范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Traditional DC-DC converter topologies interface two power terminals: a source and a load. The construction of diverse and flexible power management and distribution (PMAD) systems with such topologies is governed by a tight compromise between converter count, efficiency, and control complexity. The broader impact of the current research activity is the development of enhanced power converter systems suitable for a wide range of applications. Potential users of this technology include the designers of portable and stand-alone systems such as laptops, hand-held electronics, and communication repeater stations. High power topology options support the evolution of clean power technologies such as hybrid-electric vehicles (HEV’s) and solar vehicles. DC-DC converter is considered as an advanced environmental issue since it is a greenhouse emission eliminator. By utilizing the advancement of these renewable energy sources, we minimize the use of fossil fuel. Thus, we will have a cleaner and pollution free environment. In this paper, a three-port DC-DC converter is designed and discussed. The converter was built and tested at the energy research laboratory at Taibah University, Al Madinah, KSA.
摘要:Human detection is important in many applications and has attracted significant attention over the last decade. The Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) as effective local descriptors are used with binary sliding window mechanism to achieve good detection performance. However, the computation of HOG under such framework is about billion times and the pure software implementation for HOG computation is hard to meet the real-time requirement. This study proposes a hardware architecture called One-HOG accelerator operated on FPGA of Xilinx Spartan-6 LX-150T that provides an efficient way to compute HOG such that an embedded real-time platform of HW/SW co-design for application to crowd estimation and analysis is achieved. The One-HOG accelerator mainly consists of gradient module and histogram module. The gradient module is for computing gradient magnitude and orientation;histogram module is for generating a 36-D HOG feature vector. In addition to hardware realization, a new method called Histograms-of-Oriented-Gradients AdaBoost Long-Feature-Vector (HOG-AdaBoost-LFV) human classifier is proposed to significantly decrease the number of times to compute the HOG without sacrificing detection performance. The experiment results from three static image and four video datasets demonstrate that the proposed SW/HW (software/hardware) co-design system is 13.14 times faster than the pure software computation of Dalal algorithm.
摘要:Developing autonomous mobile robot system has been a hot topic in AI area. With recent advances in technology, autonomous robots are attracting more and more attention worldwide, and there are a lot of ongoing research and development activities in both industry and academia. In complex ground environment, obstacles positions are uncertain. Path finding for robots in such environment is very hot issues currently. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a multi-sensor based object detecting and moving autonomous robot exploration system, 4RE, with the VEX robotics design system. With the goals of object detecting and removing in complex ground environment with different obstacles, a novel object detecting and removing algorithms is proposed and implemented. Experimental results indicate that our robot system with our object detecting and removing algorithm can effectively detect the obstacles on the path and remove them in complex ground environment and avoid collision with the obstacles.
摘要:We propose a reeonfigurable control-bit generation algorithm for rotation and sub-word rotation operations. The algorithm uses a self-routing characteristic to configure an inverse butterfly network. In addition to being highly parallelized and inexpensive, the algorithm integrates the rotation-shift, bi-directional rotation-shift, and sub-word rotation-shift operations. To our best knowledge, this is the first scheme to accommodate a variety of rotation operations into the same architecture. We have developed the highly efficient reconfigurable rotation unit (HERRU) and synthesized it into the Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC)'s 65-nm process. The results show that the overall efficiency (relative areaxrelative latency) of our HERRU is higher by at least 23% than that of other designs with similar functions. When executing the bi-directional rotation operations alone, HERRU occupies a significantly smaller area with a lower latency than previously proposed designs.
摘要:The massive diffusion of smartphones, the growing interest in wearable devices and the Internet of Things, and the exponential rise of location based services(LBSs) have made the problem of localization and navigation inside buildings one of the most important technological challenges of recent years. Indoor positioning systems have a huge market in the retail sector and contextual advertising; in addition, they can be fundamental to increasing the quality of life for citizens if deployed inside public buildings such as hospitals, airports, and ***, in emergency situations, they can make the difference between life and death. Various approaches have been proposed in the literature. Recently, thanks to the high performance of smartphones' cameras, marker-less and marker-based computer vision approaches have been investigated. In a previous paper, we proposed a technique for indoor localization and navigation using both Bluetooth low energy(BLE) and a 2D visual marker system deployed into the floor. In this paper, we presented a qualitative performance evaluation of three 2D visual markers, Vuforia,Ar Uco marker, and AprilT ag, which are suitable for real-time applications. Our analysis focused on specific case study of visual markers placed onto the tiles, to improve the efficiency of our indoor localization and navigation approach by choosing the best visual marker system.
摘要:根据输入的物体表面点云生成与表面点云拓扑结构一致且几何形状接近的三角网格,在计算机图形学建模中具有很重要的作用,提出一种基于Lloyd relaxation的模型表面点云网格化方法.首先从输入点云中随机选取一些样本点,样本点的数目可以指定;然后运用扩展的Lloyd relaxation算法将这些样本点沿着物体表面移动;当得到一个近似均匀的样本点分布后,运用改进的"crust"算法根据这些样本点生成三角网格.通过在每次relaxation过程中减少网格和曲面间体积的方法,使生成的三角网格与原始表面点云的几何形状接近.实验结果证明,该方法能正确、有效地生成输入点云模型的三角网格,并可以运用在三维物体表面重建和网格简化上.
摘要:In this paper, we reviewed the design principles of two-dimensional (2D) silicon photonic crystal microcavity (PCM) biosensors coupled to photonie crystal waveguides (PCWs). Microcavity radiation loss is con- trolled by engineered the cavity mode volume. Coupling loss into the waveguide is controlled by adjusting the position of the microcavity from the waveguide. We also investigated the dependence of analyte overlap integral (also called fill fraction) of the resonant mode as well as the effect of group index of the coupling waveguide at the resonant wavelength of the microcavity. In addition to the cavity properties, absorbance of the sensing medium or analyte together with the affinity constant of the probe and target biomarkers involved in the biochemical reaction also limits the minimum detection limits. We summarized our results in applications in cancer biomarker detection, heavy metal sensing and therapeutic drug monitoring.
摘要:在无限时区跟踪型风险灵敏度(risk-sensitive)指标下,研究了一类严格反馈随机非线性系统的满意输出反馈控制问题,所用指标函数为实际中常见的二次型函数,而非为回避控制器设计及闭环系统性能分析的本质困难而采用的四次型函数,对任意给定的风险灵敏度参数和期望指标值,利用积分反推(integrator backstepping)方法构造性地给出了一个输出反馈控制器,使得闭环系统在概率意义下有界,并且风险灵敏度指标不大于所给的期望值。
摘要:A type of millimeter-wave antenna array with flexible design is proposed for a variety of applications at 60 *** antenna array can be adjusted to be linearly or circularly polarized by simply changing the radiation part of the antenna *** gain,wideband,and high radiation efficiency characteristics can be achieved by adopting a low insertion loss feeding network and broadband antenna *** the linearly polarized antenna array,simulation results show that the impedance bandwidth of the 2×2 antenna subarray reaches 21.6%,while the maximum gain achieves 15.1 dBi and has a fluctuation of less than 0.4 dBi within the working *** results of the 8×8 linearly polarized antenna array show a bandwidth of 21.6%and a gain of(26.1±1)dBi with an antenna efficiency of more than 80%.For the 8×8 circularly polarized antenna array,simulation results show that an impedance bandwidth of 18.2%and an axial ratio(AR)bandwidth of 13.3%are *** and efficiency of up to 27.6 dBi and 80%are achieved,respectively.A prototype of antenna array is fabricated,and results are compared and analyzed.
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