
检索条件"机构=Institute of Ecology"
38 条 记 录,以下是31-40 订阅
Effects of soil nitrogen levels on growth and defense of the native and introduced genotypes of alligator weed
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《Journal of Plant ecology2022年 第3期15卷 461-472页
作者:Mu Liu Fang Zhou Xiaoyun Pan Zhijie Zhang Bo LiMinistry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological EngineeringNational Observations and Research Station for Wetland Ecosystems of the Yangtze EstuaryInstitute of Biodiversity ScienceSchool of Life SciencesFudan UniversityShanghai 200438China Research Center for EcologyCollege of ScienceTibet UniversityLhasa 850000China Tibet University—Fudan University Joint Laboratory for Biodiversity and Global ChangeFudan UniversityShanghai 200032China EcologyDepartment of BiologyUniversity of Konstanz78464 KonstanzGermany 
Plants growing in nutrient-rich environment are predicted to be less defended than conspecifics under nutrient ***,less is known about the effects of nutrient levels on tolerance and induced resistance,and whether the...
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《土壤学报》2010年 第1期47卷 51-57页
作者:王芳 M.Schmid 蒋新 R.Schroll土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室(中国科学院南京土壤研究所)南京210008 Institute of Soil EcologyGSF-German National Research Center for Environment and Health 
根据博德特氏菌(Bordetellasp.)的16S rRNA基因序列,设计荧光原位杂交(FISH)检测博德特氏菌的寡核苷酸探针FW_iso_62和FW_iso_761,在20%~60%甲酰胺均有很强的荧光信号。采用探针FW_iso_62及其竞争探针,结合Nycodenz和DAPI技术,建立定...
Diverse plant mixtures sustain a greater arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spore viability than monocultures after 12 years
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《Journal of Plant ecology2020年 第4期13卷 478-488页
作者:Peter Dietrich Christiane Roscher Adam Thomas Clark Nico Eisenhauer Bernhard Schmid Cameron WaggInstitute of Ecology and EvolutionFriedrich-Schiller-University JenaDornburger Strasse 15907743 JenaGermany Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental StudiesUniversity of ZurichWinterthurerstrasse 1908057 ZurichSwitzerland Department of Physiological DiversityUFZHelmholtz Centre for Environmental ResearchPermoserstrasse 1504318 LeipzigGermany German Centre of Integrative Biodiversity Research(iDiv)Halle-Jena-LeipzigDeutscher Platz 5e04103 LeipzigGermany Institute of BiologyLeipzig UniversityDeutscher Platz 5e04103 LeipzigGermany Department of GeographyUniversity of ZurichWinterthurerstrasse 1908057 ZurichSwitzerland Fredericton Research and Development CenterAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada850 Lincoln RoadFrederictonNew Brunswick E3B 1P9Canada 
Aims Intensive land management practices can compromise soil biodiversity,thus jeopardizing long-term soil *** mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)play a pivotal role in promoting soil productivity through obligate symbiotic associ...
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《Science China Materials》2023年 第3期66卷 1013-1023页
作者:高三双 王天玮 靳梦梦 张书胜 刘倩 胡广志 杨慧 罗俊 刘熙俊Institute for New Energy Materials and Low-Carbon TechnologiesTianjin Key Lab for Photoelectric Materials&DevicesSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringTianjin University of TechnologyTianjin 300384China MOE Key Laboratory of New Processing Technology for Non-Ferrous Metals and Materialsand Guangxi Key Laboratory of Processing for Non-Ferrous Metals and Featured MaterialsSchool of ResourceEnvironments and MaterialsGuangxi UniversityNanning 530004China College of ChemistryZhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450000China Institute for Advanced StudyChengdu UniversityChengdu 610106China Institute for Ecological Research and Pollution Control of Plateau Lakes School of Ecology and Environmental ScienceYunnan UniversityKunming 650504China Shenzhen Institute for Advanced StudyUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaShenzhen 518110China 
Adsorption of lead ions by a kind of MAL modified hydrogel beads
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》2022年 第8期32卷 2770-2786页
作者:Chun-li ZHENG Qiao-rui WANG Guo-qing GENG Zhen-xing WANG Heng ZHUODepartment of Environmental Science and EngineeringXi’an Jiaotong UniversityXi’an 710049China Key Laboratory of Subsurface Hydrology and Ecological Effect in Arid Region of Ministry of EducationChang’an UniversityXi’an 710049China Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringNational University of Singapore117576Singapore South China Institute of Environmental SciencesMinistry of Ecology and Environment(MEE)Guangzhou 510655China Jiangsu TST Professional Testing Co.Ltd.Suqian 223800China 
Hydrogel-Ⅰ was fabricated via sodium alginate in situ-embedding with MAL powders and then applied to decontaminating Pb(Ⅱ) from water. Conditions for preparing Hydrogel-Ⅰ and the adsorption of Pb(Ⅱ) over Hydrogel-...
A Geographic Information Systems approach for classifying and mapping forest management category in Baihe Forestry Bureau, Northeast China
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《Journal of Forestry Research》2006年 第3期17卷 211-215页
作者:WANG Shun-zhong SHAO Guo-fan GU Hui-yan WANG Qing-li DAI Li-minInstitute of Applied Ecology Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenyang 110016 P. R. China Forestry College Northeast Forestry University Harbin 150040 P. R. China Graduate school Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100101 P. R. China 
This paper demonstrates a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) procedure of classifying and mapping forest management category in Baihe Forestry Burea, Jilin Province, China. Within the study area, Baihe Forestry Bu...
Three-dimensional MXenes heterostructures and their applications
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《Science China Materials》2022年 第11期65卷 2895-2910页
作者:Jizhou Jiang Fangyi Li Jing Zou Song Liu Jiamei Wang Yilun Zou Kun Xiang Han Zhang Guoyin Zhu Yizhou Zhang Xianzhu Fu Jyh-Ping HsuSchool of Environmental Ecology and Biological EngineeringSchool of Chemistry and Environmental EngineeringKey Laboratory of Green Chemical Engineering Process of Ministry of EducationEngineering Research Center of Phosphorus Resources Development and Utilization of Ministry of EducationWuhan Institute of TechnologyWuhan 430205 Key Laboratory of Rare MineralMinistry of Natural ResourcesGeological Experimental Testing Center of Hubei ProvinceWuhan 430034 Institute of Chemical Biology and Nanomedicine(ICBN)State Key Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing and ChemometricsCollege of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringHunan UniversityChangsha 410082 College of Materials Science and EngineeringShenzhen Engineering Laboratory of Phosphorene and Optoelectronics and Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education and Guangdong ProvinceShenzhen UniversityShenzhen 518060 Institute of Advanced Materials and Flexible Electronics(IAMFE)School of Chemistry and Materials ScienceNanjing University of Information Science&TechnologyNanjing 210044 Department of Chemical Engineering“National”Taiwan UniversityTaipei 10617 
Due to their unique surface chemistry,highly adjustable metal components,hydrophilicity,and high carrier concentrations,MXenes are applied in a variety of *** to other two-dimensional(2D)materials,building heterostruc...
Effects of thinning on microsites and natural regeneration in a Larix olgensis plantation in mountainous regions of eastern Liaoning Province, China
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《Journal of Forestry Research》2005年 第3期16卷 193-199页
作者:LIU Zu-gen ZHU Jiao-jun HU Li-le WANG He-xin MAO Zhi-hong LI Xiu-fen ZHANG Li-junInstitute of Applied Ecology Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenyang 110010 P.R. China Graduate School Chinese Academy of sciences Beijing 100039 P. R. China Dalian University Dalian 116622 P. R. China Forestry Bureau of Qingyuan Manzu Autonomous County Liaoning Province 113300 P. R. China 
In order to understand the effects of thinning on microsite conditions and natural regeneration in the larch plantation, thinning experiment was conducted in a 40-year-old Larix olgensis plantation in Qingyuan County ...
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