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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2005年 第5期24卷 271-276页
作者:Gustavo Saposnik Bryan Young Brian Silver Silvia Di Legge Fiona Webster Vadim Beletsky Vivek Jain 孙伟平(译) 黄一宁(校)Stroke Program Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences London Health Sciences Centre University of Western Ontario London Department of Neurology Henry Ford Hospital Detroit Mich 不详 
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《中国科学:地球科学》2023年 第3期53卷 444-460页
作者:赵亮 郭正堂 袁怀玉 王欣欣 沈昊 杨建锋 孙宝璐 谭宁 张卉 刘永岗 李杨 王佳敏 纪伟强 朱日祥中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所岩石圈演化国家重点实验室北京100029 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所新生代地质与环境院重点实验室北京100029 中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院北京100049 ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid SystemsDepartment of Earth and Planetary SciencesMacquarie UniversityNew South Wales 2109Australia 北京大学物理学院大气与海洋科学系气候与海-气实验室北京100871 
Heart‘omicsin’AGEing (HOMAGE):design,research objectives and characteristics of the common database
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《The Journal of Biomedical Research》2014年 第5期28卷 349-359页
作者:Lotte Jacobs Lutgarde Thijs Yu Jin Faiez Zannad Alexandre Mebazaa Philippe Rouet Florence Pinet Christophe Bauters Burkert Pieske Andreas Tomaschitz Mamas Mamas Javier Diez Kenneth McDonald John G F Cleland Hans-Peter Brunner-La Rocca Stephane Heymans Roberto Latini Serge Masson Peter Sever Christian Delles Stuart Pocock Timothy Collier Tatiana Kuznetsova Jan A StaessenStudies Coordinating CentreResearch Unit Hypertension and Cardiovascular EpidemiologyKU Leuven Department of Cardiovascular SciencesUniversity of Leuven Centre d'Investigation Clinique Pierre Drouin and U 961Hypertension and Heart Failure UnitInstitut Lourrain du Coeur etdes VaisseauxInsermNancyFrance Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care MedicineInsermUMR-S942Hopital LariboisiereUniversite Paris Diderot Equipe obesite et insuffisance cardiaqueUniversite UPSInserm I2MCUMR 1048ToulouseFrance InsermU744CHRULilleFrance Department of CardiologyMedical University Graz Cardiovascular InstituteUniversity of ManchesterManchesterUK Division of Cardiovascular SciencesFoundation for Applied Medical ResearchUniversity of Navarra Heart Failure UnitSt Vincent's University Hospital University College Dublin Department of CardiologyUniversity of HullUK Department of CardiologyMaastricht University Medical CentreNetherlands Center for Heart Failure ResearchDepartment of CardiologyMaastricht UniversityNetherlands Department of Cardiovascular ResearchIRCCS - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri" International Center for Circulatory HealthImperial College Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical SciencesBHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research CenterUniversity of Glasgow London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 
Heart failure is common in older people and its prevalence is *** Heart 'omics' in AGEing(HOMAGE) project aims to provide a biomarker approach that will improve the early diagnosis of heart failure.A large clinica...
Charting brain growth in tandem with brain templates at school age
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《Science Bulletin》2020年 第22期65卷 1924-1934,M0004页
作者:Hao-Ming Dong F.Xavier Castellanos Ning Yang Zhe Zhang Quan Zhou Ye He Lei Zhang Ting Xu Avram J.Holmes B.T.Thomas Yeo Feiyan Chen Bin Wang Christian Beckmann Tonya White Olaf Sporns Jiang Qiu Tingyong Feng Antao Chen Xun Liu Xu Chen Xuchu Weng Michael P.Milham Xi-Nian ZuoResearch Center for Lifespan Development of Brain and MindInstitute of PsychologyChinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)Beijing 100101China State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and LearningBeijing Normal UniversityBeijing 100875China Department of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryNew York University School of MedicineNew YorkNY 10016USA Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric ResearchOrangeburgNew YorkNY 10962USA Department of PsychologyUniversity of CASBeijing 100049China Department of Psychological and Brain SciencesIndiana UniversityBloomingtonIN 47405USA Child Mind InstituteNew YorkNY 10022USA Department of PsychologyYale UniversityNew HavenCT 06511USA Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringClinical Imaging Research CentreN.1 Institute for Health and Memory Networks ProgramNational University of SingaporeSingapore 117574Singapore Department of PhysicsZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310058China Binzhou Medical UniversityYantai 264100China Donders InstituteRadboud University Medical CentreNijmegen 6525 ENNetherlands Department of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryErasmus UniversityRotterdam 3000 CBNetherlands Department of RadiologyErasmus University Medical CentreRotterdam 3000 CANetherlands School of PsychologySouthwest UniversityChongqing 400715China Institute for Brain Research and RehabilitationSouth China Normal UniversityGuangzhou 510631China Institute of Children HealthChangzhou Children’s HospitalChangzhou 213003China Key Laboratory of Brain and EducationSchool of Education ScienceNanning Normal UniversityNanning 530001China CAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral ScienceInstitute of PsychologyBeijing 100101China IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain ResearchBeijing Normal UniversityBeijing 100875China 
Brain growth charts and age-normed brain templates are essential resources for researchers to eventually contribute to the care of individuals with atypical developmental *** present work generates age-normed brain te...
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《农产品加工》2021年 第11期 77-80页
作者:王溪桥 解迎双 周小平 丁功涛 马忠仁 Nurul Izza Nordin兰州海关技术中心甘肃兰州730010 西北民族大学甘肃兰州730124 Industrial Biotechnology Research CentreSIRIM Berhad 
探讨微滴数字PCR(Droplet digital PCR,ddPCR)技术在猪肉掺假检测中的应用价值。提取猪肉肌肉组织中的基因组DNA,设计猪源性内标基因引物及探针序列,以ddPCR进行扩增读取结果,在不同物种中进行特异性检测,利用标准质粒DNA检测最低下限...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2006年 第6期25卷 329-334页
作者:Sandra Dial J. A. C. Delaney Alan N. Barkun Samy Suissa 李锋(译) 王吉耀(校)Division of Critical Care and Respiratory and Clinical Research Division of Clinical Epidemiology Divisions of Gastroenterology and Clinical Epidemiology McGill University Health Centre Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics McGill University Montreal Quebec 不详 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2007年 第6期10卷 344-348页
作者:Ros Collins Jane Burch Gillian Cranny Raquel Aguiar-Ibáez Dawn Craig Kath Wright Elizabeth Berry Michael Gough Jos Kleijnen Marie Westwood 施德兵Centre for Reviews and DisseminationUniversity of YorkYork YO10 5DD research fellow Centre for Reviews and DisseminationUniversity of YorkYork YO10 5DDresearch fellow Centre for Reviews and DisseminationUniversity of YorkYork YO10 5DD research fellow in health econmics Centre for Reviews and DisseminationUniversity of YorkYork YO10 5DDinformation officer Academic Unit of Medical PhysicsUniversity of LeedsLeeds senior lecturer Leeds Teaching Hoslitals NHS Trust Leeds Consultant vascylar surgeon Kleijnen Systematic Reviews LtdYork Jos Kleijnen director Centre for Reviews and DisseminationUniversity of YorkYork YO10 5DD senior research fellow 
目的探讨多普勒超声扫描、磁共振血管造影和 CT 血管造影单独或联合应用在评估下肢动脉疾病中的诊断准确性;评价这些检查方法对患者治疗和结果的影响;评价患者对这些检查方法的态度并总结与不良事件相关的现有资料。设计系统性综述。方...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2017年 第7期20卷 418-418页
作者:Rebecca C Fitzgerald Peter Sasieni 胡俊MRC Cancer Unit Hutchison-MRC Research Centre University ofCambridge Cambridge CB2 0XZ UK Centre for Cancer Prevention Queen Mary University of LondonLondon UK 中华医学会组织部 
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《物理化学学报》2021年 第6期37卷 128-136页
作者:陈一文 李铃铃 徐全龙 Tina Düren 范佳杰 马德琨郑州大学材料科学与工程学院郑州450002 广东工业大学材料与能源学院广州510006 温州大学化学与材料工程学院浙江省碳材料重点实验室浙江温州325027 Centre for Advanced Separations EngineeringDepartment of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of BathBath BA27AYUK 绍兴文理学院浙江省精细化学品传统工艺替代技术研究重点实验室浙江绍兴312000 
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2001年 第4期 180-187页
作者:M.L.Joloba J.L.Johnson A.Namale A.Morrissey A.E.Assegghai R.D.Mugerwa J.J.Ellner K.D.Eisenach 贺晓新Department of Medical Microbiology Makerere University Joint Clinical Research Centre Kampala Uganda Department of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine University Hospitals of Cleveland Cleveland Ohio Department of Medicine Makerere University Kampala Uganda University Hospitals of Cleveland Cleveland Ohio Joint Clinical Research Centre Kampala Uganda University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences John L McClellan Memorial Veterans Hospital Little Rock Arkansas USA 
地点:乌干达国家结核病治疗中心Mulago医院与协和临床医学研究中心,乌干达,Kampala。 目的:比较感染HIV和未感染HIV的结核病人在标准化短程化疗(SCC)期间的痰结核杆菌定量。 设计:选择14个感染HIV和22个未感染HIV涂阳成年肺结核病人,比...
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