
659 条 记 录,以下是101-110 订阅
Conceptual design of irradiation device for silicon neutron transmutation doping around Es-Salam research reactor
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《Nuclear Science and Techniques》2020年 第4期31卷 69-78页
作者:M.Salhi B.Mohammedi S.Laouar M.Dougdag M.Touiza M.Abbaci M.MoughariCentre de Recherche Nucle′aire de Birine17200 Ain OusseraAlgeria Institut Alge′rien de formation en Ge′nie Nucle′aire16050 DrariaAlgerAlge′rie 
Silicon neutron transmutation doping remains one of the most viable nuclear applications for research *** this kind of product involves an irradiation method capable of fulfilling the quality requirements of doping an...
Gradient carbonyl-iron/carbon-fiber reinforced composite metamaterial for ultra-broadband electromagnetic wave absorption by multi-scale integrated design
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《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》2023年 第6期30卷 1198-1206页
作者:Qian Zhou Tiantian Shi Bei Xue Shengyue Gu Wei Ren Fang Ye Xiaomeng Fan Wenyan Duan Zihan Zhang Lifei DuCollege of ScienceXi’an University of Posts and TelecommunicationsXi’an 710121China College of Materials Science and EngineeringXi’an University of Science and TechnologyXi’an 710054China Science and Technology on Thermostructural Composite Materials LaboratoryNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi’an 710072China Technology and Engineering Centre for Space UtilisationChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100094China 
The demand of high-end electromagnetic wave absorbing materials puts forward higher requirements on comprehensive performances of small thickness,lightweight,broadband,and strong ***,a novel multi-layer stepped metama...
Optical design of common-aperture multispectral and polarization optical imaging system with wide field of view
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《Chinese Physics B》2019年 第8期28卷 119-123页
作者:Xin Liu Jun Chang Shuai Feng Yu Mu Xia Wang Zhao-Peng XuSchool of Optics and PhotonicsBeijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing 100081China Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical PhysicsTianjin 300192China China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and ApplicationBeijing 100191China 
Multispectral and polarization cameras that can simultaneously acquire the spatial,spectral,and polarization characteristics of an object have considerable potential applications in target detection,biomedical imaging...
Design Procedure for Semi Interlocking Masonry
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《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》2015年 第5期9卷 517-525页
作者:Yuri TotoevCentre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability The University of Newcastle Callaghan 2308 Australia 
SIM (semi interlocking masonry) is a kind of innovative building system for mortar-less walls. It utilizes a special method of interlocking SIM bricks that allows relative sliding of brick courses in-plane of a wall...
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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》2015年 第5期16卷 395-403页
作者:Shan LOU Xiang-qian JIANG Wen-han ZENG Paul J.SCOTTEPSRC Innovative Manufacure Research Centre in Advanced MetrologySchool of Computing and EngineeringUniversity of Huddersfield 
Simplified seismic performance assessment and implications for seismic design
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《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》2014年 第S1期13卷 95-122页
作者:Timothy J.Sullivan David P.Welch Gian Michele CalviUniversity of PaviaDepartment of Civil Engineering & ArchitecturePavia 27100Italy European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake EngineeringPavia 27100Italy UME SchoolROSE ProgrammeIUSS Pavia PhD candidate IUSS Pavia Professor 
The last decade or so has seen the development of refined performance-based earthquake engineering(PBEE) approaches that now provide a framework for estimation of a range of important decision variables,such as repair...
Transparent and Ultra-lightweight Design for Ultra-Broadband Asymmetric Transmission of Airborne Sound
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《Chinese Physics Letters》2018年 第2期35卷 34-37页
作者:Jie Hu Bin Liang Xiao-Jun QiuKey Laboratory of Modern Acoustics(MOE)Institute of AcousticsNanjing UniversityNanjing 210023 College of Information Science and TechnologyNanjing Forestry UniversityNanjing 210000 Centre for AudioAcoustics and VibrationFaculty of Engineering and ITUniversity of Technology SydneyAustrlia 
Acoustic one-way manipulations have recently attracted significant attention due to the deep implications in many diverse fields such as biomedical imaging and ***,the previous mechanisms of asymmetric manipulation of...
Integrated design of transport infrastructure and public spaces considering human behavior:A review of state-of-the-art methods and tools
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《Frontiers of Architectural Research》2019年 第4期8卷 429-453页
作者:Liu Yang Koen Hvan Dam Amab Majumdar Bani Anvari Washington YOchieng Lufeng ZhangCenter of Architecture Research and DesignUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences100190BeijingChina Centre for Transport StudiesDeptof Civil and Environmental EnQineerinqImperial Colleqe LondonLondonSW72AZUK Centre for Process Systems EngineeringDeptof Chemical EngineerinsImperial College LondonLondonSW72AZUK Centre for Transport StudiesDeptof CivilEnvironmental and Geomatic EngineeringUniversity College LondonWC1E 6BTUK 
In order to achieve holistic urban plans incorporating transport infrastructure,public space and the behavior of people in these spaces,integration of urban design and computer modeling is a promising way to provide b...
A Comparison of Techniques for Solving the Poisson Equation in CFD
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《民用飞机设计与研究》2017年 第3期 85-94页
作者:Nick BrownEdinburgh Parallel Computing CentreThe University of Edinburgh 
CFD is a ubiquitous technique central to much of computational simulation such as that required by aircraft *** of the Poisson equation occurs frequently in CFD and there are a number of possible approaches one may **...
Digital Content Preservation across Domain Verticals
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《通讯和计算机(中英文版)》2010年 第10期7卷 64-71页
作者:Soha Maad Borislav D. DimitrovHRB Centre for Primary Care Research Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Dublin 2 Ireland 
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