
20 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Design and implementation of an ultra-low power passive UHF RFID tag
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《Journal of Semiconductors》2012年 第11期33卷 115-120页
作者:沈劲鹏 王新安 刘珊 宗洪强 黄锦锋 杨欣 冯晓星 葛彬杰Key Laboratory of Integrated MicrosystemsPeking University Shenzhen Graduate School 
This paper presents a fully integrated passive UHF RFID tag chip complying with the ISO18000-6B *** tag chip includes an RF/analog front-end,a baseband processor,and a 512-bit EEPROM *** improve power conversion effic...
Design and implementation of a high sensitivity fully integrated passive UHF RFID tag
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《Journal of Semiconductors》2014年 第10期35卷 146-151页
作者:李守成 王新安 林科 沈劲鹏 张津海The Key Laboratory of Integrated Microsystems Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School 
A fully integrated passive UHF RFID tag complying with the ISO 18000-6B protocol is presented, which includes an analog front-end, a baseband processor, and an EEPROM memory. To extend the communication range, a high ...
A Wireless Video Capsule Endoscopy System: Design and Realization
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《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》2015年 第6期20卷 649-653页
作者:朱柄全 颜国正 刘刚 徐文铭Institute of Precise Engineering and Intelligent Microsystems Shanghai Jiaotong University 
Wireless capsule endoscopy(CE), an image inspection technique, has been an important advancement in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal(GI) tract diseases. A video capsule endoscopy(VCE) system is analyzed in this study...
Optimization Design and Experiment of the Radio Frequency Transmission Utilized in Video Capsule Endoscope
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《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》2016年 第1期21卷 1-6页
作者:刘刚 颜国正 朱柄全 徐文铭Institute of Precise Engineering and Intelligent MicrosystemsShanghai Jiaotong UniversityShanghai 200240China 
In view of fuzzy and unstable images received in video capsule endoscopy, and the poor communication effect, an improved radio frequency(RF) transmission circuit module with low power consumption and helix antenna is ...
Design and Fabrication of a Multi-motion Mode Soft Crawling Robot
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《Journal of Bionic Engineering》2020年 第5期17卷 932-943页
作者:Youxu Chen Bingbing Hu Jiakang Zou Wei Zhang Deshan Wang Guoqing JinRobotics and Microsystems CenterSoochow UniversitySuzhou 215006China School of Mechanical and Electric EngineeringSoochow UniversitySuzhou 215006China 
This article proposes a novel pneumatic soft actuator,which can perform bending in different directions under positive or negative air *** actuators are composed of multiple airbags,and the design of the airbags is an...
Superiority of zoom lens coupling in designing a novel X-ray image detector
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《Chinese Optics Letters》2008年 第7期6卷 502-504页
作者:喻春雨 常本康 魏殿修Key Laboratory of Integrated MicrosystemsShenzhen Graduate School of Peking UniversityShenzhen 518055 School of Optoelectronic and Electronic EngineeringNanjing University of Science and TechnologyNanjing 210094 
We design a novel X-ray image detector by lens coupling a Gd2O2S:Tb intensifying screen with a high performance low-light-level (L^3, which often means luminescence less than 10^-3 Lux) image intensifier. Different...
Design, optimization, and measurement of closed-loop Hall effect current sensor
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《Science China(Technological Sciences)》2014年 第9期57卷 1877-1882页
作者:CHENG XingGuo LI FuAn ZHANG ZongYang LIU ShengInstitute for Microsystems State Key Laboratory for Digital Manufacturing Equipment & Technology School of Mechanical Science and Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology College of Physics & Electronics Engineering Hubei University of Arts and Science School of Energy and Power Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology School of Power and Mechanical Engineering Wuhan University 
A kind of closed-loop Hall effect sensor is designed and fabricated by considering several factors such as iron core material, Hall device, as well as selected integrated circuit. Through studying the effect of the ir...
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《电子与电脑》2009年 第1期9卷 92-93页
作者:Ebrahim BushehriLime Microsystems 
RF MEMS因某些现实性的问题而停滞不前,而可编程硅晶方法,则为OEM及系统设计者带来了实质利益。Lime microsystems所开发出的单晶收发器便是满足相关需求的理想方案。
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《电子设计技术 EDN CHINA》2006年 第1期13卷 84-84,86,88-89页
作者:Dave Van EssCypress MicroSystems 公司 
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《电子产品世界》2016年 第10期23卷 27-29页
作者:lisa clark scott milneallegro microsystems 
本文介绍了ISO 26262的功能安全标准规定的与安全相关的汽车系统开发准则,以及这一准则对道路中行驶的车辆与安全相关的电子系统开发过程和设计中提出的要求,并就Allegro公司用于关键安全应用的角度传感器IC做了相应的介绍。
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