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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2010年 第2期5卷 197-202页
作者:M.Moses R.Zachariah K.Tayler-Smith D.Misinde C.Foncha M.Manzi A.Bauerfeind B.Mwagomba J.Kwanjana A.D.Harries 刘二勇(译) 王雪静(校)Médecins sans Frontières(MSF) Thyolo District Thyolo Malawi Medical Department(Operational Research) Medecins sans Frontieres(MSF) Operations Department Brussels Operational Centre Brussels Belgium Ministry of Health and Population National TB Control Programme Ministry of Health Lilongwe International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Paris France London School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineLondon 不详 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2015年 第11期18卷 634-635页
作者:Fabiemle EL-Khoury Bernard Cassou Aurélien Latouche Philippe Aegerter Marie-Aline Charles Patricia Dargent-Molina 沈赟Université Parls-SudUMR-S1018 F-94807VillejuifFrance Université ParisDescartes UMR-S1153 F-75014 ParisFrance Inserm Centre de Recherche Epidémiologie et Statistique Sorbonne Paris Cité (CRESS)U1153 F-94807Villejuif France UVSQ UMR-S 1168Université VersaillesSt-Quentin-en-Yveli France Inserm VIMA :Vieillissement et Maladies ChroniquesU1168F-94807Villejuif France AP-HP H. pitalSainte PérineCentrede GérontologieF-75016 Paris France Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (Chain) Centre for Re.arch in Computer Science and Telecommtmications (Cédric) EA4629 Paris France Al AP-HP H. pital Ambroise Paré Unité de Recherche Clinique Département de Santé Publique Boulogne- Billancourt France 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院内分泌代谢科 
O12 Practical projects in final year pharmacology
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《中国药理通讯》2006年 第2期23卷 10-10页
作者:Ian E. HughesCentre for Bioscience Higher Education Academy University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT UK. 
Many science courses involve research work in the final year. This experience is valued by students, more than 38% singling it out as the best part of their course. The research project may take 4 to 12 weeks full tim...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2008年 第1期11卷 26-29页
作者:Leanne Bisset Elaine Belier Gwendolen Jull Peter Brooks Ross Darnell Bill Vicenzino 王英民(译)School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Queensland St Lucia QLD Australia 4072 PhD caadidate Queensland Clinical Trials Centre Sehool of Population Health University of Queensland director of biaostatistics School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Queensland professor School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Queensland statistician School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Queensland associate professor Faculty of Health Sciences University of Queensland executive dean 不详 
辛伐他汀早期强化治疗方案与迟发保守方案治疗急性冠脉综合征的比较A to Z试验之Z阶段研究
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2004年 第6期23卷 283-290页
作者:JamesA.deLemos MichaelA.Blazing StephenD.Wiviott EldrinF.Lewis KeithA.A.Fox HarveyD.White, Jean-LecienRouleau TerjeR.Pedersen LauraH.Gardner RobinMukherjee KarenE.Ramsey JoannePalmisano DavidW.Bilheimer MarcA.Pfeffer RobertM.Calift EugeneBraunwald 仝其广 胡大一Donald W. Reynolds Cardiovascular Clinical Research Center the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas Merck & Company Whitehouse Station NJ Department of Medicine Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston Mass Duke Clinical Research Institute Durham NC Department of Cardiology Research University of Edinburgh Edinburgh Scotland Department of Cardiology Green Lane Hospital Auckland New Zealand Department of Medicine University of Montreal Montreal Quebec Centre for Preventive Medicine Ulleval University Hospital Oslo Norway 
背景:他汀治疗的时机和强度会对急性冠脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)的临床结局产生何种影响?目前尚缺乏相关评估资料。目的:在ACS患者中比较早期强化他汀治疗与迟发低强度他汀治疗的疗效与安全性。设计、地点和参试者:国...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2003年 第3期6卷 147-151页
作者:Muhammad Mamdani Paula A Rochon David N Juurlink Alex Kopp Geoffrey M Anderson Gary Naglie Peter C Austin Andreas Laupacis 邓瑞雪Institute for Clinial Evaluative Sciences 2075 Bayview Avenue-G215 Toronto Ontario Canada scientist Alex Kopp analyst Peter C Austin scientist Andreas Laupacis chief executive officer Kunin Lunenfeld Applied Research UnitBaycrest Centre for Geriatric CareToronto scientist and assistant director Sunnybrook and Women' s College Health Sciences CenterToronto clinical pharmacologist Department of health policy management and evaluation Faculty of Medicine University oU University of Toronto Mary Trimmer chair in geriatric medicine research 
目的 对应用选择性环氧酶2(COX 2)抑制剂和非选择性的非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)的老年患者上消化道出血的比率进行比较。 设计 观察性队列研究。 设置 利用来自加拿大安大略2000年4月17日~2001年3月31日的官方数据,以确认基于人群的、初...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2006年 第1期25卷 3-10页
作者:Terje R.Pedersen Ole Faergeman John J. P. Kastelein Anders G.Olsson Matti J. Tikkanen Ingar Holme Mogens Lytken Larsen Fridrik S. Bendiksen Christina Lindahl Michael Szarek John Tsai 王淑敏(译) 仝其广(译) 胡大一(校)Centre for Preventive Medicine Ulleval University Hospital Oslo Norway Department of MedicineCardiology A Arhus University Hospital Arhus Denmark Academic Hospital Amsterdam Amsterdam the Netherlands Department of Internal Medicine University Hospital Linkoping Sweden Department of Medicine Helsinki University Central Hospital Helsinki Finland Pfizer Sweden Taby Sweden Pfizer Inc New York NY Dr Bendiksen is in private practice in Hamar Norway. 不详 
背景:证据显示,与临床常规降脂比较,对稳定性冠状动脉疾病患者施行强化降脂降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(low—density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDL—C)可进一步获益。目的:比较2种降脂治疗策略对既往有心肌梗死(MyocardialInfarct...
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《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》2006年 第8期2卷 13-13页
作者:Bourlev V. Larsson A. Olovsson M. 朱国栋Research Centre of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Perinatology Russian Academy of the Medical Sciences Moscow Russian Federation Dr. 
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine whether serum and peritoneal fluid levels of fibroblast growth factor- 2 (FGF- 2) differ between women with and without endometriosis and to examine the relationsh...
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《世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册)》2007年 第2期3卷 1-1页
作者:Tolstrup J. Jensen M.K. TjΦnneland A. 郭俊Centre for Alcohol Research National Institute of Public Health Φster Farimagsgade 5 Dk-1399 Copenhagen Denmark 
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《世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册)》2006年 第5期2卷 28-28页
作者:Voskuijl W.P. Van Ginkel R. Benninga M.A. 贺莉Departmen t of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Academic Medical Centre Meibergd reef 9 1105 AZ Amsterdam Netherlands.Dr 
Objective: To evaluate rectal sensitivity in patients with pediatric constipat ion (PC) and nonretentive fecal soiling (FNRFS) using pressure-controlled diste ntion (barostat). Study design: Thresholds for rectal sens...
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