
检索条件"机构=Division of Primary Care"
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2002年 第4期 125-130页
作者:R.Pitman B.Jarman R.Coker 邹级谦Division of Primary Care and Population Health Sciences Imperial College School of Medicine at St. Mary's London London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine ECOHOST London United Kingdom 
地点:英格兰和威尔士。 目的:定量研究英格兰和威尔士在1953-1990年间,菌苗接种、化疗及预防性治疗对减少结核发病的贡献。 设计:为了估算接种前的参数,根据1913-1939年的登记资料,拟合了结核病传播的房室模型。化疗及预防性治疗率的最...
British Journal of General Practice论文摘要汇编——抗生素暴露和后续呼吸道感染的“反应失败”:英国学龄前儿童初级保健的观察队列研究
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《中国全科医学》2019年 第30期22卷 3708-3708页
作者:VAN HECKE O FULLER A BANKHEAD C 本刊编辑部(整理)University of Oxford Oxford. University of Oxford Oxford. University of Oxford Oxford. Pharmatelligence Cardiff. Division of Population Medicine School of Medicine Cardiff University Cardiff. Primary Care and Population Sciences University of Southampton Southampton. University of Oxford Oxford. Nuffield Department of Primary Health Care Sciences University of Oxford Oxford. 
背景 儿童抗生素暴露具有重要的临床相关意义。其中包括对微生物群的破坏、抗生素耐药性以及表现为治疗“失败”的临床工作。目的 探讨患急性呼吸道感染的学龄前儿童前1 年的抗生素疗程与后1 年未对抗生素治疗有反应的患急性呼吸道感染...
预测英格兰和威尔士2型糖尿病的发生风险:QD Score前瞻性推导和验证
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2009年 第5期12卷 273-282页
作者:Julia Hippisley-Cox Carol Coupland John Robson Aziz Sheikh Peter Brindle 曾静波(译) 李玉秀(校)Division of Primary Care Tower Building University Park Nottingham NG2 7RD Centre for Health Sciences Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry London E1 2AT Centre for Population Health Sciences : GP Section University of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH8 9DX Avon Primary Care Research Collaborative Bristol Primary Care Trust Bristol BS2 8EE 北京协和医院内分泌科 
目的 开发并验证一个新的糖尿病风险模型(QDScore),用来估计10年内获得糖尿病诊断的风险,该模型的基础建立于多样化的种族和社会经济地位人群。设计 前瞻性开放性队列研究,使用的数据常规收集于355个英格兰和威尔士全科诊所,然后...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2008年 第5期11卷 278-282页
作者:Clare L Gillies Paul C Lambert Keith R Abrams Alex J Sutton Nicola J Cooper Ron T Hsu Melanie J Davies Kamlesh Khunti 张晓梅(译) 纪立农(校)Centre for Biostatistics and Genetic Epidemiology Department of Health Sciences University of Leicester Leicester LE1 7RH Department of Cardiovascular Sciences University of Leicester Division of General Practice and Primary Health Care,Department of Health Sciences University of Leicester 
目的 比较针对2型糖尿病预防及治疗的4种筛查策略及随后予以的干预措施:(a)筛查2型糖尿病患者使其能接受早期检查及治疗,(b)筛查2型糖尿病和糖耐量受损患者,对糖耐量受损的人群予以生活方式干预以延缓或预防糖尿病的发生,(c)...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2007年 第5期10卷 276-283页
作者:Roger Jones Radoslav Latinovi Judith Charlton Martin C Gulliford 张国庆Department of General Practice and Primary CareDivision of Health and Social Care ResearchKing's College London School of Medicine at Guy'sKing's College and St Thomas'HospitalsLondon SE16SP Wolfson professor of general practice Department of Public Health SciencesDivision of Health and Socia Care ResearchKing's College London School of Medicine at Guy'sKing's College and St Thomas'HospitalsLondon SE13QD dotabase manager research assistant senior lecturer in public health 
目的根据初级保健中的研究,评价在大规模人群中预警症状与随后的恶性肿瘤诊断之间的关系。设计队列研究。地点英国全科医疗机构研究数据库。患者 1994至2000年间在英国128家全科医疗机构注册的762325名年龄在15岁及以上的患者。既往无...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2020年 第1期23卷 19-28页
作者:冯倚(译) 周傲霜 邹华春 Suzanne M Ingle Margaret T May 蔡卫平 Chien-Yu Cheng 杨祖耀 唐金陵 冯琦(译) 唐金陵(译)Division of EpidemiologyJockey Club School of Public Health and Primary CareChinese University of Hong KongHong KongChina School of Public Health(Shenzhen)Sun Yat-Sen UniversityShenzhenChina Kirby InstituteUniversity of New South WalesSydneyAustralia Population Health SciencesBristol Medical SchoolUniversity of BristolBristolUK Department of Infectious DiseaseGuangzhou Eighth People′s HospitalGuangzhouChina Division of Infectious DiseasesDepartment of Internal MedicineTaoyuan General HospitalMinistry of Health and WelfareTaoyuanTaiwanChina School of Public HealthNational Yang-Ming UniversityTaipeiTaiwanChina Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Health Risk AnalysisShenzhen Research Institute of the Chinese University of Hong KongShenzhenChina 香港中文大学公共卫生及基层医疗学院 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2008年 第6期11卷 335-338页
作者:Paul Little George Lewith Fran Webley Maggie Evans Angela Beattie Karen Middleton Jane Barnett Kathleen Ballard Frances Oxford Peter Smith Lucy Yadley Sandra Hollinghurst Debbie Sharp 张扬红(译)primary Care Group Community Clinical Sciences DivisionUniversity of SouthamptonAldermoor Health CrrtreSouthampton SO16 5ST School of PsychologyUriversity of Southampton Department of Social Statistics University of Southampton Academic Unit of of Bristol Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique London 不详 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2010年 第4期13卷 236-237页
作者:Ase Vikanes Rolv Skjarven Andrej M Grjibovski Nina Gunnes Siri Vangen Per Magnus 沈洁(译) 杨孜(校)Division of Epidemiology Norwegian Institute. of Public Health PO Box 4404 Nydalen N-0403 Oslo Norway Department of Pubiic Health and Primary Health Care University of Bergen Norway Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Norwegian Institute of Public Health Norway Institute of Community Medicine University of Troms Norway International .School of Public Health Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk Russia National Resource Centre for Women's Health Deparment of Obstetrics and Gyruaecology Oslo University Hospital Norway Institute of General Practice and Community. Medicine University of Oslo Norway 北京大学第三医院妇产科 
目的 若亲代患妊娠剧吐,评估其子代妊娠剧吐的复发风险。设计 基于人群的队列研究。资料 来自挪威的注册数据。研究对象 1967--2006年挪威医学出生登记的生育链接数据资料:544087对母女及399777对母子:主要观察指标在患妊娠剧吐妇女...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2007年 第2期10卷 78-81页
作者:Jan Jelrik Oosterheert Marc J M Bonten Margriet M E Schneider Erik Buskens Jan-Willem J Lammers Willem M N Hustinx Mark H H Kramer Jan M Prins Peter H Th J Slee Karin Kaasjager Andy I M Hoepelman 王伟巍(译) 童朝辉(校)Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases University Medical CentrePO Box 855003508 GA UtrechtNetherlands Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary CareUniversity Medical Centre Department of PulmonologyUniversity Medical Centre Department of Internal Medicine Diakonessenhuis Utrecht Department of Internal Medicine Meander Medical Centre Amersfoort Netherlands Department of Internal Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Tropical Medicine and Aids Academic Medical CentreAmsterdamNetherlands Department of Internal Medicine St Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein Netherlands Department of Internal Medicine Rijintate Hospital Amhem Netherlands 不详 
目的比较早期由静脉转换成口服抗生素与常规静脉使用7天抗生素治疗严重社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的疗效。设计多中心随机对照试验。地点荷兰5家教学医院和2所大学的医学中心。参加者非 ICU 住院的严重 CAP 患者302例,其中265例满足研究要求...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2016年 第11期19卷 619-619页
作者:Michael L Barnett Ateev Mehrotra Anupam B Jena 张荣(译)Department of Health Policy and Management Harvard T.H. Chart School of Public Health Boston MA 02115 USA Division of General Internal edicine and Primary Care Department of Medicine Brigham and Wolnen's Hospital Boston MA USA Department of Health Care Policy Harvard Medical School Boston MA 02115 USA Department of Medicine Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston MA USA Department of Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Boston MA USA 山西省浑源县人民医院 
目的评估住院患者在启用电子病历系统(electronic health record,EHR)后患者治疗效果,包括病死率、再入院率及不良安全事件,是否与EHR的启用存在短期关联。设计采用双差分模型分析方法的观察性研究。
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