
检索条件"机构=Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering"
31 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Influences of diffusion bonding process parameters on bond characteristics of Mg-Cu dissimilar joints
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》2010年 第6期20卷 997-1005页
作者:G. MAHENDRAN V. BALASUBR AMANIAN T. SENTHILVELANDepartment of Mechanical Engineering V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology Centre for Materials Joining & Research (CEMAJOR) Department of Manufacturing Engineering Annamalai University Department of Mechanical Engineering Pondicherry Engineering College 
In many circumstances,dissimilar metals have to be bonded together and the resulting joint interfaces must typically sustain mechanical and/or electrical forces without failure,which is not possible by fusion welding ...
Comparison of RSM with ANN in predicting tensile strength of friction stir welded AA7039 aluminium alloy joints
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《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》2009年 第1期19卷 9-18页
作者:A. K. LAKSHMINARAYANAN V. BALASUBRAMANIANCentre for Materials Joining & Research (CEMAJOR) Department of Manufacturing Engineering Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar-608 002 Tamil Nadu India 
磨擦搅动(FSW ) 焊接是一种创新稳固的州的加入技术并且在太空,栏杆,为加入铝的汽车、海洋的工业,镁,锌和铜被采用了合金。FSW 过程参数象工具那样旋转速度,焊接速度,轴的力量,在决定焊接质量起一个主要作用。二个方法,反应表...
Concurrently bioprinted scaffolds with autologous bone and allogeneic BMSCs promote bone regeneration through native BMSC recruitment
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《Bio-Design and manufacturing2025年 第1期8卷 85-99,I0042,I0043页
作者:Yu Huan Hongqing Chen Dezhi Zhou Xin He Sanzhong Li Xiuquan Wu Bo Jia Yanan Dou Xiaowei Fei Shuang Wu Zhou Fei Tao Xu Fei FeiDepartment of NeurosurgeryXijing HospitalAir Force Medical UniversityXi’an 710032China Department of NeurosurgeryGeneral Hospital of Northern Theater CommandShenyang 110840China Biomanufacturing and Rapid Forming Technology Key Laboratory of BeijingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing TechnologyMinistry of EducationDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China Department of Precision Medicine and HealthcareTsinghua Berkeley Shenzhen InstituteShenzhen 518055China Center for Bio-intelligent Manufacturing and Living Matter BioprintingResearch Institute of Tsinghua University in ShenzhenShenzhen 518057China Department of OphthalmologyXijing HospitalAir Force Medical UniversityXi’an 710032China 
Autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells(BMSCs)have been shown to promote osteogenesis;however,the effects of allogeneic BMSCs(allo-BMSCs)on bone regeneration remain ***,we explored the bone regeneration ...
Corrosion performance of friction stir welded AA2024 aluminium alloy under salt fog conditions
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》2015年 第5期25卷 1427-1438页
作者:R.SEETHARAMAN V.RAVISANKAR V.BALASUBRAMANIANDepartment of Manufacturing Engineering Annamalai University Center for Materials Joining & Research Department of Manufacturing EngineeringAnnamalai University 
Aluminium alloy(AA) 2024 is an important engineering material due to its widespread use in the aerospace industry. However, it is very prone to corrosion attack in chloride containing media. In the present investiga...
A novel HfNbTaTiV high-entropy alloy of superior mechanical properties designed on the principle of maximum lattice distortion
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《Journal of materials Science & Technology》2021年 第20期79卷 109-117页
作者:Zibing An Shengcheng Mao Yinong Liu Li Wang Hao Zhou Bin Gan Ze Zhang Xiaodong HanBeijing Key Lab of Microstructure and Property of Advanced MaterialsFaculty of Materials and ManufacturingBeijing University of TechnologyBeijing100124China Department of Mechanical EngineeringThe University of Western AustraliaPerthWA6009Australia Nano and Heterogeneous Structural Materials CenterSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringNanjing University of Science and TechnologyNanjing210094China Beijing Key Laboratory of Advanced High Temperature MaterialsCentral Iron and Steel Research InstituteBeijing100081China State Key Laboratory of Silicon MaterialsDepartment of Materials Science and EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou310058China 
This paper reports a synergistic design of high-performance BCC high-entropy alloy based on the combined consideration of the principles of intrinsic ductility of elements,maximum atomic size difference for solid solu...
Evaluation of significant manufacturing parameters in lost foam casting of thin-wall Al-Si-Cu alloy using full factorial design of experiment
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》2013年 第10期23卷 2843-2851页
作者:Hassan JAFARI Mohd Hsbullah IDRIS Amirreza SHAYGANPOURDepartment of Materials Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Department of Materials Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University 
Controlling process parameters of lost foam casting (LFC) enables this process to produce defect-free complex shape castings. An experimental investigation on lost foam casting of an A1-Si-Cu cast alloy was carried ...
Critical transitions in the shape morphing of kirigami metallic glass
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《Journal of materials Science & Technology》2021年 第2期61卷 204-212页
作者:D.X.Han L.Zhao S.H.Chen G.Wang K.C.ChanAdvanced Manufacturing Technology Research CenterDepartment of Industrial and Systems EngineeringThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHung HornKowloonHong KongChina School of Mechanical EngineeringHefei University of TechnologyHefei230009China Laboratory for MicrostructuresInstitute of MaterialsShanghai UniversityShanghai200444China 
Kirigami, the ancient Japanese paper cutting technique, has been applied to achieve high stretchability and low energy loss of designed metallic glass. Despite the exploration of the underlying deformation mechanism o...
Optimization of pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding process parameters to attain maximum tensile strength in AZ31B magnesium alloy
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》2011年 第3期21卷 467-476页
作者:G.PADMANABAN V.BALASUBRAMANIANCenter for Materials Joining and Research (CEMAJOR) Department of Manufacturing Engineering Annamalai University 
An empirical relationship to predict tensile strength of pulsed current gas tungsten arc welded AZ31B magnesium alloy was developed. Incorporating process parameters such as peak current, base current, pulse frequency...
Modelling and Optimal Design of Hybrid Power System Photovoltaic/Solid Oxide Fuel Cell for a Mediterranean City
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《Energy engineering2021年 第6期118卷 1767-1781页
作者:Bachir Melzi Nesrine Kefif Mamdouh El Haj Assad Haleh Delnava Abdulkadir HamidSchool of Materials Sciences and EngineeringWuhan University of TechnologyWuhanChina Power and Control DepartmentElectronic and Electrical Engineering InstituteM’hamed Bougara UniversityBoumerdesAlgeria Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering DepartmentUniversity of SharjahSharjahUnited Arab Emirates Institute of Manufacturing Information and SystemsNational Cheng Kung UniversityTainanTaiwan Electrical Engineering DepartmentUniversity of SharjahSharjahUnited Arab Emirates 
This work presents a hybrid power system consisting of photovoltaic and solid oxide fuel cell(PV-SOFC)for electricity production and hydrogen *** simulation of this hybrid system is adjusted for Bou-Zedjar city in nor...
Application of response surface methodology to maximize tensile strength and minimize interface hardness of friction welded dissimilar joints of austenitic stainless steel and copper alloy
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》2013年 第8期23卷 2250-2259页
作者:G. VAIRAMANI T. SENTHIL KUMAR S. MALARVIZHI V. BALASUBRAMANIANDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringSeshasayee Institute of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering Anna University of ChennaiTiruchirappalli Campus Centre for Materials Joining & Research (CEMAJOR) Department of Manufacturing EngineeringAnnamalai University 
An attempt was made to optimize friction welding parameters to attain a minimum hardness at the interface and a maximum tensile strength of the dissimilar joints of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel (ASS) and copp...
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