
检索条件"机构=Computer & Information Science Department"
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Arabic Bank Check Processing: State of the Art
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《Journal of computer science & Technology》2013年 第2期28卷 285-299页
作者:Irfan Ahmad Sabri A.MahmoudInformation and Computer Science Department King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 
In this paper, we present a general model for Arabic bank check processing indicating the major phases of a check processing system. We then survey the available databases for Arabic bank check processing research. Th...
A framework for an integrated unified modeling language
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《Frontiers of information Technology & Electronic Engineering》2016年 第2期17卷 143-159页
作者:Mohammad ALSHAYEB Nasser KHASHAN Sajjad MAHMOODInformation and Computer Science DepartmentKing Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals 
The unified modeling language(UML) is one of the most commonly used modeling languages in the software *** simplifies the complex process of design by providing a set of graphical notations,which helps express the obj...
Role based access control design using Triadic concept analysis
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《Journal of Central South University》2016年 第12期23卷 3183-3191页
作者:Ch.Aswani Kumar S.Chandra Mouliswaran LI Jin-hai C.ChandrasekarSchool of Information Technology & EngineeringVIT University Faculty of ScienceKunming University of Science and Technology Department of Computer SciencePeriyar University 
Role based access control is one of the widely used access control *** are investigations in the literature that use knowledge representation mechanisms such as formal concept analysis(FCA),description logics,and Onto...
Energy efficient mechanism using flexible medium access control protocol for hybrid wireless sensor networks
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《Journal of Central South University》2013年 第8期20卷 2165-2174页
作者:SUN Ning JEONG Yoon-su LEE Sang-hoDepartment of Computer Science Chungbuk National University Department of Information Communication Engineering Mokwon University 
Energy efficiency is a primary consideration in a wireless sensor network (WSN). This is also a major parameter when designing a medium access control (MAC) protocol for WSNs. Hierarchical clustering structure is rega...
Improvement Design for Distributed Real-Time Stream Processing Systems
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《Journal of Electronic science and Technology》2019年 第1期17卷 3-12页
作者:Wei Jiang Liu-Gen Xu Hai-Bo Hu Yue Mathe School of Information and Software Engineering University of Electronic Science and Technology of China the Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Notre Dame 
In the era of Big Data, typical architecture of distributed real-time stream processing systems is the combination of Flume, Kafka, and Storm. As a kind of distributed message system, Kafka has the characteristics of ...
XB-SIM*:A Simulation Framework for Modeling and Exploration of ReRAM-Based CNN Acceleration Design
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《Tsinghua science and Technology》2021年 第3期26卷 322-334页
作者:Xiang Fei Youhui Zhang Weimin ZhengDepartment of Computer Science and TechnologyTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and TechnologyBeijing 100084China 
Resistive Random Access Memory(ReRAM)-based neural network accelerators have potential to surpass their digital counterparts in computational efficiency and ***,design of these accelerators faces a number of challenge...
Uncertainty Model Validation for Unstable System
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《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》2007年 第3期24卷 323-325页
作者:李征 顾国祥College of Information Science and TechnologyDonghua University Department of Electrical and ComputerLouisiana State University 
Uncertainty model validation has been studied for stable system by several authors. This paper considers uncertainty model validation for unstable systems. Under a similar assumption to study for stable systam, a nece...
Parallel Key-insulated Signature: Framework and Construction
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《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(science)》2008年 第1期13卷 6-11页
作者:翁健 陈克非 李祥学 刘胜利 邱卫东Department of Computer Science and Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Information Security Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University 
To deal with the key-exposure problem in signature systems, a new framework named parallel key-insulated signature (PKIS) was introduced, and a concrete PKIS scheme was proposed. Compared with traditional key-insulate...
Large Thinned Array Design Based on Multi-objective Cross Entropy Algorithm
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《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(science)》2015年 第4期20卷 437-442页
作者:边莉 边晨源 王书民School of Electronic and Information Engineering Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Auburn University 
To consider multi-objective optimization problem with the number of feed array elements and sidelobe level of large antenna array, multi-objective cross entropy(CE) algorithm is proposed by combining fuzzy c-mean clus...
Design and analysis of a network coding algorithm for ad hoc networks
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《Journal of Central South University》2015年 第4期22卷 1358-1365页
作者:王远 徐华 贾培发State Key Lab of Intelligent Technology & Systems (Tsinghua University) Tsinghua National Lab for Information Science & Technology (Tsinghua University) Department of Computer Science & Technology Tsinghua University Unit 95899 of Air Force of CPLA 
Network coding is proved to have advantages in both wireline and wireless networks. Especially, appropriate network coding schemes are programmed for underlined networks. Considering the feature of strong node mobilit...
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