
检索条件"机构=Immunology and Microbiology"
13 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Design of a multiplex PCR method for detection of toxigenicpathogenic in Vibrio cholerae
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《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》2013年 第2期6卷 115-118页
作者:Abbas Ali Imani Fooladi Iman Islamieh D Hosseini Doust R Karami A Marashi SMApplied Microbiology Research CenterBaqiyatallah University of Medical SciencesTehranIran Department of MicrobiologyFaculty of Advance Sciences and TechnologyIslamic Azad University-Pharmaceutical Sciences BranchTehranIran Molecular Biology Research CenterBaqiyatallah University of Medical SciencesTehranIran Department of Microbiology and ImmunologyBabol University of Medical SciencesBabolIran 
Objective:To study virulence and regulatory genes(hlyA,ctxB,tcpI) in clinical strains of Vibrio ckolerae(***),***:Three important genes,tepI,hlyA and ctxB were used for detection of toxigenic and pathogenic *** by cha...
Correlation between Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA in intestinal mucosal samples and anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies in serum of patients with IBD
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《World Journal of Gastroenterology》2006年 第2期12卷 292-297页
作者:RC Mallant-Hent M Mooij BME von Blomberg RK Linskens AA van Bodegraven PHM SavelkoulDepartment of GastroenterologyVU University Medical CenterAmsterdamThe Netherlands Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection ControlVU University Medical CenterAmsterdamThe Netherlands Department of ImmunologyVU University Medical CenterAmsterdamThe Netherlands Department of GastroenterologySt Anna ZiekenhuisGeldropThe Netherlands 
AIM: To investigate the correlation between ASCA and presence of mucosal S. cerevisiae DNA in a population of CD, ulcerative colitis (UC) patients and controls. METHODS: S. cerevisiae-specific primers and a fluore...
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《有机化学》2017年 第9期37卷 2385-2391页
作者:王雨捷 Upul Halambage 曾程初 胡利明北京工业大学生命科学与生物工程学院北京100124 Department of Pathology Microbiology and Immunology Vanderbilt University Medical Centernashville27232 北京工业大学环境与病毒肿瘤学北京重点实验室北京100124 
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《微生物学通报》2012年 第8期39卷 1179-1189页
作者:张思璐 刘云霄 张浩琪 CHIN James 吴希阳暨南大学食品科学与工程系广东广州510632 Immunology and MicrobiologyElizabeth Macarthur Agriculture InstituteNSW Department of Primary IndustriesCamdenNSW 2570Australia 
【目的】设计乳酸杆菌属特异性T-RFLP技术(末端限制性片段长度多态性分析)对14株乳酸杆菌进行分型。【方法】采用源于16S-23S rRNA基因间隔区序列的乳酸杆菌属特异性引物LAB-rev,乳酸杆菌的属特异性引物,6-FAM荧光标记后结合16S上游通...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》1996年 第3期 107-110页
作者:H.Saito K.Sato H.Tomioka S.Dekio 雷海鹏Departmet of Microbiology and Immunology Department of DermatologyShimane Medical UniversityIzumoJapan 
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《Science Bulletin》2023年 第24期68卷 3137-3141,M0005页
作者:赵敏 邵菲 刘臻 马江文 於逗 张杭杰 戴连攀 徐坤 赵欣 郑梦利 高福 王硕CAS Key Laboratory of Pathogen Microbiology and ImmunologyInstitute of MicrobiologyChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100101China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 101408China Department of Immunization ProgramZhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and PreventionHangzhou 310057China Research Network of Immunity and Health(RNIH)Beijing Institutes of Life ScienceChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100101China Thoracic Surgery DepartmentCollege of Pulmonary and Critical Care MedicineChinese People’s Liberation Army(PLA)General HospitalBeijing 100091China 
Design,synthesis,and biological evaluation of multiple targeting antimalarials
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《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》2021年 第9期11卷 2900-2913页
作者:Yiqing Yang Tongke Tang Xiaolu Li Thomas Michel Liqin Ling Zhenghui Huang Maruthi Mulaka Yue Wu Hongying Gao Liguo Wang Jing Zhou Brigitte Meunier Hangjun Ke Lubin Jiang Yu RaoMOE Key Laboratory of Protein SciencesSchool of Pharmaceutical SciencesMOE Key Laboratory of Bioorganic Phosphorus Chemistry&Chemical BiologyTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China Unit of Human Parasite Molecular and Cell BiologyKey Laboratory of Molecular Virology and ImmunologyInstitut Pasteur of ShanghaiUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 200031China School of Life Science and TechnologyShanghaiTech UniversityShanghai 201210China Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyState Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular BiologyInstitute of Basic Medical SciencesChinese Academy of Medical SciencesPeking Union Medical CollegeBeijing 100005China Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell(I2BC)CEACNRSUniversite´Paris-SaclayGif-sur-Yvette 91198France Center for Molecular ParasitologyDepartment of Microbiology and ImmunologyDrexel University College of MedicinePhiladelphiaPA 19129USA Department of Laboratory MedicineWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China The Nanjing Unicorn Academy of InnovationInstitut Pasteur of ShanghaiChinese Academy of SciencesNanjing 211135China 
Malaria still threatens global health seriously *** the current discoveries of antimalarials are almost totally focused on single mode-of-action inhibitors,multi-targeting inhibitors are highly desired to overcome the...
Fermented Black Turmeric Designed by Lactobacillus Rearranged Leukocyte Subsets and Anti-Oxidative Activity
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《Open Journal of immunology2015年 第3期5卷 199-214页
作者:Yousuke Watanabe Nobuo Yamaguchi Isao Horiuch Tsugia MurayamaIshikawa Natural Medicinal Products Research Center Ishikawa Japan Department of Fundament Research for CAM Kanazawa Medical University Ishikawa Japan Traditional Uighur Medicine Department Xinjiang Medical University Urumchi China Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Xinjiang Medical University Urumchi China Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Microbiology and Immunology Hokuriku University Ishikawa Japan 
A plant fermentation was carried out by Yeast and Lactobaccilli against fermented black turmeric, Kaempferia parviflora (FBT). These materials were proved by as safe in animal safety experiment. We tried to investigat...
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《中国水产科学》2004年 第2期11卷 135-138页
作者:杨金先 陈强 刘晓东 林天龙 Theodore G.Clark福建省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所福建福州350003 福建省农业科学院地热研究所福建福州350003 Department of Microbiology and Immunology College of Veterinary Medicine 
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《卫生研究》2008年 第2期37卷 219-222页
作者:贾天军 刘殿武 罗建华 张庶民 钟光明河北医科大学流行病学教研室石家庄050017 Department of Microbiology and ImmunologyUniversity of TexasHealth Science Center at San Antonio7703 Floyd Curl DriveSan AntonioTexas 78229USA. 中国药品生物制品检定所血清室 
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