
检索条件"机构=Division of Engineering and Applied Science"
11 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Three-dimensional bioprinting of gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA)
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2018年 第4期1卷 215-224页
作者:Guoliang Ying Nan Jiang Cunjiang Yu Yu Shrike ZhangDivision of Engineering in MedicineDepartment of MedicineBrigham and Women's HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolCambridgeMA 02139USA School of Materials Science and EngineeringWuhan Institute of TechnologyWuhan 430205People's Republic of China School of Engineering and Applied SciencesHarvard UniversityCambridgeMA 02139USA Departments of Mechanical EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringMaterials Science and Engineering ProgramThe Texas Center for SuperconductivityUniversity of HoustonHoustonTX 77204USA 
The three-dimensional (3D)bioprinting technology has progressed tremendously over the past *** controlling the size, shape,and architecture of the bioprinted constructs,3D bioprinting allows for the fabrication of tis...
Design of a Heuristic Topology Generation Algorithm in Multi-Domain Optical Networks
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《Communications and Network》2018年 第3期10卷 65-77页
作者:Lei Wang Huayang Feng Li Lin Li DuCollege of Computer Science and Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang China Division of Engineering and Applied Science California Institute of Technology Pasadena USA 
Designing an excellent original topology not only improves the accuracy of routing, but also improves the restoring rate of failure. In this paper, we propose a new heuristic topology generation algorithm—GA-PODCC (G...
High thermal conductivity of suspended few-layer hexagonal boron nitride sheets
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《Nano Research》2014年 第8期7卷 1232-1240页
作者:Haiqing Zhou Jixin Zhu Zheng Liu Zheng Yan Xiujun Fan Jian Lin Gunuk Wang Qingyu Yan Ting Yu Pulickel M. Ajayan James M. TourDepartment of Chemistry Rice University 6100 Main Street Houston Texas 77005 USA Division of Physics and Applied Physics School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nanyang Technological University 537371 Singapore Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering Rice University 6100 Main Street Houston Texas 77005 USA School of Materials Science and Engineering Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Avenue 639798 Singapore College of Electronic Information and Control Engineering Beijing University of Technology Beijing I00124 China The Smalley Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology Rice University 6100 Main Street Houston Texas 77005 USA 
The thermal conduction of suspended few-layer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) sheets was experimentally investigated using a noncontact micro-Raman spectroscopy method. The first-order temperature coefficients for mo...
Thickness-dependent patterning of MoS2 sheets with well-oriented triangular pits by heating in air
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《Nano Research》2013年 第10期6卷 703-711页
作者:Haiqing Zhou Fang Yu Yuanyue Liu Xiaolong Zou Chunxiao Cong Caiyu Qiu Ting Yu Zheng Yan Xiaonan Shen Lianfeng Sun Boris I. Yakobson James M. TourDivision of Physics and Applied Physics School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nanyang Technological University 637371Singapore Department of Chemistry Rice University 6100 Main Street Houston Texas 77005 USA The Smalley Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology Rice University 6100 Main Street Houston Texas 77005 USA Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Rice University 6100 Main Street Houston Texas 77005 USA National Center for Nanoscience and Technology Beijing 100190 China 
Patterning ultrathin MoS2 layers with regular edges or controllable shapes is appealing since the properties of MoS2 sheets are sensitive to the edge structures. In this work, we have introduced a simple, effective an...
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《Acta Mechanica Sinica》2023年 第4期39卷 44-56页
作者:Ei Cho Pyone Sawekchai Tangaramvong Thu Huynh Van Linh Van Hong Bui 高伟Center of Excellence in Applied Mechanics and Structures Department of Civil Engineering Chulalongkorn University Bangkok 10330 Thailand Division of Computational Mathematics and Engineering Institute for Computational Science Ton Duc Thang University Ho Chi Minh City Viet Nam Centre of Infrastructure Engineering and Safety School of Civil and Environmental Engineer The University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2000 Australia 
Single crystal metal-organic framework constructed by vertically self-pillared nanosheets and its derivative for oriented lithium plating
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《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》2021年 第9期42卷 1553-1560页
作者:Xiaomin Jia Shaowen Li Tu Sun Yanzhi Wang Yaqi Fan Chaochao Zhang Yang Xu Zuozhong Liang Haitao Lei Wei Zhang Yuye Zhou Yanhang Ma Haoquan Zheng Yue Ma Rui CaoKey Laboratory of Applied Surface and Colloid ChemistryMinistry of EducationSchool of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringShaanxi Normal UniversityXi’an 710119ShaanxiChina Center for Nano Energy MaterialsState Key Laboratory of Solidification ProcessingSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi'an 710072ShaanxiChina School of Physical Science and TechnologyShanghaiTech UniversityShanghai 201210China School of Engineering Sciences in ChemistryBiotechnology and HealthDepartment of ChemistryDivision of Applied Physical ChemistryAnalytical ChemistryKTH Royal Institute of TechnologySE‐10691StockholmSweden 
This vertically self‐pillared(VSP)structure extends the application range of traditional porous materials with facile mass/ion transport and enhanced reaction ***,we prepare a single crystal metal‐organic framework(...
Biofabrication of size-controlled liver microtissues incorporated with ECM-derived microparticles to prolong hepatocyte function
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2021年 第4期4卷 790-805页
作者:Zahra Heydari Ibrahim Zarkesh Mohammad-Hossein Ghanian Mahdokht HAghdaei Svetlana Kotova Ensieh Zahmatkesh Zahra Farzaneh Abbas Piryaei Iman Akbarzadeh Anastasia Shpichka Roberto Gramignoli Peter Timashev Hossein Baharvand Massoud VosoughDepartment of Developmental BiologyUniversity of Science and CultureACECR14155-4364 TehranIran Department of Regenerative MedicineCell Science Research CentreRoyan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and TechnologyACECR14155-4364 TehranIran Department of Stem Cells and Developmental BiologyCell Science Research CenterRoyan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and TechnologyACECR14155-4364 TehranIran Department of Cell EngineeringCell Science Research CenterRoyan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and TechnologyACECR14155-4364 TehranIran Transplant Research CenterShiraz University of Medical Sciences71936-13311 ShirazIran N.N.Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical PhysicsRussian Academy of SciencesMoscow 117977Russia Department of Biology and Anatomical SciencesSchool of MedicineShahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences14155-4364 TehranIran Department of Tissue Engineering and Applied Cell SciencesSchool of Advanced Technologies in MedicineShahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences14155-4364 TehranIran Institute for Regenerative MedicineSechenov UniversityMoscow 117977Russia Division of PathologyDepartment of Laboratory MedicineKarolinska Institute17177 StockholmSweden 
Multicellular microtissues of primary human hepatocytes(PHHs)co-cultured with other supporting cell types are a promis-ing model for drug screening and toxicological ***,these liver microtissues(LMs)rapidly lose their...
Ankylosing spondylitis: A state of the art factual backbone
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《World Journal of Radiology》2015年 第9期7卷 236-252页
作者:Mohammad Ghasemi-rad Hosam Attaya Emal Lesha Andrea Vegh Tooraj Maleki-Miandoab Emad Nosair Nariman Sepehrvand Ali Davarian Hamid Rajebi Abdolghader Pakniat Seyed Amirhossein Fazeli Afshin MohammadiDivision of Inter-ventional Radiology Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Harvard--MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology Mass-achusetts Institute of Technology College of Science and Mathematics University of Massachusetts Boston Department of Materials Science and EngineeringFaculty of Applied Science and Engineering University of Toronto Department of Radiology Urmia University of Medical Sciences Anatomical Sciences Basic Medical Sciences Department College of Medicine Sharjah University Department of Medicine University of Alberta Ischemic Disorders Research Center Golestan University of Medical Sciences Radiology Department SUNY Upstate Medical University Department of Emergency MedicineArak University of Medical Science Department of Medicine Zahedan University of Medical Sciences Solid Tumor Research Center Imam Khomaini Hospital University of Medical Sciences 
Ankylosing spondylitis(AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects 1% of the general population. As one of the most severe types of spondyloarthropathy, AS affects the spinal vertebrae and sacroiliac joints, ca...
Biosystems Design to Accelerate C3-to-CAM Progression
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《BioDesign Research》2020年 第1期2020卷 18-33页
作者:Guoliang Yuan MdMahmudul Hassan Degao Liu Sung Don Lim Won Cheol Yim John C.Cushman Kasey Markel Patrick M.Shih Haiwei Lu David J.Weston Jin-Gui Chen Timothy J.Tschaplinski Gerald A.Tuskan Xiaohan YangBiosciences DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA The Center for Bioenergy InnovationOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTN 37831USA Department of Genetics and Plant BreedingPatuakhali Science and Technology UniversityDumkiPatuakhali 8602Bangladesh Department of GeneticsCell Biology and DevelopmentCenter for Precision Plant Genomicsand Center for Genome EngineeringUniversity of MinnesotaSaint PaulMN 55108USA Department of Applied Plant SciencesKangwon National UniversityChuncheon 24341Republic of Korea Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyUniversity of NevadaRenoNVUSA Department of Plant BiologyUniversity of CaliforniaDavisDavisCAUSA Feedstocks DivisionJoint BioEnergy InstituteEmeryvilleCAUSA 
Global demand for food and bioenergy production has increased rapidly,while the area of arable land has been declining for decades due to damage caused by erosion,pollution,sea level rise,urban development,soil salini...
Demonstration of topological wireless power transfer
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science Bulletin》2021年 第10期66卷 974-980,M0003页
作者:Li Zhang Yihao Yang Zhao Jiang Qiaolu Chen Qinghui Yan Zhouyi Wu Baile Zhang Jiangtao Huangu Hongsheng ChenInterdisciplinary Center for Quantum InformationState Key Laboratory of Modern Optical InstrumentationCollege of Information Science and Electronic EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China ZJU-Hangzhou Global Science and Technology Innovation CenterKey Laboratory of Advanced Micro/Nano Electronic Devices&Smart Systems of ZhejiangZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China International Joint Innovation CenterZJU-UIUC InstituteZhejiang UniversityHaining 314400China Division of Physics and Applied PhysicsSchool of Physical and Mathematical SciencesNanyang Technological UniversitySingapore 637371Singapore Centre for Disruptive Photonic TechnologiesThe Photonics InstituteNanyang Technological UniversitySingapore 639798Singapore Laboratory of Applied Research on Electromagnetics(ARE)Zhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China 
Recent advances in non-radiative wireless power transfer(WPT)technique essentially relying on magnetic resonance and near-field coupling have successfully enabled a wide range of ***,WPT systems based on double resona...
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