
检索条件"机构=Laboratory of Computational Physics"
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《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》2010年 第2期23卷 403-412页
作者:Zhengsu WAN Baolin ZHANG Guangnan CHENGDepartment of Mathematics Itunan Institute of Science and Technology Yueyang 414006 China Laboratory of Computational Physics Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics Beijing100088 China. 
It is presented in this paper that the new design and its analysis of finite difference domain decomposition algorithms for the two-dimensional heat equation, and the numerical results have shown the stability and acc...
Reduced aliasing artifacts using shaking projection k-space sampling trajectory
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《Chinese physics B》2014年 第3期23卷 656-662页
作者:朱艳春 杜江 杨文超 段侪杰 王浩宇 高嵩 包尚联Beijing Key Laboratory of Medical Physics and Engineering School of Physics Peking University Department of Radiology University of California Institute of Computational Physics and Complex Systems Lanzhou University Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Minimal Invasive Medical Technologies Tsinghua University Medical Imaging Physics Laboratory Health Science Center of Peking University 
Radial imaging techniques, such as projection-reconstruction (PR), are used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for dynamic imaging, angiography, and short-T2 imaging. They are less sensitive to flow and motion ar...
Optimization Design of Electromagnetic Nihility Nanoparticles
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《Chinese physics Letters》2016年 第9期33卷 68-72页
作者:解亚明 刘昌宇 丁泽军 王治国Department of PhysicsUniversity of Science and Technology of China Beijing Computational Science Research Center School of Physics Science and EngineeringTongji University Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at MicroscaleUniversity of Science and Technology of China 
Nihility material is a medium whose relative permittivity and permeability tend to zero simultaneously. In this work, comparing with the scattering properties of perfect nihility nanoparticles (made from nihility mat...
Design and optimization of a SiC thermal emitter/absorber composed of periodic microstructures based on a non-linear method
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《Chinese physics B》2015年 第9期24卷 276-283页
作者:王卫杰 赵振国 赵艺 周海京 符策基Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics Software Center for High Performance Numerical Simulation of CAEP Complicated Electromagnetic Environment Laboratory of CAEP LTCS and Department of Mechanics and Engineering ScienceCollege of EngineeringPeking University 
Spectral and directional control of thermal emission based on excitation of confined electromagnetic resonant modes paves a viable way for the design and construction of microscale thermal emitters/absorbers. In this ...
Design of a new dynamical core for global atmospheric models based on some efficient numerical methods
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《Science China Mathematics》2004年 第Z1期47卷 4-21页
作者:WANG Bin, WAN Hui, Jl Zhongzhen, ZHANG Xin, YU Rucong, YU Yongqiang & LIU HongtaoState Key laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China Department of computational Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, ChinaState Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China Department of Computational Mathematics Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences Peking University Beijing China 
A careful study on the integral properties of the primitive hydrostatic balance equations for baroclinic atmosphere is carried out, and a new scheme todesign the global adiabatic model of atmospheric dynamics ispresen...
Synergistic effect of atomic layer deposition-assisted cocatalyst and crystal facet engineering in SnS2 nanosheet for solar water oxidation
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《Science Bulletin》2022年 第15期67卷 1562-1571,M0004页
作者:Linxing Meng Cheng Cheng Run Long Weiwei Xu Shengnan Li Wei Tian Liang LiSchool of Physical Science and TechnologyJiangsu Key Laboratory of Thin FilmsCenter for Energy Conversion Materials&Physics(CECMP)Soochow UniversitySuzhou 215006China College of ChemistryKey Laboratory of Theoretical&Computational Photochemistry of Ministry of EducationBeijing Normal UniversityBeijing 100875China 
The severe bulk recombination and sluggish oxygen evolution reaction(OER)dynamics of photoanodes severely restrict the application of photoelectrochemical(PEC)*** solve these two problems,crystallographic facet orient...
Numerical Investigation of an Active Jet Control Method for Hypersonic Inlet Restart
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《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》2022年 第6期39卷 651-662页
作者:JIN Yichao YAO WeiInstitute of Applied Physics and Computational MathematicsBeijing 100094P.R.China Key Laboratory of High-Temperature Gas DynamicsInstitute of MechanicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100190P.R.China School of Engineering ScienceUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049P.R.China 
A flow control method based on an active jet is developed to restart hypersonic inlets. The dynamic restarting process is numerically reproduced by unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes(RANS) modeling to verify the...
Optical–digital joint design of refractive telescope using chromatic priors
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《Chinese Optics Letters》2019年 第5期17卷 68-71页
作者:Jingang Zhang Yunfeng Nie Qiang Fu Yifan PengKey Laboratory of Computational Optics Imaging TechnologyChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100094China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049Beijing Brussel PhotonicsDepartment of Applied Physics and PhotonicsVrije Universiteit Brussel1050 IxellesBelgium King Abdullah University of Science and TechnologyThuwal 23955-6900Saudi Arabia The University of British ColumbiaVancouver V6T 1Z4Canada 
The conventional optical system design employs combinations of different lenses to combat aberrations, which usually leads to considerable volume and weight. In this Letter, a tailored design scheme that exploits stat...
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