
检索条件"机构=Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment"
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Framework for capacity based sustainable design ■ development: towards resilient communities
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《Frontiers of Architectural Research》2019年 第4期8卷 498-512页
作者:Michael Willem Maria SmitsDeportment of ArchitectureFaculty of Architecture and the Built EnvironmentDelft University of TechnologyDelftthe Netherlands 
The most fundam ental struggle for realizing a sustainable built environm ent still lies in the use of non-renew able resources in its *** efforts have been taken to increase the use of sustainable materials the vast ...
Evaluation of fitness of design in urban historical context: From the perspectives of residents
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《Frontiers of Architectural Research》2013年 第1期2卷 85-93页
作者:Hesamaddin Sotoudeh Wan Mohd Zakri Wan AbdullahArchitecture Department Faculty of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Johor 81310 Malaysia 
Historic city cores in many countries either fell into neglect or suffered from harmful developments. Due to a variety of reasons, conservation projects failed to preserve sociocultural assets of historic environments...
Reyner Banham and modern design culture
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《Frontiers of Architectural Research》2012年 第3期1卷 272-279页
作者:Bagoes WiryomartonoDepartment of ArchitectureFaculty of Built EnvironmentUniversiti Teknologi MalaysiaUTM Skudai CampusJohor Bahru 81310Malaysia 
What is modernity in architecture? In English speaking world, the question is Likely impossible to answer without considering the works of Peter Reyner Banham (1922-1988). Regardless of his potemist and disparaging...
Healthy campus by open space design: Approaches and guidelines
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《Frontiers of Architectural Research》2014年 第4期3卷 452-467页
作者:Stephen Siu Yu Lau Zhonshua Gou Yajing LiuDepartment of Architecture Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China Department of Architecture University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China Faculty of Built Environment University of New South Wales Room 3001 Red Centre West Wing UNSW Built Environment Kensington Campus Sydney Australia 
This paper examines the architectural and Landscape design strategies and intentions for green, open spaces facilities targeting stress aLLeviation for learning environments such as those of university campuses in a c...
Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bridge Design in the Netherlands: Architectural Challenges toward Innovative, Sustainable, and Durable Bridges
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《Engineering》2016年 第4期2卷 518-527页
作者:Joris SmitsDepartment of Architectural Eno~neering and Technology. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. Delft University of Technology. Delft2628 BL. the Netherlands 
This paper reviews the use of fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) in architectural and structural bridge design in the Netherlands. The challenges and opportunities of this relatively new material, both for the archite...
Architectural Teaching and Design Computing: A Didactic Experience in a Brazilian architecture Course
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《Journal of Civil Engineering and architecture2018年 第1期12卷 51-58页
作者:Femando Tadeu de Araujo LimaFaculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) and Post-Graduate Program of Built Environment (PROAC) Federal University ofJuiz de Fora Juiz de Fora Minas Gerais 36037-000 Brazil 
In the last years, architectural practice has been confronted with a paradigm shift towards the application of digital methods in design activities. In this regard, it is a pedagogic challenge to provide a suitable co...
Controlling the Risk of Construction Delay in the Middle East: State-of-the-Art Review
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《Journal of Civil Engineering and architecture2015年 第5期9卷 506-516页
作者:Omayma Hashim Motaleb Mohammed KishkFaculty of Engineering UAEU (United Arab Emirates University) AI Ain 20571 United Arab Emirates The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment Robert Gordon University Aberdeen AB I O 7 QB UK 
The financial crisis in late 2008 arrested economic development in the construction sector in the Middle East, with the result that investors' confidence in the sector is severely depressed. Delays constitute one of ...
The Arckitbuilding Bricks as a Didactic Tool for Experimentation in Architectural Design: Possibilities and Limitations
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《Journal of Civil Engineering and architecture2018年 第1期12卷 59-64页
作者:Frederico Braida Rafael Henriques Campos Dias Icaro Chagas da Silva Isabela Ruback Cascardo de Almeida Janaina Mendes de Castro Mariane Garcia Unanue Antonio Colchete FilhoGraduate Program in Built Environment Federal University of Juiz de Fora Juiz de Fora 36036-900 Brazil Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Federal University of Juiz de Fora Juiz de Fora 36036-900 Brazil 
This article deals with the usage of building bricks as a didactic material for the development of architectural design. The building brick game chosen for analysis was the Arckit, since it is suitable for the archite...
Bringing Systematic Thinking of Landscape Justice Into Global Design Practice
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《景观设计学(中英文)》2024年 第4期12卷 78-93页
作者:Kaiyi ZHU Tianyi GUFaculty of Architecture and the Built EnvironmentDelft University of TechnologyDelft 2628 BLThe Netherlands Building Design Partnership(Shanghai)Shanghai 200020China 
Design increasingly plays a pivotal role in achieving justice for ***,there are often gaps between visions and implementation due to the variety of factors and stakeholders involved in design *** literature review and...
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