
检索条件"机构=Centre of Excellence"
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Innovative Batik Design with an Interactive Evolutionary Art System
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《Journal of Computer Science & Technology》2009年 第6期24卷 1035-1047页
作者:李扬 胡长军 姚新School of Information Engineering University of Science and Technology Beijing The Centre of Excellence for Research in Computational Intelligence and Applications (CERCIA)School of Computer Science University of Birmingham 
This paper describes an evolutionary art system, which explores the potential ability of evolutionary computation in Batik design. We investigate the use of Interactive Evolutionary Algorithm (IEA) in our system, wi...
Constructing a biofunctionalized 3D-printed gelatin/sodium alginate/chitosan tri-polymer complex scaffold with improvised biological andmechanical properties for bone-tissue engineering
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2024年 第1期7卷 57-73页
作者:Amit Kumar Singh Krishna Pramanik Amit BiswasCentre of Excellence in Tissue EngineeringDepartment of Biotechnology and Medical EngineeringNational Institute of TechnologyRourkela 769008India 
Sodium alginate(SA)/chitosan(CH)polyelectrolyte scaffold is a suitable substrate for tissue-engineering *** present study deals with further improvement in the tensile strength and biological properties of this type o...
Design of hybrid damping controller based on multi-target gravitational search optimization algorithm in a multi-machine power system with high penetration of PV park
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《Journal of Central South University》2016年 第5期23卷 1163-1175页
作者:Y.Hashemi H.Shayeghi M.Moradzadeh A.SafariTechnical Engineering DepartmentUniversity of Mohaghegh Ardabili Centre of Excellence for Power System Automation and OperationDepartment of Electrical EngineeringIran University of Science and Technology Centre for Engineering InnovationDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Windsor Electrical Energy LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical EnergySystems and AutomationGhent University Department of Electrical EngineeringAzarbaijan Shahid Madani University 
A mathematical approach was proposed to investigate the impact of high penetration of large-scale photovoltaic park(LPP) on small-signal stability of a power network and design of hybrid controller for these units.A s...
Can the venerated silk be the next generation nanobiomaterialfor biomedical device designing, regenerative medicine and drugdelivery? Prospects and hitches
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2019年 第4期2卷 278-286页
作者:Rocktotpal KonwarhDepartment of BiotechnologyAddis Ababa Science and Technology University16417 Akaki KalityAddis AbabaEthiopia Centre of ExcellenceNanotechnologyAddis Ababa Science and Technology University16417 Akaki KalityAddis AbabaEthiopia 
Of late, the relevance of silk in a myriad of material science and biotechnological realms has been realized, as attested by the incessantly clambering number of reports and patents in the scienti fic repositories. Th...
Indirect printing of hierarchical patient-specific scaffolds for meniscus tissue engineering
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2019年 第4期2卷 225-241页
作者:Joao BCosta Joana Silva-Correia Sandra Pina Alain da Silva Morais Sílvia Vieira Hélder Pereira Joao Espregueira-Mendes Rui LReis Joaquim M.OliveiraB′s Research GroupI3Bs-Research Institute on BiomaterialsBiodegradables and BiomimeticsUniversity of MinhoHeadquarters of the European Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative MedicineAveParkZona Industrial da Gandra4805-017 Barco GmrPortugal ICVS/3B’s-PT Government Associate LaboratoryBraga/GuimaraesPortugal The Discoveries Centre for Regenerative and Precision MedicineHeadquarters at University of MinhoAvepark4805-017 BarcoGuimar'sPortugal Ripoll y De Prado Sports Clinic:Murcia-Madrid FIFA Medical Centre of ExcellenceMurciaSpain Orthopedic Department Centro Hospitalar Póvoa de VarzimVila do CondePortugal Clínica do DragaoEspregueira-Mendes Sports CentreFIFA Medical Centre of ExcellencePortoPortugal Dom Henrique Research CentrePortoPortugal Orthopedic DepartmentUniversity of MinhoBragaPortugal 
The complex meniscus tissue plays a critical role in the knee. The high susceptibility to injury has led to an intense pursuit for better tissue engineering regenerative strategies, where scaffolds play a major role. ...
Pseudocapacitive desalination via valence engineering with spindle-like manganese oxide/carbon composites
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《Nano Research》2021年 第12期14卷 4878-4884页
作者:Yingsheng Xu Shuhong Xiang Hengjian Mao Hongjian Zhou Guozhong Wang Haimin Zhang Huijun ZhaoDepartment of Materials Science and EngineeringUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei230026China Key Laboratory of Materials PhysicsCentre for Environmental and Energy NanomaterialsAnhui Key Laboratory of Nanomaterials and NanotechnologyCAS Center for Excellence in NanoscienceInstitute of Solid State PhysicsHFIPSChinese Academy of SciencesHefei230031China Centre for Clean Environment and EnergyGriffith UniversityGold Coast CampusQLD4222AustraliaSouthport 
Manganese tetravalent oxide(MnO_(2)),a superstar Faradic electrode material,has been investigated extensively for capacitive desalination,enabling higher salt adsorption capacity compared to the great majority of carb...
Design of rock support system under rockburst condition
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《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》2012年 第3期4卷 215-227页
作者:Peter K. KaiserCentre for Excellence in Mining InnovationSudbury Ontario Canada 
As mining and civil tunneling progresses to depth, excavation-induced seismicity and rockburst problems increase and cannot be prevented. As an important line of defense, ground control measures and burst-resistant ro...
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《Science Bulletin》2023年 第15期68卷 1625-1631,M0004页
作者:刘丰铭 王粲 陈明城 陈贺 李少炜 尚仲夏 应翀 王建文 霍永恒 彭承志 朱晓波 陆朝阳 潘建伟Hefei National Research Center for Physical Sciences at the Microscale and Department of Modern PhysicsUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei 230026China Shanghai Branch CAS Centre for Excellence and Synergetic Innovation Centre in Quantum Information and Quantum PhysicsUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaShanghai 201315China Shanghai Research Center for Quantum SciencesShanghai 201315China 
Effects of Team Structure on Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study
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《Chinese Business Review》2013年 第8期12卷 554-571页
作者:Miha Prebil Mateja DrnovsekThe Centre of Excellence for Biosensors Instrumentation and Process Control Solkan Slovenia University ofLjubljana Ljubljana Slovenia 
Teamwork is gaining increasing attention in a broader management research. In addition to previous research on the relationship between team structure and innovation performance, this study draws from an interesting e...
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《昆虫学报》2015年 第3期58卷 297-307页
作者:Bhupendra KUMAR OMKARCentre of Excellence in Biocontrol of Insect PestsDepartment of ZoologyUniversity of Lucknow 
【目的】印度次大陆是世界上最脆弱的地理景观。气候条件的略微变动可能对其季节周期可能产生不良影响,并引起农业生态系统中蚜虫的大暴发。七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata L.和狭臀瓢虫*** Fab.是该次大陆上广泛分布、同域发生的...
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