
检索条件"机构=Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto Rua do Campo Alegre"
2 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Suspended-core Fibers for Sensing Applications
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《Photonic Sensors》2012年 第2期2卷 118-126页
作者:Orlando FRAZAO Ricardo M. SILVA Marta S. FERREIRA Jose L. SANTOS Antonio B. LOBO RIBEIROINESC Porto Rua do Campo Alegre 687 4169-007 Porto Portugal Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto Rua do Campo Alegre 687 4169-007 Porto Portugal Faculty of Health Sciences University Fernando Pessoa Rua Carlos da Maia 296 4200-150 Porto Portugal 
A brief review on suspended-core fibers for sensing applications is presented. A historical overview over the previous ten years about this special designed microstructure optical fiber is described. This fiber presen...
Fabrication of Tailored Bragg Gratings by the Phase Mask Dithering/Moving Technique
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《Photonic Sensors》2013年 第1期3卷 81-96页
作者:Miguel MELO Paulo V. S. MARQUESDepartment of Physics and Astronomy Faculty of Sciences University of Porto Rua do Campo Alegre 687 4169-007Porto Portugal INESC TEC Rua do Campo Alegre 687 4169-007 Porto Portugal 
The most relevant aspects related to the phase mask dithering/moving method for the fabrication of complex Bragg grating designs are reviewed. Details for experimental implementation of this technique is presented, in...
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