范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Complex network models are frequently employed for simulating and studyingdiverse real-world complex *** these models,scale-free networks typically exhibit greater fragility to malicious ***,enhancing the robustness of scale-free networks has become a pressing *** address this problem,this paper proposes a Multi-Granularity Integration Algorithm(MGIA),which aims to improve the robustness of scale-free networks while keeping the initial degree of each node unchanged,ensuring network connectivity and avoiding the generation of multiple *** algorithm generates a multi-granularity structure from the initial network to be optimized,then uses different optimization strategies to optimize the networks at various granular layers in this structure,and finally realizes the information exchange between different granular layers,thereby further enhancing the optimization *** propose new network refresh,crossover,and mutation operators to ensure that the optimized network satisfies the given ***,we propose new network similarity and network dissimilarity evaluation metrics to improve the effectiveness of the optimization operators in the *** the experiments,the MGIA enhances the robustness of the scale-free network by 67.6%.This improvement is approximately 17.2%higher than the optimization effects achieved by eight currently existing complex network robustness optimization algorithms.
摘要:Electronic absorption bands of conjugated linear carbon chain molecules, namely polyynes H(C≡C)nH (n=5-7), are exploited to devise light-polarizing films applicable to the UV. Laser ablated polyynes are separated in size and dispersed in a film of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), which is stretched to align the trapped linear polyyne molecules inside. As a nature of the structural anisotropy, transition dipole of the UV absorption for polyyne molecules is in parallel with the molecular axis and the absorption occurs only for the electromagnetic wave having the amplitude of its electric vector along the molecular axis. Aligned and fixed orientationally in the solid PVA film, polyyne molecules act as selective absorbers of one of the polarization components of incident light at particular wavelength. Using a light source of linearly polarized UV light, whose direction of polarization is rotatable, angular dependence of the absorption intensity is investigated for the stretched PVA film containing aligned polyyne molecules and analyzed in terms of an order parameter in the theory of linear dichroism.
摘要:全球首颗可持续发展科学卫星—SDGSAT-1于2021年11月5日成功发射,由可持续发展大数据国际研究中心(SDG中心)研制并运行.为满足全球可持续发展目标(SDGs)监测、评估和研究的需要,SDGSAT-1通过热红外、微光和多谱段三个载荷的全天时协同观测,旨在实现“人类活动痕迹”的精细刻画,为表征人类活动与自然环境交互作用的SDG指标研究提供支撑,服务全球SDGs的实现.SDGSAT-1拥有全球首创彩色微光设计,10 m全色和40 m彩色微光分辨率;可以30 m分辨率探测地表0.2℃的温度变化;2个深蓝波段和1个红边波段设计,可准确探测不同水体水质变化及植被生长情况.2022年9月启动了“SDGSAT-1开放科学计划”,实现卫星数据全球开放共享,为2030年议程和全球发展倡议实施提供科技支持.
招生:0574-88222065 88222066