范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:It has often been reported that, when building structures are subjected to near-fault earthquake ground motions, horizontal and vertical impulsive inputs may cause critical damage during the first few seconds. In practical design of building structures, however, the safety check, taking into account the effect of multi-component ground motions, is hardly conducted except the design of important structures such as high-rise buildings and nuclear power plants. Ftirthel'more, it is not clear how the correlation of multi-component ground motions influences the actual safety of structures. In this paper, the detailed property of critical excitation is discussed in association with the relationship between the characteristics of ground motions and those of structures. The properties of various auto power spectral density (PSD) functions of the horizontal and vertical ground motions are investigated, and those of the critical cross PSD function of these two-directional ground motions are found by a devised algorithm in a feasible complex plane. A closed-form expression is derived from the critical relation of the auto PSD functions of the simultaneous inputs. This critical excitation method provides us with a new approach for earthquake-resistant design against the possible future earthquake which causes the critical damages to buildings.
摘要:Fractures to the orbital walls and floor must be appropriately managed to avoid severe *** results in particularly challenging anatomical *** main issues are the implant’s proper shaping,placement,and orientation onto the eye socket.A new,customized implant-shaping mould has already been developed to shape patient-specific ***,it still does not address the implant positioning in the fractured orbital cavity.
摘要:Dendroclimatological techniques were employed to investigate the relationship between Chinese Pinus(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) growth and climatic variability in the *** region of Shandong Province, China, over the past253 years. Using regression analysis, the wetness index(WI)was reconstructed for the Mt. Yishan area for the period1755–2007 AD based on tree-ring widths; predictor variables accounted for 40 % of the variance. The reconstructed timeseries displayed an increasing trend after the late 1960 s. Both the estimated and the observed WI for May–August were better correlated with precipitation than temperature during the period 1958–2007 AD, indicating that the contribution of precipitation to the WI was larger than temperature in the study area. The reconstructed WI was compared with the dryness/wetness index of China and land areas that were affected by droughts and floods using the agricultural statistics for Shandong Province. In addition, the WI time-series corresponded well with the peanut yield in Shandong Province at high frequency, which may be reasonable in the context of agriculture in Shandong. The 3-, 5- to 6- and 9- to10-year periodicities detected in the time-series suggested that the reconstructed WI in the Mt. Yishan area may be related to large-scale climate variations.
摘要:A double-dimensional big data assessment method on the characteristics of on-line taxi traffic operation is proposed to provide a scientific basis for carrying out the taxi industry reform and standardizing the on-line taxi hailing management work. Taking Shenzhen as an example, multi- source data such as on-line taxi license plate data, plate identification data and taxi (including on-line taxis) operation data are combined with the results of the stated preference (SP) survey on taxi operating characteristics to assess the overall operation characteristics of on-line taxis. The results show that the current on-line taxis in Shenzhen can be divided into three categories, that is, full-time on-line taxis, non- active on-line taxis and part-time on-line taxis, accounting for 4%, 55%, and 41%, respectively, of the total quantity. In terms of the characteristics of space-time operations, full-time on-line taxis have similar operating characteristics as those of traditional taxis; the operation of non-active on-line taxis and part-time on-line taxis coincides with commuting requirements during morning and evening peak hours. However, part-time on-line taxis operate for a much longer time period at night. Due to the convenient hailing and favorable price, on-line taxis have a significant impact on trip modes of citizens; and the substitution eflbct of on-line taxis on traditional buses and cruising taxis is obvious. It is beneficial for helping the government departments to objectively understand the development law of the on-line taxi industry and providing decision reference for the formulation of relevant management policies during the critical development stage of on-line taxi industry.
摘要:Facing challenges of population decline and fiscal austerity,Japan has implemented a series of initiatives to promote public-private partnerships(PPP)to ensure the sustainability of urban parks and revitalize urban *** initiatives,while alleviating the government’s financial burdens on parks,have also raised concerns about the potential erosion of publicness and public interests resulted from the commercialization of public *** paper reviews the evolution of Japan’s urban park management system after World War II—including three phases of being purely public goods,initiating marketization,and diversifying management *** functions of parks have continuously enriched,and the construction,management,and operational modes have shifted from government-led towards multi-stakeholder participation,along with expanded funding *** examining the PPP types,driving forces,implementation mechanisms and challenges in urban park management,this paper points out that,in different eras and social contexts,the Japanese government has kept adjusting its role to maximize public *** has proactively updated the implications of publicness in infrastructure like urban parks,from a post-war opposite of publicness versus privateness on ownership,to the participation of private capital for a higher efficiency,and finally to a community for a stronger regional *** reforms of urban park management system in Japan offer significant lessons and insights for urban infrastructure management in other countries and regions.
招生:0574-88222065 88222066