
检索条件"机构=Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine"
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Association between social health status and depressive symptoms among community-dwelling elderly adults in Zhejiang Province, China
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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》2019年 第11期20卷 910-919页
作者:Hong-lei DAI Zhe-bin YU Liu-qing YOU Min-hua FAN Hong-wei ZHU Dan-jie JIANG Meng-yin WU Shu-juan LIN Xiao-cong ZHANG Kun CHENDepartment of Family MedicineSir Run Run Shaw HospitalSchool of MedicineZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310016China Department of Epidemiology and Health StatisticsSchool of Public HealthZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310058China Community Health Service Center of KaixuanHangzhou 310020China Cancer Institutethe Second Affiliated HospitalSchool of MedicineZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310009China 
Objective:Mental disorders of the elderly population in China deserve *** health is significantly associated with *** study aimed to evaluate the rate of depressive symptoms and to test the relationships between socia...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2001年 第3期 97-100页
作者:A. E. Czeizel M. Rockenbauer J. Olsen H. T. S■rensen 王延莉Foundation for the Community Control of Hereditary Diseases Department of Human Genetics and Teratology National Center for Epidemiology Budapest Hungary Danish Epidemiology Science Centre Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine University of Aarhus Department of Clinical Epidemiology Aarhus University Hospital Aarhus Denmark 
目的:研究孕期使用异烟肼和其他抗结核药治疗对人类致畸的可能性。 设计及背景:病例人群选自匈牙利先天畸形病例对照监测中心一大型人群资料库,对照组资料来自国家出生人口登记处1980到1996年间出生的人群。所有关于孕期口服抗结核药治...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2021年 第11期24卷 646-655页
作者:Luke Wolfenden Robbie Foy Justin Presseau Jeremy M Grimshaw Noah M Ivers Byron J Powell Monica Taljaard John Wiggers Rachel Sutherland Nicole Nathan Christopher M Williams Melanie Kingsland Andrew Milat Rebecca K Hodder Sze Lin Yoong 玉炫(译) 吴守媛(译) 兰慧(译) 张静怡(译) 李沁原(校) 陈耀龙(校)School of Medicine and Public HealthFaculty of Health and MedicineUniversity of NewcastleCallaghanNSWAustralia Hunter New England Population HealthLocked Bag 10WallsendNSW 2287Australia Leeds Institute of Health SciencesUniversity of LeedsLeedsUK Clinical Epidemiology ProgramOttawa Hospital Research InstituteOttawaONCanada School of Epidemiology and Public HealthUniversity of OttawaOttawaONCanada Department of MedicineUniversity of OttawaOttawaONCanada Women′s College Research InstituteWomen′s College HospitalTorontoONCanada Institute for Health Systems Solutions and Virtual CareWomen′s College HospitalTorontoONCanada Department of Family Medicine and Community MedicineFaculty of MedicineUniversity of TorontoTorontoONCanada Institute of Health PolicyManagement and EvaluationUniversity of TorontoTorontoONCanada Brown School and School of MedicineWashington University in St LouisSt LouisMIUSA School of Public HealthFaculty of Medicine and HealthUniversity of SydneySydneyNSWAustralia Swinburne University of TechnologySchool of Health SciencesFaculty HealthArts and DesignHawthornVICAustralia 兰州大学循证医学中心世界卫生组织指南实施与知识转化合作中心 
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《结核与肺部疾病杂志》2005年 第3期8卷 114-120页
作者:M. I. Creatore M. Lam W. L. Wobeser 徐敏Centre for Research on Inner City Health St. Michael's Hospital Toronto Department of Community Health & Epidemiology Department of Medicine Queen's University Kingston Canada 
背景:加拿大每年接受超过20 万移民。在安大略省的多伦多,移民病例占所有结核病人的92%。为了实施更为有效的结核病规划,需要了解新移民的流行病学特征。设计:本研究以人群为基础,对1990-1997 年安大略地区新移民作回顾性队列分析。计...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2004年 第5期23卷 240-244页
作者:李颖 郁琦Division of Public Health Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle Wash and Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health and Community Medicine Division of Public Health Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle Wash Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health and Community Medicine Division of Human Biology Department of Pathology School of Medicine University of Washington Seattle Division of Public Health Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle Wash Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health and Community Medicine Division of Public Health Sciences 
背景:妇女应用雌孕激素联合替代治疗(combined estrogen and progestine hormone replacement therapy,CHRT)会增加乳腺癌的危险;然而,目前仍缺乏长期使用和不同治疗方案所致危险性的资料。目的:通过组织病理学类型及激素受体状况...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2001年 第3期4卷 127-132页
作者:林大庆 何世贤 贺达理department of Health Hong Kong Goverment 麦国恒 Richard PetoDepartment of Community Medicine&Unit for Behavioural Sciences Universityof Hong Kong Clinical Trial Service Unit&Epidemiology Studies UnitUniversity of Oxford 
目的 :香港的卷烟消费比中国内地早 2 0年达到高峰 ,我们旨在研究香港当前与吸烟有关的死亡数字并预测中国内地 2 0年后的情况。设计 :病例对照研究。收集 1998年香港成年人死亡病例的既往吸烟习惯资料 ,由为死者登记死亡的人提供。地...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2022年 第7期25卷 376-377页
作者:Alexander Viktorin Stephen Z Levine Margret Atemus Abraham Reichenberg Sven Sandin 李和程(译) 王忠(校)Departnent of Medical Epidemiology and BiostatisticsKarolinska InstitutetStockholmSweden Department of Community Mental HealthUniversity of HaifaHaifaIsrael Department of PsychiatryYale School of MedicineNew HavenCTUSA Department of PsychiatryIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiNew YorkNY 10029USA Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment at Mount SinaiNew YorkNYUSA 西安交通大学第二附属医院泌尿外科 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2010年 第4期13卷 236-237页
作者:Ase Vikanes Rolv Skjarven Andrej M Grjibovski Nina Gunnes Siri Vangen Per Magnus 沈洁(译) 杨孜(校)Division of Epidemiology Norwegian Institute. of Public Health PO Box 4404 Nydalen N-0403 Oslo Norway Department of Pubiic Health and Primary Health Care University of Bergen Norway Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Norwegian Institute of Public Health Norway Institute of Community Medicine University of Troms Norway International .School of Public Health Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk Russia National Resource Centre for Women's Health Deparment of Obstetrics and Gyruaecology Oslo University Hospital Norway Institute of General Practice and Community. Medicine University of Oslo Norway 北京大学第三医院妇产科 
目的 若亲代患妊娠剧吐,评估其子代妊娠剧吐的复发风险。设计 基于人群的队列研究。资料 来自挪威的注册数据。研究对象 1967--2006年挪威医学出生登记的生育链接数据资料:544087对母女及399777对母子:主要观察指标在患妊娠剧吐妇女...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》1998年 第1期1卷 28-31页
作者:Zarrina Kurtz Pat Tookey Euan Ross 包新华Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthInstitute of Child Health University College London Medical SchoolLondon WC1N 1EH senior Lecturer Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthInstitute of Child Health University College London Medical School London WC1N 1EH research fellow Department of Community Paediatrics King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry London Se11 4QW professor 
目的:评估英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士儿童及青年人癫痫发病率及患病率。设计:对1958年3月3日至9日间生于英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士的17 414名儿童作前瞻性研究,分别于7岁、11岁、16岁及23岁进行随访。在28岁时对伴有癫痫的患者进行了回顾。...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2007年 第4期26卷 195-203页
作者:Gabriel Steg Deepak L. Bhatt Peter W. F. Wilson Ralph D' Agostino E. Magnus Ohman Joachim Roether Chiau-Suong Liau Alan T. Hirsch Jean-Louis Mas Yasuo Ikeda Michael J. Pencina Shinya Goto 徐成斌(译) 李呈亿(校)Departement de Cardiologie Hopital Bichat-Claude Bernard Paris France Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Ohio Cardiology Division Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta Ga Statistics and Consulting Unit Department of Mathematics and Statistics Boston University Boston Mass Division of Cardiology Duke University Durham NC Department of Neurology Klinikum Minden Minden Germany Department of internal Medicine National Taiwan University Hospital and School of Medicine Taipei Taiwan Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation and Division of Epidemiology and Community Health University of Minnesota School of Public Health Minneapolis Service de Neurologie Centre Raymond Garcin Hopital Sainte-Anne Paris France Department of Internal Medicine Keio University School of Medicine Tokyo Japan Department of Medicine Tokai University School of Medicine Kanagawa Japan 不详 
背景:目前,有关社区中动脉粥样硬化血栓形成稳定患者心血管(cardiovascular,CV)事件发生率的资料比较少,既往也无国际性队列研究对冠状动脉病(coronary artery disease,CAD)、脑血管病(cerebrovascular disease,CVD)、外周...
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