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Biodesign Research to Advance the Principles and Applications of Biosystems Design
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《BioDesign Research》2019年 第1期2019卷 1-4页
作者:Xiaohan Yang Lei S.Qi Alfonso Jaramillo Zong-Ming(Max)ChengBiosciences DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA The Center for Bioenergy InnovationOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA Department of BioengineeringStanford UniversityStanfordCA 94305USA Department of Chemical and Systems BiologyStanford UniversityStanfordCA 94305USA Stanford ChEM-HStanford UniversityStanfordCA 94305USA Warwick Integrative Synthetic Biology Centre(WISB)and School of Life SciencesUniversity of WarwickCV47AL CoventryUK ISSBCNRSUniv EvryCEAUniversitéParis-Saclay91025 EvryFrance Institute for Integrative Systems Biology(I2SysBio)University of Valencia-CSIC46980 PaternaSpain Department of Plant SciencesUniversity of TennesseeKnoxvilleTN 37996USA Nanjing Agricultural UniversityNanjingJiangsu ProvinceChina 
Over the course of civilization,humans have increasingly expanded their freedom to live a better *** comparison with the primitive society,our modern society has many more choices of life-supporting resources,such as ...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2009年 第1期4卷 6-16页
作者:W.P.J.Franken S.M.Arend S. F. T. Thijsen J, J. M. Bouwman B. F. P. Koster J.T.van Dissel A. W. J. Bossink 陈校友(译)Department of Infectious Diseases Leiden University Medical Centre Leiden Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology Diakonessenhuis Utrecht/Zeist Department of Tuberculosis control Municipal Health AuthorityUtrecht Department of Pulmonology and Tuberculosis Diakonessenhuis Utrecht The Netherlands 不详 
结核分枝杆菌H37Ra FadD3基因克隆与表达研究
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《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》2014年 第4期36卷 600-605页
作者:袁方 陈元晓 Stephanie Dawes Edward N.Baker昆明医科大学基础医学院生物化学与分子生物学系云南昆明650500 昆明医科大学基础医学院细胞生物学与遗传学系云南昆明650500 Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery and School of Biological SciencesUniversity of Auckland 
Hybrid nanogenerator based closed-loop self-powered low-level vagus nerve stimulation system for atrial fibrillation treatment
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《Science Bulletin》2022年 第12期67卷 1284-1294,M0004页
作者:Yu Sun Shengyu Chao Han Ouyang Weiyi Zhang Weikang Luo Qingbin Nie Jianing Wang Changyi Luo Gongang Ni Lingyu Zhang Jun Yang Hongqing Feng Gengsheng Mao Zhou LiDepartment of NeurosurgeryGeneral Hospital of Armed Police ForcesAnhui Medical UniversityHefei 230032China Beijing Key Laboratory of Micro-nano Energy and SensorBeijing Institute of Nanoenergy and NanosystemsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 101400China School of Nanoscience and TechnologyUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China Department of NeurosurgeryThe Third Medical CentreChinese People’s Liberation Army General HospitalBeijing 100039China Institute of Integrative MedicineDepartment of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western MedicineXiangya HospitalCentral South UniversityChangsha 410008China School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCenter on Nanoenergy ResearchGuangxi UniversityNanning 530004China Institute for Stem Cell and RegenerationChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100101China Department of NeurosurgeryPeking University Third HospitalBeijing 100191China 
Atrial fibrillation is an “invisible killer” of human health. It often induces high-risk diseases, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure. Fortunately, atrial fibrillation can be diagnosed and trea...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》1998年 第2期1卷 66-70页
作者:Hans C Siersted Jesper Boldsen Gert Mostgaard Niels HyldebrandtSection of Respiratory DiseasesDepartment of Medicine C Odense University Hospital DK-5000 Odense CDenmark Departmnt of Cardiology Odense University Hospital henrik S Hansensenior registrar Centre for Health and Social PolicyOdense UniversityDK-5230 Odense M Private Specialist Clinic NΦrregade 16 DK-5000 Odense C specialist in allergy and internal medicine 
目的:描述青少年哮喘漏诊的相关因素。设计:在人群队列研究中分析亚群。地点:丹麦欧登塞市。对象:为495名12~15岁学龄儿童,这些儿童是从3年前行队列研究的1 369名儿童中筛选出来,筛选是根据随机选择(n=292)和选择本人或家族成员中有过...
Impact of global sea surface temperature on the recent early winter Arctic tropospheric warming in coordinated large ensemble simulations
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《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》2021年 第1期14卷 57-62页
作者:Lutao Wang Yongqi Gao Dong Guo Tao Wang Ying Zhang Wei HuaSchool of Atmospheric ScienceChengdu University of Information TechnologyChengduChina Nansen-Zhu International Research CenterInstitute of Atmospheric PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijingChina Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center and Bjerknes Centre for Climate ResearchBergenNorway Climate Change Research CenterChinese Academy of SciencesBeijingChina Joint Laboratory for Climate and Environmental ChangeChengdu University of Information TechnologyChengduChina Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological DisastersNanjing University of Information Science and TechnologyNanjingChina 
Coordinated numerical ensemble experiments with six different state-of-the-art atmosphere models were used to evaluate and quantify the impact of global SST(from reanalysis data)on the early winter Arctic warming duri...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2001年 第3期 97-100页
作者:A. E. Czeizel M. Rockenbauer J. Olsen H. T. S■rensen 王延莉Foundation for the Community Control of Hereditary Diseases Department of Human Genetics and Teratology National Center for Epidemiology Budapest Hungary Danish Epidemiology Science Centre Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine University of Aarhus Department of Clinical Epidemiology Aarhus University Hospital Aarhus Denmark 
目的:研究孕期使用异烟肼和其他抗结核药治疗对人类致畸的可能性。 设计及背景:病例人群选自匈牙利先天畸形病例对照监测中心一大型人群资料库,对照组资料来自国家出生人口登记处1980到1996年间出生的人群。所有关于孕期口服抗结核药治...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2006年 第3期1卷 107-114页
作者:S. Den Boon E. D. Bateman D. A. Enarson M. W. Borgdorff S. Verver C. J. Lombard E. Irusen N. Beyers N. W. White 马玙(译) 杨杭旦(校) 张立兴(审)Department of Paediatrics and Child Health Desmond Tutu TB Centre Stellenbosch University Cape Town South Africa Department of Infectious Diseases Tropical Medicine and AIDS Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation The Hague The Netherlands Division of Pulmonology Department of Medicine University of Cape Town Cape Town South Africa International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Paris France Biostatistics Unit Medical Research Council Cape Town Department of Internal Medicine Stellenbosch University Cape Town South Africa 不详 
Self-harm attempters' perception of community services and its implication on service provision
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《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》2019年 第1期6卷 50-57页
作者:Ming Leung Chun-Bong Chow Pak-Keung Patrick Ip Siu-Fai Paul YipCentral Nursing DivisionPrincess Margaret HospitalHKSARChina Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent MedicineLKS Faculty of MedicineThe University of Hong KongHKSARChina Hospital Authority Infectious Disease CentrePrincess Margaret HospitalHKSARChina Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent MedicineThe University of Hong Kong-Shen Zhen HospitalShen ZhenChina Department of Social Work and Social AdministrationThe University of Hong KongHKSARChina Jockey Club Center of Suicide Research and PreventionThe University of Hong KongHKSARChina 
Objective:This study aimed at exploring the attempters'perception of community social services included any barriers to seeking help and ***:The participants were patients with self-harming behavior aged 15 years ...
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《中国市政工程》2022年 第5期 108-111,115,129,130页
作者:赵云璐 信昆仑 Pierre BONARDET 黄慰忠同济大学环境科学与工程学院上海200092 Centre Technique de DistributionSUEZLe Pecq78230France 上海市城市建设设计研究总院(集团)有限公司上海200125 
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