
检索条件"机构=Division of Preventive Medicine "
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When evidence is lacking:a mixed-methods approach for the development of practice guidance in liver transplantation
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《Gastroenterology Report》2021年 第1期9卷 22-30,I0001页
作者:Lisa B.VanWagner Blessing Aghaulor Tasmeen Hussain Megan Kosirog Patrick Campbell Stewart Pine Amna Daud Daniel J.Finn Josh Levitsky Donald M.Lloyd-Jones Jane L.HollDivision of Gastroenterology and HepatologyDepartment of MedicineNorthwestern University Feinberg School of MedicineChicagoILUSA Department of Preventive MedicineNorthwestern University Feinberg School of MedicineChicagoILUSA Comprehensive Transplant CenterNorthwestern University Feinberg School of MedicineChicagoILUSA Division of CardiologyDepartment of MedicineNorthwestern University Feinberg School of MedicineChicagoILUSA Department of PediatricsNorthwestern University Feinberg School of MedicineChicagoILUSA Center for Healthcare Delivery Science and Innovation and Department of NeurologyBiological Sciences DivisionUniversity of ChicagoChicagoILUSA 
Background Most interventions for conditions with a small cohort size,such as transplantation,are unlikely to be part of a clinical *** condition-specific evidence is lacking,expert consensus can offer more precise gu...
Comparative effects of artemisia vulgaris and charcoal moxa stimulating Zhongwan(CV 12) on body temperature in healthy participants:a cross-over single-blind randomized study
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《Journal of Traditional Chinese medicine2015年 第5期35卷 551-557页
作者:Ho-Yeon Go Ju Ah Lee Sunyoung Park Sunju Park Jeong-Su Park Chunhoo Cheon Seong-Gyu Ko Kyung-Hwan Kong Chan-yong Jun Jong-hyeong Park Mi-Ran Shin Se-Hoon LeeDepartment of Internal MedicineCollege of Korean MedicineSemyung University Department of Public HealthThe Catholic University of Korea Medical Research DivisionKorea Institute of Oriental Medicine Department of PhysiologyCollege of Korean MedicineSemyung University Department of Preventive MedicineCollege of Korean MedicineDaejeon University Center for Clin ical Research and GenomicsCollege of Oriental Medicine and Institu te of Oriental MedicineKyung Hee University Department of Internal MedicineCollege of Korean MedicineGachon University Department of Sasang Constitutional MedicineCollege of Korean MedicineSemyung University 
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy,safety,satisfaction,discomfort and patient preference of moxa cones of artemisia vulgaris and charcoal ***:This comparative study of moxibustion treatment with Artemisia vulgaris and...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2008年 第1期27卷 17-25页
作者:Paul M. Ridker, MD, MPH Julie E. Buring, ScD Nader Rifai, PhD Nancy R. Cook, ScD 张方芳(译) 徐成斌(校)Donald W.Reynolds Center for Cardiovascular Research and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Division of Preventive Medicine Brigham and Women's HospitalBostonMassand the Department of Laboratory MedicineChildren's Hospital BostonMass Division of Preventive Medicine and the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases Brigham and Women's HospitalBostonMassand the Department of Laboratory MedicineChildren's Hospital BostonMass 不详 
应用QuantiFERON-TB GOLD in-tube法检测HIV感染病人的潜伏性结核菌感染
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2008年 第2期3卷 63-68页
作者:S. Jones D. de Gijsel F. R. Wallach A. C. Gurtman Q. Shi H. Sacks 夏辉(译) 黄海荣(校) 何广学(审)Division of International Medicine and Infectious Diseases Weill Medical College of Cornell University New York AIDS Center Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York Division of Infectious Diseases Department of Medicine Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York Wyeth Vaccine Research Pearl Rive School of Public Health New York Medical College Valhalla Department of Community and Preventive Medicine Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York New York USA 不详 
地点:市中心人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)门诊部目标:在存在潜伏性结核感染(LTBI)危险因素的HIV感染人群中评估结核菌素皮肤试验(TST)和QuantiFERON-TB GOLD(QFT-G)试验。实验设计:对已知的LTBI危险因素与早期分泌性靶抗原6(ESAT-6)和培养分...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2004年 第6期23卷 291-295页
作者:ThomasJ.Wang JosephM.Massaro DanielLevy RamachandranS.Vasan PhilipA.Wolf RalphB.DAgostino MartinG.Larson WilliamB.Kannel EmeliaJ.Benjamin 康俊萍 马长生 李呈亿Framingham Heart StudyFramingham Cardiology Division Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Framingham Heart StudyFramingham Department of Mathematics Boston University Boston Framingham Heart StudyFramingham Divisions of Cardiology and Epidemiology Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital Harvard Medical School National Heart Lungand Blood institute Bethesda Md Boston University School of Medicine Boston Division of Cardiology B Framingham Heart StudyFramingham Division of Cardiology Boston University School of Medicine Boston Framingham Heart StudyFramingham Department of Neurology Boston University School of Medicine Boston Framingham Heart StudyFramingham Department of Mathematics Boston University Boston Department of Preventive Medicine Boston University School of Medicine Boston Framingham Heart StudyFramingham Framingham Heart StudyFramingham Department of Preventive Medicine Boston University School of Medicine Boston Framingham Heart StudyFramingham Division of Cardiology Boston University School of Medicine Boston Department of Preventive Medicine Boston University School of Medicine Boston 
经皮冠状动脉介入治疗对心肌梗死后无症状缺血的影响SWISS Ⅱ随机对照试验
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2008年 第1期27卷 3-8页
作者:Paul Erne, MD Andreas W. Schoenenberger, MD Dieter Burckhardt, MD Michel Zuber, MD Wolfgang Kiowski, MD Peter T. Buser, MD Paul Dubach, MD Therese J. Resink, MD Matthias Pfisterer, MD 严子隽(译) 沈卫峰(校)Division of Cardiology Kantonsspital Luzem Luzem Switzerland Division of Geriatrics Department of General Internal Medicine University Hospital Beme Switzerland Division of Cardiology University Hospital Basel Switzerland Department of Research Division of Cardiology University Hospital Basel Switzerland Department of Social and Preventive Medicine University of Beme Beme Switzerland Heart and Vascular Center Zlirich Klinik im Park Zürich Switzerland Heart and Vascular Center Zlirich and Division of Cardiology Rhatisches Kantonsspital Switzerland 不详 
背景:经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)对心肌梗死(myocardial infarction,MI)后无症状缺血患者长期预后的影响尚不清楚。目的:研究PCI较药物治疗是否能改善MI后无症状缺血患者的长期预后。设计...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2008年 第2期27卷 67-75页
作者:Erik Ingelsson,MD,PhD Ernst J. Schaefer, MD JohnH.Contois,PhD JudithR.McNamara,MT LisaSullivan,PhD Michelle J.Keyes,MA MichaelJ.Pencina,PhD Christopher Schoonmaker,MA PeterW.F.Wilson,MD RalphB.D’Agostino,PhD RamachandranS.Vasan,MD 顾佳(译)The Framingham Study Boston University School of Medicine Framingham Lipid Metabolism Laboratory Jean Mayer US Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University Boston Departments of Biostatistics School of Public Health Mathematics and Statistics Preventive Medicine Cardiology Section School of Medicine Boston University Boston Massachusetts and Cardiology Division Department of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta Georgia 不详 
背景:对于载脂蛋白与传统脂质测量指标预测冠心病(coronaryheartdisease,CHD)危险的性能,目前有关证据尚有矛盾。目的:采用鉴别和标准化特征(discrimination and calibration characteristics)以及危险再分类对不同脂质测量指...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2008年 第2期3卷 55-62页
作者:R. P. Tiwari S. K.Garg R. N. Bharmal S. Kartikeyan P. S. Bisen 王博(译) 吴雪琼(校) 何广学(审)Diagnostic Division Nicholas Piramal India Limited Pawane Navi MumbaiJagatpura Jaipur India Institute of Biotechnology and Allied SciencesSeedling Academy of Design Technology and Management Jagatpure Jaipur India Department ofBiochemistry University of Nebraska Lincoln Nebraska USA Department of Microbiology Preventive & Social Medicine Rajiv Gandhi Medical College Kalwa Thane India 不详 
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《世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册)》2007年 第10期3卷 8-页
作者:Cook N.R. Buring J.E. Ridker P.M. 罗亮Division of Preventive MedicineBrigham and Women's Hospital900 Commonwealth Avenue EastBostonMA 02215United States Dr. 
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