
检索条件"机构=Department of Information Technology"
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Controlling beam halo-chaos via backstepping design
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《Chinese Physics B》2008年 第4期17卷 1209-1215页
作者:高远 孔峰Department of Information and Control EngineeringGuangxi University of Technology 
A backstepping control method is proposed for controlling beam halo-chaos in the periodic focusing channels (PFCs) of high-current ion accelerator. The analysis and numerical results show that the method, via adjust...
Design of two-dimensional elliptically cylindrical invisible cloaks with multiple regions
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《Chinese Physics B》2014年 第5期23卷 257-262页
作者:罗孝阳 刘道亚 刘锦景 董建峰Department of Electronic Information Science and TechnologyNingbo University 
Two-dimensional (2D) elliptically cylindrical invisible cloaks with multiple regions are designed based on the trans-formation optics and the complementary media theory. Multiple invisible cloak regions can be obtai...
Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics of Actual Evapotranspiration over Long-term Changes on the Mongolian Plateau
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《Journal of Resources and Ecology》2025年 第1期16卷 11-21页
作者:SU Yuhui WANG Juanle HAN Baomin Ochir ALTANSUKH Davaadorj DAVAASURENSchool of Civil engineering and geomaticsShandong University of TechnologyZiboShandong 255049China State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information SystemInstitute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources ResearchChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100101China Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and ApplicationNanjing 210023China Department of Environment and Forest EngineeringSchool of Engineering and Technology and Environmental engineering laboratoryNational University of MongoliaUlaanbaatar 14201Mongolia Department of GeographySchool of Art and SciencesNational University of MongoliaUlaanbaatar 14201Mongolia 
Evapotranspiration(ET)is of great significance for the ecological environment and water resource utilization in arid and semi-arid *** Mongolian Plateau,owing to drought,low rainfall,and extremely uneven distribution ...
Neural Network Algorithm for Designing FIR Filters Utilizing Frequency-Response Masking Technique
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《Journal of Computer Science & technology2009年 第3期24卷 463-471页
作者:王小华 何怡刚 李天赞Department of Electrical and Information EngineeringChangsha University of Science and Technology Department of Electrical and Information EngineeringHunan University 
This paper presents a new joint optimization method for the design of sharp linear-phase finite-impulse response (FIR) digital filters which are synthesized by using basic and multistage frequency-response-masking ...
Optimal operating policy for a controllable queueing model with a fuzzy environment
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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》2009年 第2期10卷 311-318页
作者:Chuen-horng LIN Jau-chuan KEDepartment of Information Management Department of Applied StatisticsNational Taichung Institute of Technology 
We construct the membership functions of the fuzzy objective values of a controllable queueing model,in which cost elements,arrival rate and service rate are all fuzzy numbers. Based on Zadeh's extension principle...
Analysis and design of a smart card based authentication protocol
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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computers and Electronics)》2013年 第12期14卷 909-917页
作者:Kuo-Hui YEH Kuo-Yu TSAI Jia-Li HOUDepartment of Information ManagementNational Dong Hwa University Department of Management Information SystemsHwa Hsia Institute of Technology 
Numerous smart card based authentication protocols have been proposed to provide strong system security and robust individual privacy for communication between parties these days. Nevertheless, most of them do not pro...
Optimized design and experiment of one-dimensional omnidirectional reflector using P-wave angle domain compensated overlapping method
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《Chinese Optics Letters》2007年 第11期5卷 665-667页
作者:李夏 薛唯 蒋玉蓉 王华清 喻志农Department of Photoelectronics Engineering School of Information Science and Technology Beijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing 100081 
The optimized method of extending the omni-photonic band gap (omni-PBG) was discussed based on analyzing the P-wave reflectivity characteristics in one-dimensional (1D) periodic multilayer film. A visible omnidire...
Design of a delay-locked-loop-based time-to-digital converter
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《Journal of Semiconductors》2013年 第9期34卷 105-111页
作者:马昭鑫 白雪飞 黄鲁Department of Electronic Science and TechnologyUniversity of Science and Technology of China Experimental Center for Information SciencesUniversity of Science and Technology of China 
A time-to-digital convener (TDC) oaseo on a reset-tree anti anti-harmonic oelay-locKeo oop (DLL) circuit for wireless positioning systems is discussed and described. The DLL that generates 32-phase clocks and a cy...
Photonic Device Design Based on BBO for Ultrafast Frequency Doubling
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《Chinese Physics Letters》2014年 第11期31卷 74-76页
作者:黄金哲 杨忠英 张留洋 浦绍质 苏林Department of Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering of Harbin University of Science and Technology West Campus Harbin 150080 
Group velocity mismatch becomes the main obstacle for frequency conversion of ultrashort pulses due to dispersion. To solve the problem, one design is proposed for group velocity compensated second harmonic generation...
Design of an Ultrafast Frequency Doubling Photonic Device
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《Chinese Physics Letters》2016年 第10期33卷 67-70页
作者:黄金哲 苏林 浦绍质 孙上傲 张留洋Department of Optoelectronic Information Science and EngineeringHarbin University of Science and Technology 
Ultrashort pulses complicate the frequency conversion in a nonlinear crystal, where group velocity mismatch becomes the main obstacle due to dispersion. We present a design for group velocity compensated second harmon...
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