
检索条件"机构=Laboratory for Nuclear Science"
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The waveguide system of the HLS 800 MeV Linac
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nuclear science and Techniques》2015年 第6期26卷 9-12页
作者:林宏翔 黄贵荣 徐宏亮 金凯 刘勇涛 李超 赵周宇National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory & School of Nuclear Science and TechnologyUniversity of Science and Technology of China 
To upgrade Hefei Light Source(HLS) Linac, eight accelerating units have been constructed to realize fullenergy injection of the storage ring. Each of the units consists of two 3-m accelerators driven by one *** input ...
Mode analysis and design of 0.3-THz Clinotron
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《Chinese Physics B》2016年 第10期25卷 501-508页
作者:李爽 王建国 王光强 曾鹏 王东阳Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education Xi'an Jiaotong University Laboratory on Science and Technology of High Power Microwave Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology 
To develop a high-power continuous-wave terahertz source, a Clinotron operating at 0.3 THz is investigated. Based on the analyses of field distribution and coupling impedance, the dispersion characteristic of a rectan...
Preliminary results for the design,fabrication,and performance of a backside-illuminated avalanche drift detector
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《Chinese Physics B》2013年 第10期22卷 619-625页
作者:乔赟 梁琨 陈文飞 韩德俊The Key Laboratory of Beam Technology and Materials Modification of the Ministry of EducationCollege of Nuclear Science and TechnologyBeijing Normal University 
The detection of low-level light is a key technology in various experimental scientific studies. As a photon detector, the silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) has gradually become an alternative to the photomultiplier tu...
Design and cold test of S-BAND cavity BPM for HLS
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science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》2011年 第S2期54卷 292-295页
作者:LUO Qing SUN BaoGen JIA QiKa HE DuoHui FANG JiaNational Synchrotron Radiation LaboratorySchool of Nuclear Science and TechnologyUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei 230029China 
An S-band cavity BPM is designed for a new injector in National Synchrotron Radiation laboratory. A re-entrant position cavity is tuned to the TM110 mode as position cavity. Cut-through waveguides are used as pickups ...
Improved design and construction of an ionization chamber for the CSNS beam loss monitor (BLM)
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《Chinese Physics C》2012年 第4期36卷 329-333页
作者:田建民 徐美杭 赵中亮 陈昌 阮向东 陈元柏 徐韬光 陆双桐State Key Laboratory of Technologies of Nuclear Detection and Electronics Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Physics Science and Engineering Technology Department Guangxi University Beijing Nuclear Instrument Factory China National Nuclear Corporation 
Based on the first ionization chamber (IC) prototype, the structure, working gas component and electrode material of the IC are improved. The test of the improved IC shows that the plateau length is about 2000 V, th...
Design and construction of three-dimensional graphene/conducting polymer for supercapacitors
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《Chinese Chemical Letters》2016年 第8期27卷 1437-1444,1471页
作者:Meng Wang Yu-Xi XuSchool of Nuclear Science and TechnologyUniversity of South China State Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of PolymersDepartment of Macromolecular ScienceFudan University 
Three-dimensional graphene/conducting polymer(3DGCP) composites have received significant attention in recent years due to their unique structures and promising applications in energy *** the structural diversity of...
A divertor plasma configuration design method for tokamaks
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《Chinese Physics B》2016年 第11期25卷 378-386页
作者:郭勇 肖炳甲 刘磊 杨飞 汪悦航 仇庆来Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Science School of Nuclear Science and Technology University of Science and Technology of China Department of Computer Science Anhui Medical University CAS Key Laboratory of Basic Plasma Physics and Department of Modern Physics University of Science and Technology of China 
The efficient and safe operation of large fusion devices strongly relies on the plasma configuration inside the vacuum *** is important to construct the proper plasma equilibrium with a desired plasma *** order to con...
Designing a high Si reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel for nuclear power generation by using Calphad method
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《Journal of Materials science & Technology》2019年 第3期35卷 266-274页
作者:Chao Liu Quanqiang Shi Wei Yan Chunguang Shen Ke Yang Yiyin Shan Mingchun ZhaoKey Laboratory of Nuclear Materials and Safety Assessment Institute of Metal Research Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Material Science and Engineering Central South University The State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation Northeastern University 
A high Si reduced activation ferritic/martensitic(RAFM) steel for nuclear structure application is successfully designed by using Calphad method. The main designed chemical composition is C 0.18–0.22%, Cr10.0–10.5%,...
Design and experimental study of thermal control system for AMS cryocoolers
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《Chinese science Bulletin》2013年 第5期58卷 1200-1204页
作者:WANG NaiHua JOSEPH Burger CHENG LinInstitute of Thermal ScienceShandong University Laboratory for Nuclear ScienceMassachusetts Institute of Technology 
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer(AMS) is an instrument for the international scientific experiment,composed of six detectors and 650 *** objective of AMS experiment is to search for dark matter and anti-matter in *** t...
Experiment and analysis on flow rate and temperature of liquid PbBi in PREKY
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nuclear science and Techniques》2016年 第2期27卷 92-96页
作者:Jian He Qun-Ying Huang Zhi-Qiang Zhu Hai Wang Hua ShangUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei 230027 China Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei 230031 China 
Flow rate and temperature are important parameters for design and operation of liquid lead–bismuth(Pb Bi) experimental loop. The PREKY facility was designed to study test technique of flow rate and local temperature ...
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