
654 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
On Thermodynamics of AdS Black Holes in Arbitrary Dimensions
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《Chinese Physics Letters》2012年 第10期29卷 9-11页
作者:A.Belhaj M.Chabab El Moumni M.B.SedraCentre of Physics and MathematicsCPM-CNESTENRabatMorocco High Energy Physics and Astrophysics LaboratoryFSSMCadi Ayyad UniversityMarrakeshMorocco UniversitéIbn TofailFacultédes SciencesDépartement de PhysiqueLHESIRKénitraMorocco 
Considering the cosmological constantΛas a thermodynamic pressure and its conjugate quantity as a thermodynamic volume as proposed by Kubiznak and Mann[*** Energy Phys.1207(2012)033],we discuss the critical behavior ...
Research on the Optimization Approach for Cargo Oil Tank Design Based on the Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
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《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》2015年 第5期20卷 565-570页
作者:姜文英 林焰 陈明 于雁云Ship CAD Engineering CentreDalian University of Technology 
Based on the improved particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm,an optimization approach for the cargo oil tank design(COTD) is presented in this *** purpose is to design an optimal overall dimension of the cargo oil...
Review of mass-flow hopper design with respect to stress fields and surcharge loads
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《Particuology》2010年 第6期8卷 591-594页
作者:Alan W.RobertsCentre for Bulk Solids and Partculate TechnologiesThe University of NewcastleNSWAustralia 
Current procedures for mass-flow hopper design are based on the radial stress theory developed byJenike and involve the determination of the critical outlet dimensions for flow to be initiated. These procedures ignore...
“Even I Can Do It”:Chinese Ethnolinguistic Minority Learners’Investment in Creative Writing and Its Impact
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《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》2022年 第3期45卷 340-359,484页
作者:Shizhou YANG Barry Lee REYNOLDSPayap UniversityChiang MaiThailand Faculty of Education&Centre for Cognitive and Brain SciencesUniversity of Macao 
Although much is known about the benefits of providing creative writing courses to English learners, little research is available on Chinese ethnolinguistic minority learners’ creative writing in formal education. In...
Compositional design and microstructure analysis of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses
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《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》2007年 第6期17卷 1433-1440页
作者:严明 邹进 沈军 孙剑飞School of Materials Science and EngineeringHarbin Institute of Technology School of Engineering and Centre for Microscopy and MicroanalysisUniversity of Queensland QLD 4072 Australia 
The systematical studies of Zr-based BMGs were summarized in terms of their compositional design and their structural characterization. In particular, several key issues of BMG materials were focused, including initia...
Toward the Design of Multi Asymmetric Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge (ASDBD) Actuators
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《Plasma Science and Technology》2015年 第1期17卷 56-63页
作者:Massiel ZADEH V.ROHANI F.CAUNEAU F.FABRY L.FULCHERICentre for ProcessesRenewable Energies and Energy Systems-PERSEE- MINES ParisTech 
This paper investigates the electrical and mechanical behaviors of a single-ASDBD actuator and a two-ASDBD one supplied in sinusoidal mode(1-10 kHz).The main objective of our research is to determine the optimum fre...
Polybrominated diphenyl ether levels in wild and farmed Chilean salmon and preliminary flow data for commercial transport
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《Journal of Environmental Sciences》2012年 第2期24卷 221-227页
作者:Monica Montory Evelyn Habit Pilar Fernandez Joan O.Grimalt Ricardo BarraAquatic Systems Research UnitEULA-Chile Environmental Sciences CentreUniversity of Concepción Center for Ecosystems Research in Patagonia(CIEP) Institute for Environmental Assessment and Water Research(IDAEA) 
This pilot study documented the occurrence and levels of brominated flame retardants in the tissues of farmed and wild salmon in southern *** of Coho salmon and rainbow trout were obtained from fish farms,rivers and l...
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《Acta Mechanica Sinica》2004年 第2期20卷 132-139页
作者:陈浩然 李文荣Centre for Micro and Nano SystemsThe Chinese University of Hong KongShatinN.t.Hong Kong SARChina Centre for Micro and Nano SystemsThe Chinese University of Hong KongShatinN.t.Hong Kong SARChina Shenyang Institute of AutomationChinese Academy of SciencesShenyang 110016China 
The development of a novel polymer-based micro robotic gripper that can be actuated in a fluidic medium is presented in this *** current work is to explore new materials and designs for thermal actuators to achieve mi...
Analysis of process variations impact on the single-event transient quenching in 65 nm CMOS combinational circuits
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《Science China(Technological Sciences)》2014年 第2期57卷 322-331页
作者:WANG TianQi XIAO LiYi ZHOU Bin QI ChunHuaMicro-electric CentreHarbin Institute of Technology 
Single-event transient pulse quenching (Quenching effect) is employed to effectively mitigate WSET (SET pulse width). It en- hanced along with the increased charge sharing which is norm for future advanced technol...
Structural Design Conception and Analysis for the Structural System of Large Flexible Airship
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《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》2010年 第6期15卷 756-761页
作者:高海健 陈务军 付功义Space Structures Research CentreShanghai Jiaotong University 
Nine kinds of structure systems were proposed for the flexible airship according to the inherent structural characteristics. On the basis of equilibrium configuration of the oating airship subjected to the ascent heli...
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