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《药物分析杂志》2015年 第5期35卷 812-821页
作者:Zhi-yun Ge Shih-ting Chiu Pei-shien Wu Shein-chung ChowDepartment of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Duke University School of Medicine Durham NC USA Department of Statistical Science Southern Methodist University DallasTX USA 
为了评价仿制生物制品(follow-on biologics)的生物类似性,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)在2012年2月颁布了3个指导原则草案。在有关"科学考量"(scientific consideration)的指导原则草案中,FDA要求产品的相似性必须在安全性...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2014年 第6期17卷 389-392页
作者:Aidan G O'Keeffe Sara Geneletti Gianluca Baio Linda D Sharpies Irwin Nazareth Irene Petersen 马新明 许群Department of Statistical Science University College London London WC1E 6BT UK Department of Statistics Columbia House London School of Economics London WC2A2AE UK Leeds Clinical Trials Research Unit University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JTUK Department of Primary Care and Population Health University College London UCL Royal Free Campus London NW3 2PF. UK 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所/北京协和医学院基础学院流行病学与卫生统计学系 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2020年 第9期23卷 522-533页
作者:Sebastian Vollmer Bilal A Mateen Gergo Bohner Franz J Kirdly Rayid Ghani Pall Jonsson Sarah Cumbers Adrian Jonas Katherine S L McAllister Puja Myles David Granger Mark Birse Richard Branson Karel G M Moons Gary S Collins John P A Chris Holmes Harry Hemingwayp 李峰(译) 徐磊(校) 赵邑(校)Alan Turing InstituteKings CrossLondonUK Departments of Mathematics and StatisticsUniversity of WarwickCoventryUK Warwick Medical SchoolUniversity of WarwickCoventryUK Kings College HospitalDenmark HillLondonUK Department of Statistical ScienceUniversity College LondonLondonUK University of ChicagoChicagoILUSA Science Policy and ResearchNational Institute for Health and Care ExcellenceManchesterUK Health and Social Care DirectorateNational Institute for Health and Care ExcellenceLondonUK Data and Analytics GroupNational Institute for Health and Care ExcellenceLondonUK Clinical Practice Research DatalinkMedicines and Healthcare products Regulatory AgencyLondonUK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory AgencyLondonUK Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary CareUMC UtrechtUtrecht UniversityUtrechtNetherlands UK EQUATOR CentreCentre for Statistics in MedicineNDORMSUniversity of OxfordOxfordUK Meta-Research Innovation Centre at StanfordStanford UniversityStanfordCAUSA Department of StatisticsUniversity of OxfordOxford 0X13LBUK Health Data Research UK LondonUniversity College LondonLondon.UK Institute of Health InformaticsUniversity College LondonLondonUK National Institute for Health ResearchUniversity College London Hospitals Biomedical Research CentreUniversity College LondonLondonUK 深圳智影医疗公司 首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院 清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院皮肤科 
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