and Technologyand Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering(Tianjin)Tianjin UniversityTianjin300072China National Industry-Education Integration Platform of Energy StorageTianjin UniversityTianjin300072China Haihe Laboratory of Sustainable Chemical TransformationsTianjin300192China Institute of Energy Materials ScienceUniversity of Shanghai for Science and TechnologyShanghai200093China 
Electrocatalytic nitrate reduction reaction is considered as a promising and sustainable method for ammonia ***,the selectivity and yield rate of ammonia are limited by the competitive hydrogen evolution reaction and ...
Flexible three-dimensional-networked iron vanadate nanosheet arrays/carbon cloths as high-performance cathodes for magnesium ion batteries
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science China Materials》2022年 第8期65卷 2197-2206页
作者:Han Tang Chunli Zuo Fangyu Xiong Cunyuan Pei Shuangshuang Tan Ping Luo Wei Yang Qinyou An Liqiang MaiState Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and ProcessingInternational School of Materials Science and EngineeringWuhan University of TechnologyWuhan 430070China Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Green Materials for Light IndustryCollaborative Innovation Center of Green Light-Weight Materials and ProcessingSchool of Materials and Chemical EngineeringHubei University of TechnologyWuhan 430070China Foshan Xianhu Laboratory of the Advanced Energy Science and Technology Guangdong LaboratoryFoshan 528200China 
Owing to their safety and low cost,magnesium ion batteries(MIBs)have attracted much attention in recent ***,the sluggish diffusion dynamics of magnesium ions hampers the search for appropriate cathode materials with e...
Formation mechanism of basin-like depression defect in electric upsetting process of Ni80A superalloy
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》2022年 第10期32卷 3276-3290页
作者:Guo-zheng QUAN Xue SHENG Kun YANG Yan-ze YU Wei XIONGChongqing Key Laboratory of Advanced Mold Intelligent ManufacturingCollege of Materials Science and EngineeringChongqing UniversityChongqing 400044China State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die&Mould TechnologyHuazhong University of Science and TechnologyWuhan 430074China Nanjing Jiepin Intelligent Technology Co.Ltd.Nanjing 210000China Key Laboratory of Advanced Reactor Engineering and Safety of Ministry of EducationCollaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Nuclear Energy TechnologyInstitute of Nuclear and New Energy TechnologyTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China 
A kind of surface instability,basin-like depression defect companied by mixed grain structure at the bottom of large-scale valve during electric upsetting process,would significantly influence the microstructures and ...
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《Acta Mechanica Sinica》2024年 第1期40卷 1-34页
作者:程诚 陈贤亮 朱文凯 史维 傅林Department of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringThe Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyHong KongChina Institute for Advanced StudyThe Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyHong KongChina Department of MathematicsThe Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyHong KongChina Center for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macao(CORE)The Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyHong KongChina HKUST Shenzhen-Hong Kong Collaborative Innovation Research InstituteShenzhen518045China 
Intrinsic exchange bias effect in strain-engineered single antiferromagnetic LaMnO3 films
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science China Materials》2019年 第7期62卷 1046-1052页
作者:Guowei Zhou Huihui Ji Yuhao Bai Zhiyong Quan Xiaohong XuSchool of Chemistry and Materials Science Key Laboratory of Magnetic Molecules and Magnetic Information Materials Ministry of Education Shanxi Normal University Linfen 041004 China Research Institute of Materials Science of Shanxi Normal University & Collaborative Innovation Center for Shanxi Advanced Permanent Magnetic Materials and Techonology Linfen 041004 China School of Physics and Electronic Information Shanxi Normal University Linfen 041004 China 
In this work, epitaxial growth of LaMnO3 thin films on different substrates using pulsed laser deposition under tensile and compressive strain was studied. The intrinsic exchange bias effect was observed in the single...
Geometric effect promoted hydrotalcites catalysts towards aldol condensation reaction
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《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》2020年 第8期41卷 1279-1287页
作者:Huimin Wang Weihan Bing Chunyuan Chen Yusen Yang Ming Xu Lifang Chen Lei Zheng Xiaolin Li Xin Zhang Jianjun Yin Min WeiState Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource EngineeringBeijing Advanced Innovation Center for Soft Matter Science and EngineeringBeijing University of Chemical TechnologyBeijing 100029China China Tianchen Engineering Corporation Technology Research and Development CenterTianjin 300400China Institute of High Energy PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China SINOPEC Beijing Research Institute of Chemical IndustryBeijing 100013China 
In solid basic catalysis field,how to achieve optimized activity and desired stability through elaborate control over basic site properties remains a *** this work,taking advantage of the structure memory effect of la...
Continuous synthesis of extremely small-sized iron oxide nanoparticles used for T_(1)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging via a fluidic reactor
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science China Materials》2022年 第6期65卷 1646-1654页
作者:Yu Mao Yan Li Fengchao Zang Haoli Yu Sen Yan Qingsong Song Zhiguo Qin Jianfei Sun Bo Chen Xiao Huang Ning GuState Key Laboratory of BioelectronicsJiangsu Key Laboratory for Biomaterials and DevicesSchool of Biological Science and Medical EngineeringSoutheast UniversityNanjing 210096China Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Molecular and Functional ImagingMedical SchoolSoutheast UniversityNanjing 210096China State Key Laboratory of Flexible Electronics&Institute of Advanced MaterialsJiangsu National Synergistic Innovation Center for Advanced MaterialsNanjing Tech UniversityNanjing 210096China Materials Science and Devices InstituteSuzhou University of Science and TechnologySuzhou 215009China 
Extremely small-sized iron oxide nanoparticles(ESIONPs)with sizes less than 5 nm have shown great promise as T_(1)contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).However,their facile and scalable production with s...
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