
检索条件"机构=Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding"
8 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Construction of a linkage map and QTL mapping for fiber quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
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《Chinese Science Bulletin》2013年 第26期58卷 3233-3243页
作者:LIANG QingZhi HU Cheng HUA Hua LI ZhaoHu HUA JinPingDepartment of Plant Genetics and Breeding College of Agronomy and Biotechnology/Key Laboratory of Crop Heterosis and Utilization of Ministry of Education/Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement China Agricultural University Xiangyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
With the development in spinning technology, the improvement of cotton fiber quality is becoming more and more important. The main objective of this research was to construct a high-density genetic linkage map to faci...
Prediction of VIGS efficiency by the Sfold program and its reliability analysis in Gossypium hirsutum
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《Science Bulletin》2016年 第7期61卷 543-551页
作者:Xiaoyang Ge Jie Wu Chaojun Zhang Qianhua Wang Yuxia Hou Zuoren Yang Zhaoen Yang Zhenzhen Xu Ye Wang Lili Lu Xueyan Zhang Jinping Hua Fuguang LiState Key Laboratory of Cotton Biology Institute of Cotton Research Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Department of Plant Genetics and Breeding Key Laboratory of Crop Heterosis and Utilization of Ministry of Education Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement China Agricultural University College of Science China Agricultural University 
Genetic transformation in some plant species, including cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), is hampered by laborious and time-consuming processes and often unachievable. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) by double-stra...
Prime Editing Technology and Its Prospects for Future Applications in plant Biology Research
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《BioDesign Research》2020年 第1期2020卷 124-137页
作者:Md.Mahmudul Hassan Guoliang Yuan Jin-Gui Chen Gerald A.Tuskan Xiaohan YangBiosciences DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak Ridge TN 37831USA Center for Bioenergy InnovationOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA Department of Genetics and Plant BreedingPatuakhali Science and Technology UniversityDumkiPatuakhali 8602Bangladesh 
Many applications in plant biology requires editing genomes accurately including correcting point mutations,incorporation of single-nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs),and introduction of multinucleotide insertion/deletion...
Biosystems Design to Accelerate C3-to-CAM Progression
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《BioDesign Research》2020年 第1期2020卷 18-33页
作者:Guoliang Yuan MdMahmudul Hassan Degao Liu Sung Don Lim Won Cheol Yim John C.Cushman Kasey Markel Patrick M.Shih Haiwei Lu David J.Weston Jin-Gui Chen Timothy J.Tschaplinski Gerald A.Tuskan Xiaohan YangBiosciences DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA The Center for Bioenergy InnovationOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA Department of Genetics and Plant BreedingPatuakhali Science and Technology UniversityDumkiPatuakhali 8602Bangladesh Department of GeneticsCell Biology and DevelopmentCenter for Precision Plant Genomicsand Center for Genome EngineeringUniversity of MinnesotaSaint PaulMN 55108USA Department of Applied Plant SciencesKangwon National UniversityChuncheon 24341Republic of Korea Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyUniversity of NevadaRenoNVUSA Department of Plant BiologyUniversity of CaliforniaDavisDavisCAUSA Feedstocks DivisionJoint BioEnergy InstituteEmeryvilleCAUSA 
Global demand for food and bioenergy production has increased rapidly,while the area of arable land has been declining for decades due to damage caused by erosion,pollution,sea level rise,urban development,soil salini...
Advances in the Application of Single-Cell Transcriptomics in plant Systems and Synthetic Biology
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《BioDesign Research》2024年 第1期6卷 51-67页
作者:Md Torikul Islam Yang Liu Md Mahmudul Hassan Paul E.Abraham Jean Merlet Alice Townsend Daniel Jacobson C.Robin Buell Gerald A.Tuskan Xiaohan YangBiosciences DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA The Center for Bioenergy InnovationOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA Department of Genetics and Plant BreedingPatuakhali Science and Technology UniversityDumkiPatuakhali 8602Bangladesh Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate EducationUniversity of Tennessee KnoxvilleKnoxvilleTN 37996USA Center for Applied Genetic TechnologiesUniversity of GeorgiaAthensGA 30602USA Department of Crop and Soil SciencesUniversity of GeorgiaAthensGA 30602USA Institute of Plant BreedingGeneticsand GenomicsUniversity of GeorgiaAthensGA 30602USA 
plants are complex systems hierarchically organized and composed of various cell *** understand the molecular underpinnings of complex plant systems,single-cell RNA sequencing(scRNA-seq)has emerged as a powerful tool ...
plant Biosystems Design Research Roadmap 1.0
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《BioDesign Research》2020年 第1期2020卷 53-90页
作者:Xiaohan Yang June I.Medford Kasey Markel Patrick M.Shih Henrique C.De Paoli Cong T.Trinh Alistair J.McCormick Raphael Ployet Steven G.Hussey Alexander A.Myburg Poul Erik Jensen Md Mahmudul Hassan Jin Zhang Wellington Muchero Udaya C.Kalluri Hengfu Yin Renying Zhuo Paul E.Abraham Jin-Gui Chen David J.Weston Yinong Yang Degao Liu Yi Li Jessy Labbe Bing Yang Jun Hyung Lee Robert W.Cottingham Stanton Martin Mengzhu Lu Timothy J.Tschaplinski Guoliang Yuan Haiwei Lu Priya Ranjan Julie C.Mitchell Stan D.Wullschleger Gerald A.TuskanBiosciences DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA The Center for Bioenergy InnovationOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA Department of BiologyColorado State UniversityFort CollinsCO 80523USA Department of Plant BiologyUniversity of CaliforniaDavisDavisCAUSA Feedstocks DivisionJoint BioEnergy InstituteEmeryvilleCAUSA Department of BiodesignBiological Systems and Engineering DivisionLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBerkeleyCAUSA Department of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringUniversity of TennesseeKnoxvilleTN 37996USA SynthSys and Institute of Molecular Plant SciencesSchool of Biological SciencesUniversity of EdinburghEdinburgh EH93BFUK Department of BiochemistryGenetics and MicrobiologyForestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute(FABI)University of PretoriaPretoria 0002South Africa Department of Food ScienceUniversity of CopenhagenRolighedsvej 26DK-1858FrederiksbergCopenhagenDenmark State Key Laboratory of Subtropical SilvicultureSchool of Forestry and BiotechnologyZhejiang A&F UniversityHangzhouZhejiang 311300China State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and BreedingResearch Institute of Subtropical ForestryChinese Academy of ForestryHangzhouZhejiang 311400China Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology and the Huck Institute of the Life SciencesThe Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity ParkPA 16802USA Department of GeneticsCell Biology and DevelopmentCenter for Precision Plant Genomics and Center for Genome EngineeringUniversity of MinnesotaSaint PaulMN 55108USA Department of Plant Science and Landscape ArchitectureUniversity of ConnecticutStorrsCT 06269USA Division of Plant SciencesBond Life Sciences CenterUniversity of MissouriColumbiaMOUSA Donald Danforth Plant Science CenterSt.LouisMOUSA Environmental Sciences DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA 
Human life intimately depends on plants for food,biomaterials,health,energy,and a sustainable *** plants have been genetically improved mostly through breeding,along with limited modification via genetic engineering,y...
An International Survey on State of the Art of Grain Legume Management in Gene Banks
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《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》2011年 第7期1卷 975-981页
作者:M. J. Suso M. Vishnyakova A. Ramos G. Duc M. AmbroseDepartment of Plant Breeding Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (IAS-CSIC)Apdo 4084 Cordoba 14080 Spain Department of Genetic Resources of Grain Legumes Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry Saint- Petersburg 190 000 RussianFederation Instituto National de Investigacion y Tecnologla Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) Complejo Universitario "Duques de Soria " Soria42004 Spain INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique UMR 102 Gdndtique et Ecophysiologie des Legumineuses a Graines BP86510 21065 DIJON cedex France Department of Crop Genetics John Innes Centre Norwich Research Park Norwich NR4 7UH United Kingdom 
An online survey addressed to members listed in the European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks Working Group on Graithe current problems in the management of GL germplasm, to work out the crite...
Biological and Molecular Components for Genetically Engineering Biosensors in plants
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《BioDesign Research》2022年 第1期2022卷 19-37页
作者:Yang Liu Guoliang Yuan Md MahmudulHassan Paul E.Abraham Julie C.Mitchell Daniel Jacobson Gerald A.Tuskan Arjun Khakhar June Medford Cheng Zhao Chang-Jun Liu Carrie A.Eckert Mitchel J.Doktycz Timothy J.Tschaplinski Xiaohan YangBiosciences DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTennessee37831USA The Center for Bioenergy InnovationOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTennessee37831USA Department of Genetics and Plant BreedingPatuakhali Science and Technology UniversityDumkiPatuakhali8602Bangladesh Departmentof BiologyColorado State UniversityFort CollinsColorado80523USA Shenzhen BranchGuangdong Laboratory for Lingnan Modern AgricultureKey Laboratory of Synthetic BiologyMinistry of Agriculture and Rural AffairsAgricultural Genomics Institute at ShenzhenChinese A cademy of Agriculural SciencesShenzhen 518120China Biology DepartmentBrookhaven National LaboratoryUptonNew York 11973USA 
plants adapt to their changing environments by sensing and responding to physical,biological,and chemical *** to their sessile lifestyles,plants experience a vast array of external stimuli and selectively perceive and...
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