
检索条件"机构=Department of Intensive Care"
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Design and implementation of a platform for configuring clinical dynamic safety checklist applications
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《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》2018年 第7期19卷 937-946页
作者:Shan NAN Xu-dong LU Pieter VAN GORP Hendrikus H.M.KORSTEN Richard VDOVJAK Uzay KAYMAK Hui-long DUANDepartment of Biomedical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China School of Industrial Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven 5600 MB the Netherlands Department of Aneasthiaology and Intensive-Care Catharina Ziekenhuis Eindhoven 5623 E J the Netherlands Philips Research Eindhoven Eindhoven 5656 AE the Netherlands 
In recent years, it has been demonstrated that checklists can improve patient safety significantly. To facilitate the effective use of checklists in daily practice, both the medical community and the informatics commu...
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《中华麻醉学杂志》2014年 第8期34卷 912-918页
作者:Tim G.Kampmeier Christian Ertmer Hugo Van Aken Sebastian RehbergDepartment of Anesthesiology,Intensive Care and Pain Medicine University Hospital of Muenster 
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《麻醉与镇痛》2009年 第1期5卷 17-19页
作者:Robert D. Sanders Mervyn Maze 孙涛(译) 宋文阁(校)Department of Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Faculty of Medicine Imperiai College Magill Department of Anaesthesia Intensive Care and Pain Management Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Chelsea and Westminster Healthcare NHS Trust London UK 不详 
目前,转化型研究(translational research)已成为医学研究理念的基石,通过实验室和临床工作者相互合作可以促进医学的重大发展。尽管目前为手术提供的麻醉监护是相当安全的,但在依然具有风险的围手术期,要取得专业上的新进展就需...
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《麻醉与镇痛》2013年 第2期9卷 57-69页
作者:Christiane S. Hartog Matthias Kohl Konrad Reinhart 张晖(译) 江伟(校)Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine lenaUniversity Hospital Friedrich-Schiller University lena Germany 不详 
背景羟乙基淀粉(hydroxyethyl starches,HES)已广泛应用于外科、急诊科、重症监护患者的血管内容量治疗,但可能会影响凝血功能、肾功能,造成瘙痒、组织潴留和一定的死亡率。一般认为第三代羟乙基淀粉(HES130/0.4)能减少这些并...
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《国际脑血管病杂志》2019年 第2期27卷 84-97页
作者:Mauro Oddo Daniele Poole Raimund Helbok Geert Meyfroidt Nino Stocchetti Pierre Bouzat Maurizio Cecconi Thomas Geeraerts Ignacio-Martin Loeches Herve Quintard Fabio Silvio Taccone Romergryko G. Geocadin Claude Hemphill Carole Ichai David Menon Jean-Francois Payen Anders Perner Martin Smith Jose Suarez Walter Videtta Elisa R. Zanier Giuseppe Citerio 何毅华(译) 常远(译) 王晓蔷(译) 潘速跃(译)Department of Medic al-Surgical Intensive Care Medicine Faculty of Biology and Medicine Centre Hospitalier Universitaire VauDOIs (CHUV) Lhiversity of Lausanne Rue du Bugnon 46 B4 08.623 1011 Lausanne Switzerland Department of Intensive Care Medicine St James's Lhiversity Hospital James's St Ushers P.O. Box 580 Dublin & Ireland Service de Reanimation Medic o-chirurgic ale Hopital Pasteur 2 UniversiteCote d'Azur CHU de Nice 06000 Nice France Unite CNRS 7275 Sophia-Antipolis France Department of Intensive Care Erasme Hospital University Libre de Bruxelles Brussels Belgium Neurosciences Critical Care Departments of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Neurology and Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins Lhiversity Baltimore MD USA Department of Neurology University of California San Francisco San Francisco CA LKA Service de Reanimation Polyvalente Hopital Pasteur 2 CHU de Nice 30 Voie Romaine CS 51069 06001 Nice Cedex 1 France Division of Anaesthesia University of Cambridge Addenbrooke's Ffospital Box 93 Hfills Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 2QQ UK Department of Intensive Care 4131 Copenhagen University Hospital- Rigshospitalet Copenhagen Denmark Department of Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritic al Care The National Ffospital for Neurosurgery and Neurology Lhiversity College London Hospitals London UK Anesthesia and Intensive Care Operative th it S. Martino Hospital Belluno Italy Hospital Nacional Professor Alejandro Posadas Buenos Aires Argentina Department of Neurosciences IRCCS-Istituto di Ricerche Farmacotogiche Mario Negri Milan Italy School of Medicine and Surgery University of Milan-Bicocca Milan Italy Neurointensive Care San Gerardo Hospital ASST-Monza 20900 Monza Italy 南方医科大学南方医院神经内科广州510515 Neurological Intensive Care Lhit Department of Neurology Medical University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria Department of Intensive Care Medicine University Hospitals Leuven Louvain Belgium Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit Department of Anesthesia and C 
目的发布欧洲重症医学学会(European Society of intensive care Medicine, ESICM)关于神经重症监护患者液体治疗的专家共识和临床实践推荐意见。设计在2016年10月召开的ESICM LIVE 2016会议上召集了一个由22名国际专家组成的共识委员会...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2008年 第2期11卷 84-86页
作者:Martin J Wildman consultant chest Bamaby C Reeves Colin Sanderson Jayne Groves Centre, Aberdeen Kathy Rowan David Harrison Duncan Young 苏瑾(译) 代华平(校)Northern General Hospital Sheffield Lndon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine London readerin health setvices research Birmingham Hospital Birmingham Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Liberty Safe Work Research Intensive Care National Audit and Reserch Centre London senior statistician Adult Intensive Care Unit John Radcliffe Hospital. Oxford 不详 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2009年 第2期12卷 83-89页
作者:Tao Fan Gang Wang Bing Mao Zeyu Xiong Yu Zhang Xuemei Liu Lei Wang Sai Yang 王东(译) 陈良安(校)pneumology Group Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine West China Hospital Sichuan University Chengdu 610041 China Division of Pulmonary Allergy and Critical Care Medicine Department of Medicine University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pittsburgh PA 15213. USA. Department of Intensive Care Medicine First People's Hospital of Chengdu City Chengdu 610041 China Chinese Cochrane Centre West China HospitalSiehuan University Chengdu Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine West China Hospital Sichuan University Chengdu 解放军总医院呼吸科 
目的确定皮质激素是否可有效预防成年危重症患者拔管后喉部水肿,并降低因喉部水肿导致的再插管。设计荟萃分析。数据来源:检索数据库PubMed,Cochrane Controlled Trials Register,Web of Science,and Embase,对语言、研究时间和...
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《麻醉与镇痛》2011年 第5期7卷 68-74页
作者:Kate Leslie, MBBS, MD, MEpi, FANZCA Matthew T. V. Chan, MBBS, FANZCA Paul S. myles, MBBS, MD, MPH, FANZCA, FCARSCI, FRCA Andrew Forbes, MSc, PhD Timothy J. McCulloch, MBBS, BSc (Med), FANZCA 谢珺田(译)Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Management Royal Melbourne Hospital Department of Pharmacology University of Melbourne Melbourne Australia Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong People's Republic of China Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Alfred Hospital Academic Board of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Monash University Melbourne National Health and Medical Research Council Canberra Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicaine Monash University Melbourne Department of Anaesthetics University of Sydney Department of Anaesthetics Royal Prince Alfred Hopital Sydney Australia 不详 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2006年 第5期9卷 282-285页
作者:Alexander T Cohen Bruce L Davidson Alexander S Gallus Michael R Lassen Martin H Prins Witold Tomkowski Alexander G G Turpie Jan F M Egberts Anthonie W A Lensing 石汉平(译) 王深明(校)Department of Surety Guy's King's and St Thomas's School of Medicine London SE5 9PJ Pulmonary and Critical Care University of Washington School of Medicine and Swedish Medical Center Seattle WA USA Department of Haematology Flinders Medical Centre Adelaide SA Australia Spine Clinic Department of Clinical Research Horsholm Denmark Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Technology Assessment Academic Hospital Maastricht Netherlands Intensive Care National TB and Lung Diseases Research Institute Warsaw Poland Department of Medicine Hamilton Health Sciences Hamilton ONCanada Clinical Development NV Organon Oss Netherlands Center for Vascular Medicine Academic Medical Center Amsterdam Netherlands 不详 
目的:观察 Fondaparinux 对具有中高度静脉血栓发生危险的老年急性内科住院患者的抗凝效果与安全性。设计:双盲随机安慰剂对照研究。背景:8个国家的35个中心。参与者:849例≥60岁内科患者,住院原因分别为充血性心力衰竭、慢性肺病合并...
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