
检索条件"机构=Graduate School of Science and Technology"
60 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
An Equivalent Form of S-L Projection Learning
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《Journal of Electronic science and technology of China》2003年 第1期1卷 6-11页
作者:LIU Benyong~1 OGAWA Hidemitsu~2(1.school of Electronic Engineering,UESTC Chengdu 610054 China 2.Dept.of Computer science,graduate school of Information science and technology,Tokyo Institute of technology Tokyo 52-8552 Japan)School of Electronic Engineering UESTC Chengdu 610054 China Dept. of Computer Science Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Tokyo InstituteofTechnology Tokyo 52-8552 Japan 
Learning a mapping between an input space and an *** from training data canbe viewed as a problem of function approximation,which means that different criteria result in learningapproaches of different *** them,projec...
The design simulation of the superconducting section in the ADS injector Ⅱ
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《Chinese Physics C》2012年 第3期36卷 256-260页
作者:王志军 何源 刘勇 岳伟明 杨晓亮 吴巍 李超 肖陈 贾欢Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences The School of Nuclear Science and Technology Lanzhou University Institute of Modern PhysicsChinese Academy of Sciences 
The high-current superconducting proton linac is being studied for the accelerator-driven system (ADS) project undertaken by the Chinese Academy of sciences. The injector II will be operated at 162.5 MHz, and the pr...
Optimization strategies for separation of sulfadiazines using Box-Behnken design by liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis
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《Journal of Central South University of technology2007年 第2期14卷 196-201页
作者:龚文君 张裕平 张毅军 许光日 魏新军 LEE Kwang-pillHenan Institute of Science and Technology Department of Chemistry Graduate School Kyungpook National University South Korea 
Development of effective chromatographic or electrophoretic separation involves judicious deciding of selection of optimal experimental conditions that can provide an adequate resolution at a reasonable run time for t...
Two-step Design of Critical Control Systems Using Disturbance Cancellation Integral Controllers
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《International Journal of Automation and computing》2011年 第1期8卷 37-45页
作者:Tadashi Ishihara Takahiko OnoFaculty of Science and Technology Fukushima University Graduate School of Information Sciences Hiroshima City University 
An efficient critical control system design is proposed in this paper. The key idea is to decompose the design problem into two simpler design steps by the technique used in the classical loop transfer recovery method...
An Atomic Magnetometer with Spin-Projection Noise Proportional to (T_2)^(1/2)
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《Chinese Physics Letters》2019年 第2期36卷 4-7页
作者:Hai-Feng Dong Xiao-Fei Wang Ji-Min Li Jing-Ling Chen Yuan RenSchool of Instrumentation and Optoelectronic Engineering Beihang University Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics Department of Aerospace Science and Technology Space Engineering University 
There is a comm on sense view for atomic magnetometers that their spin-projection-noises(SPNs) are inversely proportional to (T_2)^(1/2), where (T_2)^(1/2) is the transverse relaxation time. We analyze the current ato...
Design optimization of the APF DTL in the SSC-linac
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《Chinese Physics C》2010年 第10期34卷 1639-1642页
作者:王志军 何源 吴巍 杨雅清 肖陈Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Nuclear Science and Technology Lanzhou University Institute of Modern PhysicsChinese Academy of Sciences 
A linear accelerator as a new injector for the SSC (Separated Sector Cyclotron) of the HIRFL (Heavy Ion Research Facility Lanzhou) is being designed. The DTL (Drift-Tube-Linac) has been designed to accelerate ^2...
Superiority of zoom lens coupling in designing a novel X-ray image detector
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《Chinese Optics Letters》2008年 第7期6卷 502-504页
作者:喻春雨 常本康 魏殿修Key Laboratory of Integrated MicrosystemsShenzhen Graduate School of Peking UniversityShenzhen 518055 School of Optoelectronic and Electronic EngineeringNanjing University of Science and TechnologyNanjing 210094 
We design a novel X-ray image detector by lens coupling a Gd2O2S:Tb intensifying screen with a high performance low-light-level (L^3, which often means luminescence less than 10^-3 Lux) image intensifier. Different...
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《电工技术学报》2025年 第4期40卷 987-996页
作者:张宇翔 何为 孔晓涵 宣亮 徐征重庆大学电气工程学院重庆400044 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Information Science and TechnologySapporo 060-0814 长安大学能源与电气工程学院西安710064 
The Effect of Blade Outlet Angle on Performance and Internal Flow Condition of Mini Turbo-Pump
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《Journal of Thermal science2011年 第1期20卷 32-38页
作者:T.Shigemitsu J.Fukutomi R.Nasada K.KajiInstitute of Technology and ScienceThe University of Tokushima2-1 Minamijyosanjima-choTokushima 770-8506JAPAN Graduate School of Advanced Technology and ScienceThe University of Tokushima2-1 Minamijyosanjima-choTokushima 770-8506JAPAN 
Mini turbo-pumps having a diameter smaller than 100mm are employed in many fields;automobile radiator pump,ventricular assist pump,cooling pump for electric devices,washing machine pump and so ***,the needs for mini t...
Shift to a low carbon society through energy systems design
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science China(Technological sciences)》2010年 第1期53卷 134-143页
作者:Toshihiko NAKATA Mikhail RODIONOV Diego SILVA Joni JUPESTADepartment of Management Science and TechnologyGraduate School of EngineeringTohoku UniversityAoba-yama 6-6-11-815Sendai 980-8579Japan 
Concern about global warming calls for an advanced approach for designing an energy system to reduce carbon emissions as well as to secure energy security for each *** energy systems tend to introduce different techno...
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