
检索条件"机构=Department of Mechanical Engineering"
726 条 记 录,以下是31-40 订阅
Influences of diffusion bonding process parameters on bond characteristics of Mg-Cu dissimilar joints
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》2010年 第6期20卷 997-1005页
作者:G. MAHENDRAN V. BALASUBR AMANIAN T. SENTHILVELANDepartment of Mechanical Engineering V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology Centre for Materials Joining & Research (CEMAJOR) Department of Manufacturing Engineering Annamalai University Department of Mechanical Engineering Pondicherry Engineering College 
In many circumstances,dissimilar metals have to be bonded together and the resulting joint interfaces must typically sustain mechanical and/or electrical forces without failure,which is not possible by fusion welding ...
Uniform surface polished method of complex holes in abrasive flow machining
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《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》2009年 第B09期19卷 250-257页
作者:Lung TSAI Kuo-Zoo L IANG Chun-Ho LIUDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringChing Yun University 
Abrasive flow machining(AFM) is an effective method that can remove the recasting layer produced by wire electrical discharge machining(WEDM). However, the surface roughness will not be easily uniform when a complex h...
Design Optimization of Charger Based on PSPICE Simulation
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《Tsinghua Science and Technology》2003年 第5期8卷 586-592页
作者:蔡程辉 都东 葛竞天 张骅 彭华良Department of Mechanical Engineering 
The design of a high-frequency switching mode charger (HFSMC) was optimized using a PSPICE simulation of the charging system including a valve regulated lead-acid (VRLA) battery pack and the HFSMC. A high-frequency ...
Design and implementation of a non-mechanical scanning F-P type laser warning method
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《Optoelectronics Letters》2010年 第5期6卷 384-387页
作者:沈洪斌 李刚 刘秉琦 张晗 华文深 马健Department of Optics and Electronic Engineering Mechanical Ordnance Engineering College Department of Computer Engineering Mechanical Ordnance Engineering College 
In the laser warning system, a non-mechanical scanning Fabry-Perot (F-P) type laser warning method and its crucial component-laser incident sensor design method are brought out, and the F-P etalon with the interferome...
Kinematics ofmandibular advancement devices(MADs):Why do some MADs move the lower jaw backward duringmouth opening?
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2024年 第5期7卷 637-650页
作者:Juan A.Cabrera Alex Bataller Sergio Postigo Marcos GarcíaMechanical Engineering DepartmentUniversity of Malaga29071 MalagaSpain 
Mandibular advancement devices(MADs)are widely used treatments for obstructive sleep *** function by advancing the lower jaw to open the upper *** increase patient comfort,most patients allow the mouth to be ***,not a...
Design and Prototyping of Micro Centrifugal Compressor for Ultra Micro Gas Turbine
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《Journal of Thermal Science》2005年 第4期14卷 308-313页
作者:Shimpei MIZUKI Toshiyuki HIRANO Yoshiyuki KOIZUMI Gaku MINORIKAWA Hoshio TSUJITA Mitsuo IWAHARA Ronglei GU Yutaka OHTA Eisuke OUTADepartment of Mechanical Engineering Hosei University Japan Graduate School of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Hosei University 7-2 Kajinocho 3 chomeKoganei-shi Tokyo 184-8584 Japan Department of Mechanical Engineering Waseda University 
In order to establish the design methodology of an ultra micro centrifugal compressor, which is the most important component of an ultra micro gas turbine unit, a 10 times size of the final target compressor (impelle...
Effects of the porous medium and water-silver biological nanofluid on the performance of a newly designed heat sink by using first and second laws of thermodynamics
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《Chinese Journal of Chemical engineering2020年 第11期28卷 2928-2937页
作者:Amin Shahsavar Sajad Entezari Davood Toghraie Pouya BarnoonDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringKermanshah University of TechnologyKermanshahIran Department of Mechanical EngineeringKhomeinishahr BranchIslamic Azad UniversityKhomeinishahrIran 
The aim of this numerical investigation is to evaluate the laminar forced convection of biologically synthesized water-silver nanofluid through a heat sink(HS)filled with porous foam(PHS)using first and second laws of...
Virtual design and analysis with multi-dimension coupling for engineering machinery cooling system
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《Science China(Technological Sciences)》2015年 第1期58卷 117-122页
作者:CAI HuiKun QIAN YaoYi HOU Liang WANG WenWu ZHANG EnLai YANG WeiPingDepartment of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Xiamen University Shenzhen Research Institute of Xiamen University 
A good cooling circle should ensure that the system can work at an appropriate temperature in the requirements of power increase,engine compartment constraint and working demands for modern engineering machinery,which...
Development of XY scanner with minimized coupling motions for high-speed atomic force microscope
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《Journal of Central South University》2011年 第3期18卷 697-703页
作者:PARK Jong-kyu MOON Won-kyuDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringChangwon National University Department of Mechanical EngineeringPohang Univer sity of Science and Technology 
The design and fabrication processes of a novel scanner with minimized coupling motions for a high-speed atomic force microscope (AFM) were addressed. An appropriate design modification was proposed through the anal...
Mathematical Modeling of Carbon Content and Intercritical Annealing Temperature in DP Steels by Factorial Design Method
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《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》2014年 第7期21卷 715-722页
作者:Gülcan TOKTAS Alaaddin TOKTAS Aslan Deniz KARAOGLANDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringBalikesir University Department of Industrial EngineeringBalikesir University 
2k factorial design is employed to find the mathematical relation between the carbon content and intercritical annealing temperature (IAT) in order to predict the responses namely martensite volume fraction (MVF),...
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