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《英国医学杂志中文版》2007年 第4期10卷 210-213页
作者:Nanette Mutrie Anna M Campbell Fiona Whyte Alex McConnachie Carol Emslie Laura Lee Nora Kearney Andrew Walker Diana Ritchie 方桦(译) 王燕(校)Department of SportCulture and the ArtsStrathclyde UniversityGlasgow G13 1PP Nursing and Midwifery SchoolUniversity of GlasgowGlasgow G12 8LW Robertson Centre for BiostatisticsUniversity of Glasgow G12 8QQ MRC Social and Public Health Sciences UnitGlasgow G12 8RZ Cancer Care Research CentreDepartment of Nursing and MidwiferyUniversity of StirlingStirling FK9 4LA Beatson Oncology CentreGlasgow G11 6NT 不详 
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》1998年 第1期 19-24页
作者:B.Samb D.Henzel C.L.Daley F.Mugusi T.Niyongabo N.Milka-Cabanne G.Kamanfu P.Aubry I.Mbaga B.Larouzé J.F.Murray 马同京INSERM U13/IMEAParisFrance San Francisco General Hospital Medical CenterUniversity of CaliforniaSan Fran ciscoCAUSA Muhimbili Medical CentreDar es SalaamTanzania CHU KamengeBujumburaBurundi Hopital IA Robert PicqueBordeauxFrance. 
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《产业与环境》2003年 第3期25卷 84-88页
作者:Gerard I.J.M.Zwetsloot Nicholas Askounes Ashford 夏光Senior Researcher and ConsultantTNO Work & EmploymentandProfessor at Erasmus Centre for Sustainable Development and Management of Erasmus University Rotterdam TNO Work & EmploymentP.O. Box718NL 2130 AS Hoofddorp The Netherlands Senior ResearcherErgonomia Ltd.AthensGreeceand Professor at Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyTechnology and Law ProgramE-40-23977 Massachusetts AvenueCambridgeMA 02139USA 
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《营养健康新观察》2014年 第1期 37-38页
作者:G Sacks M Rayner L Stockley P Scarborough W Snowdon B Swinburn 刘轶群Deakin Population HealthDeakin University British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research GroupDepartment of Public HealthUniversity of Oxford Pacific Research Centre for the Prevention of Obesity and Non-communicable Diseases(C-POND)Fiji School of Medicine 
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2011年 第3期6卷 127-133页
作者:G.de Vries N.A.H.van Hest H.W.M.Baars M.M.G.G.bek J.H.Richardus 沈鑫 王雪静Department of Tuberculosis ControlMunicipal Public Health Service Rotterdam-Rijnmond Department of Public HealthErasmus Medical CentreUniversity Medical Center Rotterdam National Mycobacteria Reference LaboratoryNational Institute of Public Health and the Environment KNCV Tuberculosis FoundationThe HagueDivision of Infectious Disease ControlMunicipal Public Health Service Rotterdam-RijnmondRotterdamThe Netherlands 
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《结核与肺部疾病杂志》2005年 第3期8卷 107-113页
作者:G. Ferrara L. Richeldi M. Bugiani D. Cirillo G. Besozzi S. Nutini L. Casali F. Fiorentini L. R. Codecasa G. B. Migliori 徐敏Respiratory Diseases Section University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Modena Pneumology Department CPA-ASL4 of Piemonte Piemonte Region Emerging Infectious Diseases Unit San Raffaele-Turro Hospital Milano Tuberculosis Department E. Morelli Hospital Sondalo Pneumology Department Careggi Hospital Firenze Department of Pulmonary Diseases University of Terni Terni Pneumology Department Vecchiazzano Hospital Forli Villa Marelli Institute Niguarda Hospital Reference Centre for Tuberculosis Lombardia Region Milano Clinical Epidemiology of Respiratory Diseases Service/Pneumology Department WHO Collaborating Centre for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Fondazione S. Maugeri Care and Research Institute Tradate Italy 
地点:SMIRA(意大利抗结核药品耐药性研究)网络,包括意大利全国46 个主要临床单位和22 个实验室。目的:确定1995 年1 月至1999 年12 月登记的耐多药结核病人(MDR-TB)的特点、对WHO 指南的依从性以及治疗结果。设计:根据WHO 的建议,先作...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2000年 第Z1期 55-59页
作者:A. N. Martinez J. T. Rhee P. M. Small M. A. Behr 王延莉Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine University of CaliforniaSan Francisco Divisions Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine University of CaliforniaSan Francisco Divisions Epidemiology Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine Stanford University Stanford California USA Division of Infectious Diseases McGill University Health Centre Montreal Quebec Canada 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2020年 第9期23卷 522-533页
作者:Sebastian Vollmer Bilal A Mateen Gergo Bohner Franz J Kirdly Rayid Ghani Pall Jonsson Sarah Cumbers Adrian Jonas Katherine S L McAllister Puja Myles David Granger Mark Birse Richard Branson Karel G M Moons Gary S Collins John P A Chris Holmes Harry Hemingwayp 李峰(译) 徐磊(校) 赵邑(校)Alan Turing InstituteKings CrossLondonUK Departments of Mathematics and StatisticsUniversity of WarwickCoventryUK Warwick Medical SchoolUniversity of WarwickCoventryUK Kings College HospitalDenmark HillLondonUK Department of Statistical ScienceUniversity College LondonLondonUK University of ChicagoChicagoILUSA Science Policy and ResearchNational Institute for Health and Care ExcellenceManchesterUK Health and Social Care DirectorateNational Institute for Health and Care ExcellenceLondonUK Data and Analytics GroupNational Institute for Health and Care ExcellenceLondonUK Clinical Practice Research DatalinkMedicines and Healthcare products Regulatory AgencyLondonUK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory AgencyLondonUK Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary CareUMC UtrechtUtrecht UniversityUtrechtNetherlands UK EQUATOR CentreCentre for Statistics in MedicineNDORMSUniversity of OxfordOxfordUK Meta-Research Innovation Centre at StanfordStanford UniversityStanfordCAUSA Department of StatisticsUniversity of OxfordOxford 0X13LBUK Health Data Research UK LondonUniversity College LondonLondon.UK Institute of Health InformaticsUniversity College LondonLondonUK National Institute for Health ResearchUniversity College London Hospitals Biomedical Research CentreUniversity College LondonLondonUK 深圳智影医疗公司 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院 清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院皮肤科 
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《电子设计技术 EDN CHINA》2004年 第3期11卷 102-102页
作者:SK Kaul IK KaulBhabha Atomic Research Centre Trombay Mumbai India 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2007年 第6期26卷 323-330页
作者:Keith A. A. Fox Philippe Gabriel Steg Kim A. Eagle Shaun G. Goodman Frederick A. Anderson Christopher B. Granger Marcus D. Flather Andrzej Budaj Ann Quill Joel M. Gore 康俊萍(译) 马长生(校)Cardiovascular Research Division of Medical and Radiological Sciences The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh Scotland Hospital Bichat Paris France University of Michigan Health System Ann Arbor Canadian Heart Research Centre and Terrence Donnelly Heart Centre Division of Cardiology St Michael's Hospital University of Toronto Toronto Ontario University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust London England Postgraduate Medical School Grochowski Hospital Warsaw Poland Duke University Medical Center Durham NC 不详 
背景:有关药物和介入治疗对ST段抬高型和非ST段抬高型急性冠脉综合征(non—ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome,NSTE ACS)患者的作用,随机试验已经提供了足够的证据,但是是否已经转化为相应的临床变化还不清楚。目的...
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